The Darkness Within: Part 24

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Chapter 24:

1st of November, 2015.

The corpse lies in the middle of the altar.

Divine, April and Oaklyn sit on the second row, eyes clouded in sympathy.

The other side of the room sits Damari's staff and co-workers, alongside his parents and close family members.

The atmosphere feels weak.


Light shines brightly through the heavily cracked stained glass windows, casting an eerie glow onto the altar.

12 o'clock.

The church bells ring out, sending a flock of pigeons perched on the window scattering in disarray, cooing and flapping violently away from the flashy building.

Everybody rises from their seats.

Each slow chime of the bell echoes through the cavernous inner hall, bouncing between each red velvet lined pew.

Even his funeral screams luxury.

The priest stands up from his perched position near the gold plated coffin, and makes his way to the stand.

"Good afternoon, all"

His voice is thick.


His black robe looks sharp, colour contrasting with the white dog collar looking neckband.

Around his waist ties a wide black tasselled sash and from his neck hangs a large gold cross.

"We have gathered today to mourn the loss of a very good man, taken from us way too soon, to be with the Lord"

Oaklyn feels a sharp nudge in her side, rustling her neatly ironed black lace dress.

"Ow, stop it" She hisses. "You're going to ruin my outfit" She begins to smooth it down with her fingers.

Divine rolls her eyes. "Where the fuck is Fallon? The service is starting" She whispers, her eyes scanning the area for any form of unusual physical movement.

Her eyes land on the other side of the large, oak room.

Damari's family.

His mother resembles her soon to the peak.

Her stale looking body.

The constant grunt expression.

Her skin is like silk over glass, as she radiates luxury.

Wealth. Class. Riches.

You can smell it just by staring into her distant, cold brown eyes.

Her emotions are easily displayed through her distraught face, her pain evident in the crease of her bushy brows down to her frown in her full lips.

Her eyes.

The window to her soul.

They are like a deep pool of restless gold, a never-ending ocean of hopeless grief.

Divine's eyes watch as Damari's mother begins to hiss, and make rude gestures. The crowd follows, as everyone's eyes begin to scan the immensely large room, searching for Fallon.

The wife. His partner.

The supposed love of his life.

"Look at what she's done! She's a fool- a clown!" His mother shakes her head in disbelief, slightly chuckling, although her cheeks are wet with tears. She waves her arms in the air. "Can you believe this? Can you actually believe this? This idiot can't even show up to her own husband's funeral. I don't know what my son ever saw in that monkey!"

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