The Darkness Within: Part 4

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Chapter 4:


After the discovery of Oaklyn's body, Fallon suddenly feels drowsy.

She pours the remaining gallon of bleach down the sink, and trashes the empty bottle in the nearest trash can.

She stares at her decapitated body one last time.

Retrieving a knife from her kitchen drawer, she begins to slice the remaining recognisable parts of Oaklyn's body into pieces.

She vomits three times in the process.

Lighting a fire, she chucks Oaklyn inside, piece by piece, as she watches in pain as her best friend bursts to flame.

She watches each orange flame as it devours the remaining of her skin, eating away at her organs.

She enjoys the cracking sound of the fire; anticipated by its bright glow, its blaze.


That's what Fallon feels.

She turns around, retrieving Oaklyn's phone from the pool of bleach.

It's wet. She instantly drops it in a bowl of rice, and waits for it to regain its power.

It's a trick she recently discovered online. It always works in the movies.

When alive, she unlocks it, already aware of Oaklyn's password.


Her birthday.

She enters Facebook, and slips into their girls group chat:

Hey guys. I've decided to take a break from Brooklynn. I'm travelling to Dubai.

I need to give Fallon her space, especially after the pain I have now caused her.

In fact, I need to get away from everything.

I'll be gone for a while.

Don't contact me, I'll be fine.

- Oaklyn x

And send.

Fallon grins, before slipping her phone into the fire, allowing it to be consumed by the intensity of the flames.


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