The Darkness Within: Part 33

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Chapter 33:

15th of June, 2015.


"I come bearing gifts!"

Divine's voice echoes for miles down the stretched corridor of Fallon and Damari's old home. Upon the walls are photographs hung of their wedding and honeymoon.

The single picture of Damari is detached from the wall, as it's image swings sideways.

Fallon takes notice of this, using her reflexes to grab it, before it falls, shoving it into one of the many cardboard boxes that fill the large room. "Make yourself at home!"

"I don't think that's possible, babe" Oaklyn laughs, as she almost trips over the wiring of a lamp. She takes hold of the object, placing it elsewhere.

April laughs, sitting comfortably on Fallon's couch. "It's true, hun. This place is a mess"

"Some workers are coming over shortly to dismantle that, April. So, can you-

"Oh, yeah!" She jumps up. "Sorry, babe"

She giggles to herself. Fallon rolls her eyes playfully, grinning.

"April already had a couple drinks before coming here. Isn't that right?" Divine chirps, as she places four bottles of beers on the kitchen counter.

"Wow, I didn't even notice how big this place was!" Oaklyn takes in the fresh, cream walls, and the unique backsplash of the kitchen.

Everything is much more noticeable, now.

"Yeah, for sure" Fallon's words come out in mumbles. She's got Sellotape in between her lips, as she fishes throw the cardboard boxes for a bottle opener, which she passes to Divine.

"I'm going to miss your pool" April's eyes stare into their backyard, captivated by the view, her eyes glued to their large hot tub, alongside the extension of their swimming pool. "Won't you?"

"Of course I will" Fallon suddenly frowns. She snatches a beer from the counter, flicking it open with the bottle opener. She takes a refreshing sip. "But what can I do?"

"Wait, so Damari's parents are really refusing to pay for you to start afresh?"

"I always knew they were crazy" Fallon grunts, as she attempts to lift another cardboard box, taking it to a more suitable place next to the front door. "But nobody believed me. But that's okay" She continues, as she unplugs their forty inch flat screen television. "Who would believe the black woman, anyway?" She sighs.

Oaklyn and April share a glance.

"So, you really can't afford this place, anymore?"

"We were so close to finishing off the mortgage for the home-" She uses her fingers to demonstrate how close. "This close. But-" She sighs. " Of course I'm not able to finish off the debt. So, his parents will. And as Damari hasn't left anything for me in his will, it's clear that his family has all the power. And they've asked me to leave, so-

"That's so messed up!" Divine shakes her head, gobsmacked by the words that have just been splashed in her face.

Fallon's eyes begin to tear up.

"No, no tears!" Oaklyn tells her. "You can use this opportunity as a new beginning. A fresh start" She approaches her, placing an arm on her shoulder. "You clearly weren't happy with this man, and now he's gone. It's sad- I know. But you have to use this as a chance for you to build a better life for yourself. You understand?"

Fallon nods. That was the whole point of killing him. See, Oaklyn understands.

"Here, have another drink" She hands her a second bottle.

"Hey, that was mine" April grunts.

"You've clearly had enough babe. Fallon needs this more than you" Oaklyn laughs, urging her to take the drink.

Fallon shakes her head. "I can't drink too much. I've got an interview tomorrow"

"See, that's what I like to hear" Oaklyn grins from ear to ear. "What for?"

"As a part time photographer. I heard that they needed one at Down Bridge Studios in town, so I applied" She continues to stack up boxes, removing the remaining of the cutlery from the kitchen drawers, and shoving them in.

"That's great, babe. Good luck!" Divine raises her bottle. "Let's cheers!"

"What should we cheer to?" Oaklyn asks.

"To new beginnings!" Fallon grins.

"To new beginnings!" They all chant, and clink glasses.

To new beginnings....

Divine pulls the four of them into a hug.

"And for sticking together, forever. No matter what!"

Fallon clicks her glass, but doesn't say a word.

16th of June, 2015.


Fallon trudges through the broad streets of New York, portfolio in one hand, cup of espresso gripped to the other.

She walks with her shoulders back, yet eyes frequently questioning her own appearance.

Is the suit too much?

Is it not enough?

It's as if she feels superior yet insecure at the same time.

Perhaps that's just the emotional optimum in our shallow society.

She pushes open the heavy door to The Down Bridge Photography Studio, and slips through, leaving her sweat on the door handle.

She smiles gently at the woman by the reception.

"Ah, you must be Fallon Johnston? We've been expecting you. Our manager took a look at your portfolio and your artwork. It's exceptional" The woman leads the way down a narrow corridor. "He was so impressed. So was I, I may add"

"Thank you very much. This means so much to me. I need this so bad" Fallon's eyes beg for the woman to understand.

To understand her needs.

To understand her inner pain.

But, she just nods, and smiles politely, like she's supposed to do.

"First door to your left. He's really looking forward to meeting you" Her hands direct Fallon to a small office. "He'll be waiting in there"

She takes a deep breath-

New beginnings.

And steps in. 

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