The Darkness Within: Part 37

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Chapter 37:

20th of November, 2020.


She promised herself that this would be her last sad song, but the button for depression seems to be on repeat.

Rewind, then repeat.

Rewind, then repeat.

Rewind, then repeat.

Instead of, skip.

And press play.

It's like a broken record, playing over and over again.

Fallon's eyes become extremely weary from staring at the grim ceiling, her wrist manacles so tight they begin to cut the blood flow from her arms.

Her body, mind and soul feel empty. Lost.

Like a void that can no longer be filled.

She closes her eyes, as her mind slowly drifts away. . . .


September 4th, 2000


There's insane flashes of vivid light beaming from the bulbs above as the young teenager is being wheeled through the narrow corridor of East Field Hospital.

"Argh, help me! Please.."

The teenager screams wildly, as they lift her up and place her on an empty hospital bed. "Please! It hurts!"

Suddenly, she regurgitates her last meal on the tile flooring below.

A group of nurses huddle by her bed.

Two surgeons appear.

"No! No! They're going to kill me! Please, no!" The teenager bursts in tears, attempting to remove themselves from the bed.

They scream in a mixture of intense fear, and pain as the surgeon retrieves his tools, preparing for operation.

Two midwives stand by her side.

One takes hold of her palm. Ice cold.

"Listen, dear. You have to relax. You'll be okay"

The teen shakes their head, water pouring immensely from the socket of their eyes.

"They're going to kill me, and my baby"

They whisper, their body vibrating in fear.

The midwife squeezes her hand.

"No, they won't. Our surgeon knows exactly what he's doing. You're going to be fine. Okay?"

No answer.

"Where are your parents, dear? How did you get here?" The woman expresses a deep sense of concern.

"I was walking home from town, and I began to feel sudden pain-

"Coming from your stomach?"

The teenager nods.

"How many weeks are you, dear?"

"Thirty-six, no thirty seven, I think. I'm not sure" She shakes her head, as she continues to cry.

"Why were you walking home alone, in these conditions? You should always have someone with you, especially when you're becoming so close to labour"

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