' 𝟹𝟾: Clubbing? '

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"Why's that one always smiling?" Mana questioned blatantly.
I looked at where she was pointing and sighed. "Mana, that's Smiley." I remind her, knowing Mitsuya didn't introduce her and her sister to Smiley and Angry as much as he might've for everyone else.
"Well, no shit." she said, rolling her eyes.
"No, I mean it's his nickname." I correct.
"Oh, why didn't you just say that." she said silently.

Looking up, I watch as Luna puts a headband with kitten ears over his head. Taking it gently, I poke her forehead. "Leave Tora alone. They hurt his temples." I say as I fix his layered hair.

Though, the headbands were taken by someone behind me. I turn to see Mikey grinning, "These are mine now, thanks."
Luna looks at Mikey, stars evidently developing in her eyes. "Come with me." She says, grabbing his wrist to guide him to another room.

"He's going to have quite a train ride." I hear Mitsuya's voice behind me, a chuckle escaping as she watches Luna drag Mikey up the stairs.
"Suya, why're your sisters so persistent on being answered?" I questioned him.
He smiled softly, "Any question they've ever asked had an answer. Why?"
"They're nosy little shits now.." I mumble, still semi-upset about the conversation with them earlier.

Kazutora sighed. "Your sisters grew so much last time I saw them, especially Mana."
I smiled, "They couldn't have stayed little forever."
The boy frowns. "I know, but I wanted them to. They were so sweet.." he says, "It's almost nostalgic, watching them grow up."
Chifuyu begins to laugh. "God forbid you have a kid. You'll cry with every birthday, and every achievement they have."

"How longs she thinking about being in the military for?" Chifuyu asks, curious about Mana's intentions.
"She intends to be in for 4 years. Just two and a half years left." Mitsuya explained, "After that she'd probably move in with Luna and help her out."
"You're sure she wouldn't die?" Kazutora asked hesitantly.
"Definitely not. She's not the type to stop pushing, she'll be fine." Mitsuya replied confidently.

Watching as Mikey slowly comes down the stairs with Luna, I admire the bunch of stickers and hair clips pieced on him. I burst out laughing at the sight.

Kazutora saw and began giggling a bit, and Mitsuya began chuckling and shaking his head. "Poor Mikey.." Kazutora giggled.

"I'm sure he likes the attention." Mitsuya insisted.
"He probably does, he never minded it due to Emma." Baji laughed.

Walking to the fridge, Smiley grabs his drink before turning and is met with a curious Mana.
"Why's my sister following you?" Mitsuya asked, if not more confused than Smiley.
Smiley looks from Mana, to Mitsuya, and back to Mana. "I have no real idea.." he said lowly.

"How can you see with your eyes closed?" Mana asks, testing his sight by reaching for his hair.
Smiley takes her wrist, lowering it to her side, "Let's not talk about that.."
She rolled her eyes, "You're probably running on instinct."
"Maybe, maybe not." Smiley replies, keeping the mystery a secret.

"Anyways, I found a club that was going to be open for a while due to their anniversary," Mana said, a smirk growing across her face.
"Just because you're here for a month doesn't mean you can be reckless." Mitsuya sighed.
Mana rolled her eyes, "You're so boring~, you agree, right y/n?"
"I suppose going to a club wouldn't be so bad.. not that I'm much of a party goer." I say, letting the thought run through my head. "I say we let her.. been a while since we all went anyways."
"Why do I always get the short end of the stick?" Mitsuya questioned.
"You don't, you're just a tad protective, and it's understandable, however, didn't you do the same thing at 20?" I question, approaching to poke his forehead. "Or worse?"
Mitsuya rolls his eyes, "I've no idea what you're talking about." He claims.
I smile. "Mhm, sure."

"Didn't you almost get a girl pregnant?" Luna asked, popping up from behind the couch Smiley was sitting on.
"Jesus Christ;" Smiley jumped, hand forming a fish as he lightly tapped it against his knee. "Your sisters, Mitsuya. Your sisters."
Mitsuya stares at Luna, almost offended. "First of all," he began. "That wasn't me. That was Smiley and Mikey. Second of all, I recommend you quit scaring him before he elbows you in your jaw."
Luna's eyes widen. "What?"

I grin, pointing at Smiley. "You're a man whore."
The pink haired boy cocks his head at me. "Weren't you screaming a week ago?"
My jaw drops at his question. "..I've no idea what you're speaking on."


Eventually, we convince Mitsuya to come to the club with us, only, we'll have to go tomorrow night because he has a project to finish for a client.

"Whaddya gotta do t'night anyways?" Mana questioned her older brother, continuously poking his shoulder.
"I told you it was supposed to be a gender party outfit." he said, looking at his sister who was still poking him.
"You mean a gender reveal party?" She asked.
"It's the same thing; why do you have to be so technical?" He questioned his sister.
"Why do you have to be so technical about cloths?"
"They're fabrics not cloths." He said, sighing.
"Same thing, different font." Mana waved the conversation aside.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now