' 𝟷: Chiyo! '

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Pre-Time Skip
"Haha!" You heard Baji laugh, jumping off the swing and landing in the sand. "You see that?! I bet you can't do it!"

"I can so! I just don't want to break a bone." You say as you rolled your eyes, watching the raven haired boy brush the rest of the sand off his knees. You and Baji were messing around in a local park near your neighborhood, swinging on the swing-set like there's no tomorrow. You're almost surprised you haven't swung into another dimension by now.

"What does it matter whether or not I can do it anyways?" You ask, slowing the swing before hopping off the plastic seat.

"Because I'm cooler than you!" He said, spotting an ice cream truck across the street, some blocks down. Being impatient, Baji ran off, yelling that he'd be back in a minute as he struggled to pull whatever money his mother gave him before he left the house. You hummed to yourself, going back to sit on your swing.

Baji Keisuke, or as you prefer to call him, Kei, is your best friend. He's dangerous, reckless, and to some, even savage, yet when he's around you and your other friends, he's the biggest teddy bear.

His loyalty as strong as steel, along with his punch. He defended you whenever he could, not caring whether or not you could fight. He liked you depending on him.

Not only that, but it was both your parents encouragement that he defended you in such a way.

He usually always talked about how he wanted to form a gang with your other friends. It always made you laugh, his imagination was definitely the vivid type.

"Well, well. If it isn't Y/N." You heard an all too familiar voice behind you, a pair of hands pushing you off the swing. Thankfully, you caught yourself.

Turning to meet the boring brown eyes of your neighborhood bully, Chiyo Hanako, your mouth formed an upset frown. "Leave me alone, Chiyo!" You sighed, getting up and walking toward where Baji was. "I dunno why you keep coming near me!"

Silence filled your ears before feeling a hand on your shoulder, "Shut up! I do it because I feel like it!" In a matter of seconds, the side of your cheek was met by a fist, sending you to the ground, along with the little boy who just threw himself at you. Mind disoriented, you scream, Baji's name flowing from your mouth almost instantaneously.

Your vision was blurry from crying due to the assault, however, you weren't any less sure that Baji was there based off the shrill sounds of yelling, harsh running, dragging and kicking.

You wiped your tears and looked up to see Baji fighting with Chiyo, who was far beyond beat up under Baji's weight. Finally releasing the boy from his hold, Baji kicked at him once again before watching the smaller boy run off, followed by unheard mumbles and curses from Baji.

Baji then focused his attention to do, who was having trouble wiping the excess sand off your face due to the tears making it stick.

Hands gently cupping your face, Baji hushed you while his thumbs wiped away both the sand and tears from your face, while also turning you to make sure there wasn't anymore in your hair or on your clothes.

A smile grew on his face after examining you, determining you were alright despite the throbbing pain your cheek felt. "You're fine!" Moving to the broken down wood planks, he grabbed the ice cream that was instead, conveniently placed in a cup instead of a cone this time. He handed you your ice cream. "I got your favorite!" He claimed proudly, watching a semi-hurt smile cross your lips before a memory struck him. "By the way, Chifuyu would probably be joining us soon."

And just as he said that, Chifuyu came walking. "Baji-San!" He began running. "Yo, Chifuyu!" Baji responded happily.

You smiled as the two greeted each other, Baji throwing his arm around Chifuyu's shoulder, the both of them grinning widely.

"You two are complete idiots." You chuckled, walking towards them. You gave them both a hug, forgetting all about the previous assault.

"Aye!" You all heard a voice from across the street. "You! Little girl! Weren't you the one who stole from my shop last Sunday?!"

You all looked at each other, mischievous grins crossing all your faces. "Scatter!" You yelled, fleeing the scene with Baji and Chifuyu as the man came running behind you all.

Once you lost the man, you all stopped in the middle of — nowhere? Not any neighborhood you knew.

"Uh.. Chifuyu.. where are we?" You asked, looking around. He looked around, "I know this place! Baji-San and I used to go here sometimes!" You watched as Baji looked around and nodded. "C'mon, there should be some kind of park somewhere around here."

 20 Minutes Later

"Aww~" you coo'd, finding a litter of kittens following the three of you. You could only assume they were from one of the previous alleyways you'd traveled through. "Kei, 'Fuyu!, look!" You said excitedly. They turned around, their eyes lighting up at the sight.

"They all look so pretty," Chifuyu said in awe, picking one up. It had a dirty blonde look, eyes pitch black. They were so pretty. Though, the other two were black. One had heterochromia. A violet and black eye. The other, however, had piercing blue eyes. One seemed darker than the other though. The rest of the litter had green or blue eyes.

"I want this one!" Chifuyu cheered, picking up a black cat with brown eyes. You smiled, picking up the black cat with the violet and black eye, "I want the other!"

Meanwhile, Baji was looking at all of them and making sure they seemed healthy. "Y/N, lemme look at yours." He said, holding his hands out in a cup for the small kitten. You placed it in his hands, watching as he examined the small kitten. He smiled, satisfied as he petted the cat's head. "It seems fine! Nothing external. By the way, it's a girl."

"Then why are you calling her an 'it'?" You asked confused, taking the small kitten back into your hands.

"I call everything an 'it'. I called Chifuyu and 'it' once." Baji confessed, almost unaware of why that would've been insulting.

You looked at Chifuyu who was nodding, embarrassed. "I still hold you accountable for that."

"Oh well. Lemme see yours before I forget!" Baji demanded, closing the distance between Chifuyu and himself to retrieve the kitten.

"Well, what'll you name them?" Baji asked, holding the last two kittens for himself.

"Mines is gonna be Peke J.!" Chifuyu said proudly.
You laughed, "I dunno. I'll probably call her.. hm.. maybe Little Bit?" You suggested, your tiny brain currently incapable of coming up with what you wanted to be an 'original' name.

"Little Bit?" Baji asked, confused. You nodded, "She's so small. It kinda fits her."
Chifuyu laughed, "Can I call her half pint?"
You looked at him confused while Baji grinned, "Half pint!"
"Why 'half pint'?" You question.
Chifuyu pointed at her eyes. "Her eyes! Half violet, half black!"

Baji smiled, "Little Bit is cute, don't get me wrong. But half pint is too." He groaned, "Ughh, I can't pick!"

"I think I like Half Pint more." You say, finger on your chin as you thought about the name, comparing it to the kitten laying still in your hand.

Baji looked at you and smiled, "Great idea!"

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now