The Darkness Within: Part 31

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Chapter 31:

"Please, take a seat. Our people will be with you shortly"

Slowly, April makes her way towards the grey chairs. She holds onto the railings of the police station, struggling to gain her balance. She feels sick.

Her stomach flips in circles.

Her brain whirls with agitating thoughts.

The walls are closing in.

She suddenly feels isolated.


Trapped in the unknown.

And there's no escape.

It's her.

She's the one who's been causing all this trauma, all this pain.



It's been her all along.

"Come with me. I'll lead you into the questioning room"

April rises from her seat.

It's time.

She takes a deep breath.

"I would like to hold a case against Fallon Johnston, and I am requesting for you guys to proceed in further investigating her"

The two policemen standing by her share a quick glance, before chuckling lightly.

"Why?" One fold his arms, smirking amusingly. "Why do you want us to reopen our case against Fallon Johnson?"

"Because-" April inhales sharply, casually ignoring their laughter. "I believe that she's dangerous, and could harm people- harm more people". Her heart begins to thump immensely from her chest, as the panic attacks return.

Suddenly, she can't breathe.

She grips the table.

The policeman closest to the door rushes to grab a glass of water. He places it on the desk. April drains the cup in seconds.

The police officer's eyes suddenly leak with concern. He takes a seat right next to April, asking for a piece of paper which a fellow staff member hands to him.

"What else do you have to say, about Fallon Johnston?"

"Well, can I start off by asking why all my friends are either dead, or missing?" She asks, water flowing freely from her eyes. "Divine Lane is now confirmed dead, and Fallon Johnston was the last person to speak to her before she died. Oaklyn Hearst is nowhere to be seen, who supposedly took a sudden trip to Dubai which was also told to us by Fallon Johnson"

"Do you want us to request a search party for Oaklyn Hearst?"

"Yes, please. As soon as possible" April wipes her tears with her sleeve. "I honestly pray to God that she's okay. I don't know what I would do if I found out she was dead, too"

"How long has it been, since she went missing?"

"It's been too long. About a month, give or take. We just assumed she was taking a break. Well, that's what she told us the night she travelled" April whips her phone from her back pocket, showing the police officer the messages. "See. This was the last message she sent to us, before she suddenly disappeared. Haven't heard anything in a long time" She weeps.

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