The Darkness Within: Part 19

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Chapter 19:

Over drinks at April's house, Fallon explains how she suspected that the police would try to frame her for Katherine's death.

"I had a real feeling" She says, pouring herself a glass of martini. She takes a sip. "That's why I had to leave, but I couldn't tell you guys at the time. I had to protect myself"

"I thought you said you left because you had to clear your head" Divine chirps, taking a swing of her cocktail.

"That too, of course" Fallon nods, adding a squirt of lemon to her drink. Using a metal spoon, she swirls the liquid, before taking another sip.

"Why would you suspect something so serious, if you weren't even guilty?" Confusion paints Divine's face, as she grabs a lighter from the kitchen counter, retrieving a cigarette from her pocket. "Running away like that, it just made you seem even more guilty - you know?" She blows, releasing smoke from her mouth as she speaks.

"Because Damari knew her. They worked in the same place, I think he said" Fallon takes a large swing, gulping the substance down her throat.

She feels a sharp pain in her lungs.

She likes that feeling.

"The police woman even mentioned it during my interrogation. That's what they are using to lead the case. They assume I hurt her, because of Damari- which is crazy because I didn't even know they worked in the same place, until the police woman told me" Fallon lies.

April nods. "I understand why they would suspect you. Crazy wife, they must've thought"

Fallon chuckles. "Exactly" She takes a third swing. "But they've got no proof - no proof equals no case. End of story" She grins, leaning over to grab the bottle of vodka.

Divine reaches a hand, stopping her. "I think that's enough. You've had way too much already. We don't want to repeat what happened last time, do we?" She glares into Fallon's eyes.

"Who are you- my mother?" Fallon shoves her hand away, grabbing the bottle herself.

Divine rolls her eyes. "Suit yourself"

Fuck off, Fallon feels like spitting in her face, but she continues to keep her lips sealed, for now.

"Don't you think it's weird?" Divine then starts, folding her arms. "Don't you think it's weird that Oaklynn hasn't reached out to anyone, or posted any images of her amazing trip in Dubai yet?"

"Yeah, that's actually true. I haven't heard anything in ages. I hope she's okay" April grabs the lighter from Divine, lighting her own cigarette.

The toxic smell begins to creep into April's apartment, filling the air around them.

Fallon's nose wrinkles due to its harsh stench.

She stays silent, hoping the conversation topic will end soon.

Divine turns to her, observing her silence.

"Fallon" She smiles. "You're so quiet all of a sudden. You usually have a lot to say"

April glances between them, suddenly noticing the growing tension.

"You know what I think is a bit strange?" Divine continues. She takes a swing of her drink. "I think it's a bit odd the way Oaklyn was supposed to be staying at your house the night she suddenly decided that a trip to Dubai would be nice"

"Your point?" Fallon squints her eyes at Divine.

"I'm just saying, it's a bit of a coincidence. Don't you think?" She looks at April for agreement, who just shrugs and glances away.

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