The Darkness Within: Part 34

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Chapter 34:

14th of November, 2020.


Birds chirp like silhouettes against the orange sky, flying in circles along the roof.

Some perch against the stone wall across the apartment, watching quietly as Fallon sleeps, through the large window.

Maybe they are counting...

Counting the seconds before-


The silver lock of Fallon's apartment door suddenly breaks off, as a group of police officers barge in.

3, 2, 1 -

"This is a police search for Fallon Johnston. I repeat, this is a police search for Fallon Johnston!" One of them calls out.

Fallon immediately rises from her bed.

Her room door is locked. It's just her.

Almost instantly, by instinct, she springs towards the window.

Her hands are shaking, as she struggles to unlock it and run.

"Come on, come on" She whispers to herself, occasionally glancing back.

What the fuck?

Her fingers are sweaty.

Adrenaline pumps through her system.

Suddenly, her bedroom door swings open, and two police officers storm through.

"Stop right there!"

"We've got her, she's in here!"


Her window flings open, as she tries to slip through. One foot after another.

One foot after another...

It's a long fall, but she'll risk it...

She's about to jump down.

But it's too late.

One officer begins to shoot truculently at her feet, causing her to scream in fear.

The second officer swings forward, taking hold of her feet, resulting in them both falling to the ground.

Fallon screeches in pain, as the third officer aggressively grabs her arms, and attempts to handcuff them.

"Hey! Hey! Let me go!" She screams. "I'm still recovering from a recent injury! Let me go!" She moves around uncomfortably, her body in excruciating pain as the officer twists her arm.

She's just had her cast removed, recently.

But, she's used to pain.

She feeds off it.

"I'm not even dressed yet!" She shouts.

They ignore her cries, as the group of police officers take her out of her room, down the stairs, shoving her into the nearest vehicle, and driving off into the wind.

She sits quietly in the back seat, although her mind is whirling with fear. Ideas.

She tilts her head to the side, staring at the handle of the back door.

She slowly slides towards the left hand door, attempting to slowly, ever so slowly, to use her shoulder to open it.

The door flies open, and she jumps out of the moving vehicle, rolling onto the ground. She stands up abruptly, running through the streets of New York.

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