The Darkness Within: Part 1...

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Chapter 1:

16th of October, 2020.


It's late. Very late.

Sweat oozes from her skin as she strolls through the dark alleyway.

The trees nearby surround her like a duvet as she emerges from the under passing bridge below. Crumpled leaves fall from the branches of the trees, their trunks brown from the bark.

She deliberately steps on a twig, enjoying the sound it makes as it immediately snaps, the quiet noise suddenly sounding loud among the darkness.

She's weird. Unusual.

The strong wind blows her hair as she suddenly wishes she tied it up this morning.

She's been wishing she had done a lot of things differently lately.

Too late now, she realises.

The foggy air causes mist to fill up her eyes.

She suddenly feels blind, unable to see.

Panic sweeps through her skin as she begins to quicken her once slow pace.

A vast blanket of white hangs heavy over the hills. It suffocates every building and every tree at their base, swallowing every distant object and vanishing around every corner.

She has arrived at the churchyard.

Looking to the side, she stares at the large white house, it's structure standing proud among the graveyard.

She's always wondered who lives there.

Following her finger among each gravestone, she finally comes to a rest at the foot of the gravestone she's been searching for.

It's fresher, newer than the others.

She stands in silence, feeling as though she's not rewarding enough to even speak at his presence. The freezing fog wraps her body like a blanket.

She stands still, as tears begin to spill down her pale face, blocking her vision of everything completely. The salty taste of her own tears have become too familiar to her lately.

Memories slowly start to flow back into her mind.

His smile. His laugh.

She's surrounded by the past.

She's surrounded by the present.

She's surrounded by everything.

Everything bad.

She doesn't even drop a flower.

Next time, she reminds herself.

During the process of wiping her teary eyes, she's suddenly alarmed by the flicker of light from the white house, as if it's suddenly flickering to life.

She freezes, her face suddenly matching the colour of the building itself.

This is the first time she's seen any movement from this house in years.

Ever since she killed her husband. 

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