The Darkness Within: Part 3

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Chapter 3:

Six hours earlier.


"Cheers!" Their glasses click, slight doses of champagne spilling onto the hazel bar stools.

"You got some on my dress, you idiot!"

Fallon rolls her eyes, rubbing harshly at the brown splodge on her rose dress with her wrist.

The bar feels eerie, as usual.

"Simple mistake, sorry!" Divine slightly chuckles, taking the smallest sips of her espresso martini, almost as if she's trying to cherish the taste.

Fallon assumes she most likely was.

It's the type of thing she would do.

"Wow, your drink matches your skin" Oaklyn notices, staring deeply at the dark espresso, which blends immensely with the milky brown complexion of Divine's body. "I love it"

"You're drunk" April rolls her eyes. "How many drinks have you had tonight?" She laughs, swirling her untouched Bellini Prosecco in her glass using the tip of her fingers.

"I'm not. I'm perfectly fine" Oaklyn quips, although her eyes are weary, as they wander hastily around the room. "Yes, I'm alright"

"Are you sure?" Fallon holds her arm.

"Don't touch me!" Oaklyn snaps, as Fallon instantly withdraws her hand, slightly alarmed. Weird.

Oaklyn takes hold of her wine glass, taking another swing of her cocktail. "I don't deserve your love, or your friendship. Not after what I have done" Her sleepy eyes take hold of Fallon's, portraying a hint of guilt through her weary gaze.

Fallon's quick to notice these things.

She believes that every movement, every inch of the human body has a meaning to it.

Every inch.

"I was seeing Damari" Oaklyn blurts.

Fallon's body begins to quiver eminently, as she struggles to contain her disbelief, anger boiling vastly through her skin.

"Come on, Oaklynn. You've had too much to drink. You don't mean half the things you're saying" Divine takes hold of Oaklynn's shoulder, but she shoves her palm away.

"It's true!" She cries. "It's true. Don't you remember that summer? I think it was five years ago - no it might be six. Yes, I remember now. Summer of twenty-fourteen. Two thousand and fourteen, I mean. A year before he-

"Yes, yes I remember that year" Fallon cuts in sharply, his memory alone causing agony to rip through her skin, burning her insides out.

"Okay, let's just leave it here, shall we?" April raises her glass in the air. "Let's cheers to a good night, and start to head home"

"Amen to that!" Divine clinks her glass.

Fallon gulps the remaining of her Vodka Martini down her throat, and begins to raise from her bar stool. Her hands are shaking immensely with anger, so she shoves them in her pocket.

Oaklyn struggles to stand, instantly gripping the corner of the bar island to help her stand upright. Divine rushes over, clenching her hips to help her walk straight.

"Fallon, I'm sorry" She attempts to apologise, although her words come out in a slur.

"I've already forgotten about it" Fallon smiles, although there's a hint of rage in her eyes.

Fallon's smart.

She already suspected that her husband was seeing someone.

Although, she never believed it could be Oaklyn.

Life is always full of surprises.

"Are you sure you two will be alright sharing a cab together? Divine and I will catch the next one. There's not enough space in this one"

Fallon grins. "We'll be alright"

"Give me a call so I know you both arrive at Fallon's safely, yeh?" April smiles, blowing them kisses before closing the taxi door shut.

Unaware that she's leaving Oaklyn alone to take a ride with the devil.

With an evil darkness.

Fallon unlocks the door to her apartment, helping Oaklyn walk into the hallway.

She pulls up a seat, telling her to sit down.

"Fallon, I know I messed up. I'm so sorry"

Oaklyn begins to cry. "I know what I did was wrong. I can't tell you how bad I've been feeling for years. All those lies and secrets. It's been bottled up for so long. I just had to tell you"

"Honestly babes, it's fine. I'm over it"

Although, Fallon faces the opposite direction as she speaks, her eyes glowing in wrath.

Opening a kitchen cupboard, she brings out a bottle of bleach, and a clean glass.

"That was many years ago. There's no point letting it bother me now. You get me?" She asks Oaklynn, as she casually twists open the cap, and pours the colourless liquid in the glass.

"Yes, exactly. That was ages ago. Although, I do feel bad. And that pain will stay with me forever"

Oaklynn wipes her tears with the palm of her hand. "I haven't had the courage to tell you this for so long, because I was so scared of how you'd react" She shoves a chunk of blonde hair behind her ear. "I always knew you weren't good with secrets. And lies"

"I don't think anyone is, to be honest"

Fallon turns around, and begins to chug pools of bleach on Oaklyn's body. She screams, standing up.

"Fallon, what the fuck are you doing?"

"What do you mean?" Fallon's face glows with innocence. "Take a seat, I don't think you're feeling too well. You're drunk. Do you want some water?" She holds Oaklyn's shoulder, pressuring her to sit back down. She does so. "I-I don't understand- why am I wet? What are you doing-

"Here" She grabs the glass of bleach sitting on the counter. "This will make you feel better"

Oaklyn sniffs it, instantly startled by it's pungent odour. "What is it?" She's confused.

"Water, of course. What do you think it is, bleach or something?" Fallon slightly chuckles. "Do you not trust me, your best friend?"

Truth. It's important.

"No, of course not. Of course I trust you. I'm tipsy, that's all. My head doesn't feel right. I feel like I'm seeing things" Oaklyn touches her forehead, her brain suddenly feeling heavy.

"Exactly, that's why you need to drink. Here, take this. It'll help" She shoves the glass in her hand, urging her to take a sip.

She drains the whole cup, convinced it's water.

Fallon watches in pleasure as the bleach begins to eat it's way through her oesophagus, thereby beginning to spill stomach contents into her chest, and cause abdominal cavity.

She screams in pain before falling to the ground.

She's dead in seconds.

Grinning, Fallon grabs her coat hanging on the door, wears it, and flees from the scene.

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