' 𝟸𝟶: New Found Friendship '

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Your mothers soon introduced themselves, and as Smiley thought, the three got along perfectly. You'd call it bonding over trauma, but it's a little more than that. An emotional bond, something your mother hasn't had in a long while.

"'Hoya, you're moms pretty!" You said with a wide grin.
"You've said that five times already," he sighed.
You shrugged, "But she is!"

Angry grabbed Smiley's arm, pulling him toward the cupboard. "Hey, what'd I do?-" Smiley asked surprised.

You broke out laughing when Angry pointed to something that looked like a remote that was on top of the cupboard.

"You put it there didn't you?" He pouted.
Smiley chuckled, "Yeah, thought it'd be funny."
"Get it down." Angry said in an orderly voice.
Smiley tilted his head, "And if I don't?"

He watched Angry walk off and grab Smiley's phone. "Hey! Put it down!" He complained, watching as Angry went to the sink and turned on the water. "Get mine, and I'll give you yours." He spoke.

Smiley sighed, grabbing a chair and reached for Angry's phone. Once he got it, he set it on the table and got down.

"Here," Smiley gave him his phone while Angry gave him his, and walked off. "So he can be vocal," you said in awe, taking a mental note of the situation.

You looked over at Baji who'd fallen asleep, his head against the wall. "Of course he fell asleep." You pouted.

Tenshi's POV

I was talking with Mizuki and Itazura, until Itazura had brought up the topic of the twins' father. "So! Where's their father?" She asked, looking around frequently.

Mizuki shrugged, "Walked out the day I was giving birth,"

I watched Itazura get a hurt look in her eyes, "Damn," was all she could say.
"What about you two?" Mizuki asked.
"Hers walked out when he found out I was pregnant with her," I spoke softly, "Surprisingly she didn't care much, claiming it was his loss."

"Keisuke's didn't bother once he was about 3 months and left, claiming baby's were too much work." Itazura explained, rolling her eyes.

"So I suppose we're all single mothers," Mizuki laughed softly. "Hey, no need to be sad. You couldn't help the fact that he couldn't see how much of a blessing children are." Itazura assured her, "As much of trouble makers they can be, they can truly be a big help,"

Mizuki nodded, looking into the room they were in, "Nahoya didn't care much at all, reassuring me it was his fault for not being able to see how great I was. However, it hit Souya pretty badly and he began crying." She sighed, "After a couple weeks I noticed being a single mother wasn't all that hard."

"Keisuke kept swearing he'd kill his father for leaving me.. I had to get him out of that habit," Itazura sighed, "I couldn't help but laugh at it though. He swore he'd do anything to help me at the age of 10."

"They look like they'd be trouble makers together," Mizuki laughed. "Trust me, Keisuke and Y/N are bad enough alone. Together it's total chaos." I sighed.

"They always were found together. Ever since I told him to do me a favor and keep her out of trouble, they were never found without one another," Itazura explained.

"Funny how she never was found in fights. Only he was," I spoke, wondering about why. "Probably because he wouldn't let her, or stopped her from getting in any. You know he wouldn't let her get in trouble."

"Yeah, but it's strange. There wasn't a day where he didn't have to tell me something she almost did."

"It seems to me he sees himself as her protector," Mizuki suggested, her chin laying on her palms, "Nahoya does the same thing with Souya after noticing he wasn't somebody who wanted to be kept up in drama."

I shrugged, "There's a chance. But even then, half the time she doesn't need it,"

"Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't. Whatever the case may be, he may just be wanting to protect her. Is she easily provoked?" She asked, sitting back in her seat. I shook my head, looking to Itazura who shook hers as well.

"She's never been provoked easily at all. Looking at it now she hides her emotions pretty easily, that is until Keisuke or I would ask about it." I say as I shake my head.

"Huh. Then she's a bit of everything?" I nodded. "There's a possibility she's just level headed, or prefers to keep her ego up and decide her opponent isn't worth her time. That, and of course he stops her."

Just then I heard Y/N call out to me, "Mama, isn't it true if you eat two cherry pits you'll die of cyanide poisoning??"

I looked at her confused, "Yes?"

She looked back into the room, "I told you! There's no reason I need to be explaining this to you when the health teacher is the literal reason I know this!"

"Bro there's no way that's true," another voice chuckled. "Then google it! I dunno what else to tell you!"

I laughed, face palming. I heard Mizuki let out a small giggle as well, "I can tell she's had her share of Nahoya."

I let out a small snicker, "You don't know the half of it."

It was a while til we heard a little giggling or laughing period, and knowing you and Baji's mothers, they would've most likely made some kind of noise. But it's been awfully quiet.

That being said, you went to go check on them. "Mama-" you said, slowly drifting off as you noticed the three of them were sleeping on the couch together.

Baji's mother was laying on the couch, your mother on top of her and the twins' mother on the other side, cuddled up herself, and a blanket covering all of them.

You smiled to yourself at the sight. Your mother did this with Itazura all the time, sure. But never have you seen her so comfortable with somebody that she just met earlier in the day, which made you happier than you could ever explain.

You're mother always talked to you about how she didn't think she would want to get out and make friends again because of what happened with your dad. Even before you were born, emotional and mental abuse continued.

Your mother and her friend have been through hell together, more so than you'll ever know in a lifetime.

However, there's always something that keeps her pushing, and you love that about her.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now