' 𝟺𝟶: That Doesn't Matter '

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"Woah, you know how to drive a stick shift?" Mana asked, watching as I put the car in gear.
"I see why Keisuke kept you." Luna joked.
I hit her leg, tired of both of their dirty jokes. "Shut up dumbass!"
Mana giggled, "I mean.. Is it true?"
"Both of you leave it alone please.." I sigh, turning the car left, stopping at an upcoming red light.
"Make sure none of you end up at some random house, please." I say, not finding another way to stress to these girls to be fucking safe.
Luna only giggled. "We stole your birth control pills."
"Luna Mitsuya." I sighed, not sure what else I expected from her. When her sister comes around, they take the opportunity to wreak havoc.
"Yes?" She giggled.
I looked at her, "Sit back and shut up, please."
She grins. "Fine."

We take a few more turns before arriving outside the club, and I assume the boys haven't arrived yet considering I don't see a familiar car around.

"Can we get drinks?" Mana asked, walking on my left as we entered.
"We just got here Mana." Luna sighed.
"I don't care, I'm thirsty." Mana pouted.
"It'll only make your mouth dry, but be my guest." I say with a shrug, before being pulled along with her toward the bar. "Come with me, I'm not good at socializing."
"Well, Mana, I'm barely any better.." I mumble, knowing she probably wouldn't listen.

We both made it to the bar, and as soon as the bar tender asked what we wanted, she looked over at me, as if expecting something. "What're you lookin' at me for?"
"I've never been here." she said blatantly.
I sigh, the unexpected spotlight being put on me. "Uh.. two margaritas please."
She grinned. "Yay!"
I looked at her, "You're really happy for somebody who didn't know how to order."

"I told you I've never been here." She shrugged, looking out in the crowd. Before I could reply, she taps my shoulders. I thank the bar tender for our drinks before I turn to see what she wanted.  "Hey, isn't that the guy you dated back in, what, high school?"

I followed her eyesight, noticing him in the crowd. "Oh. Yeah, sadly." I took a sip from the glass in my hand. "Ashamed to say I did, honestly. Complete asshole."

She looked at the drink that sat on the bar, taking it and taking a small sip. "Fruity." she grinned, surprise lacing her eyes.
"Because it has fruit in it." you remind, and begin to contemplate whether or not she was ever able to have this opportunity before. I watched as she drank more of it, smiling as she coughed a bit.
"It's strong, y'know." I say, knowingly a bit too late.

"Coulda told me that before I almost died!" She whined.
I rolled my eyes, "You didn't almost die. It's your fault for trying to down it."

"Why, hello.."
I watch as a man came up behind Mana, laying his hand on her shoulder.
"Can I help you?" She asks, quite defensively.
"Where did somethin' as pretty as you come from?" He asks.
Mana rolls her eyes. "..The army."
A frown paints his face. "You army girls are always so sassy, y'know that?" He says, "Got any plans to prove me wrong?" He then asks, eyes darting between Mana's mouth and his crotch.

"I'd like if you'd be smart enough to leave us alone." I step in, bringing his attention over to me instead.
He looks over at me and grins, ignoring my request. "..How about you, pretty? What's your name?"
"Who I am doesn't concern you." I said simply, raising my glass to my lips again.
"A tough one aren't you? I like women like that." He says, voice dropping to a preying decibel.
I roll my eyes, grabbing Mana's arm. "Come, let's go."

"Hey! At least let me know your name?" He called.
I flipped him off, "Nobody's interested in giving head to somebody who has to beg for it!"

We hear him relay a string of curses toward us, but we ignore it as we make our way to another part of the club, finding Luna making decent acquaintances with someone - who, when I get a better look at him, is the guy Mana pointed out earlier.

"Hey, Luna. What're ya doin'?" Mana asked, pulling her back.
"Hey! What was that for?" Luna whined, frowning at her sister.
Meanwhile, my eyes had better things to focus on than their short-lived debacle.

"Hey Y/N.." The guy smiles at me, almost seeming unsure of what else to say.
"Hi," I state bluntly, "I'll be taking her, thanks." I smile sarcastically, grabbing Luna's arm while Mana places herself on my other side as we begin to walk away.

"Hold on, let me talk to you for a minute." He says, grabbing my arm, "Are you still single?"
"No, thankfully. Now fuck off." I respond quickly, taking no interest in having a conversation with him.
He made a hushing noise, "Still have that feisty attitude. Feel bad for your boyfriend."
"That's sweet, considering you just asked if I was single."
He grabbed my hand, "C'mon. I've been tryin' my hardest to get in touch with you. I miss you, missed us."
I sigh, almost bored. "There was never an us." Looking at Luna and Mana I speak, "Let's go you two."

"What, are they your daughters?" He laughs mockingly, grabbing Luna out of my hold. "Girly can stay, I was just getting to know her." He wraps an arm around Luna's shoulder, causing her to cringe. "Isn't that right?"

I pushed him, grabbing Luna and placing her at my side again. "Don't you put your fucking hands on either of them." I say through gritted teeth, though I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder.
"Woah there, what's going on here?" Smiley grinned from behind you, tone low and menacing.
Mikey and Mitsuya walk up soon after behind him. I roll my eyes. "Nothin', we were just leaving."

"Huh. So which one's your boyfriend?" He questioned, still holding us up. Particularly me.
"Doesn't matter, not your business." I say lowly.

"Why should it?" I heard Baji's voice approach. I turn to him, sighing. "Can we please just go to a different area of the club, I-" I'm cut off by Luna's yelp.

I turned to see him holding her arm, squeezing harshly. I close the distance, slapping him, and hoping my rings make a mark against his face. "Didn't I tell you not to lay a hand on them?!"

While arguing with the guy who had the audacity of an 18-wheeler, I heard light commotion between the boys from behind me.

Baji leaning up from Smiley's side, after whispering something in his ear. Smiley hums, "Ah, I remember now."

Taking the sisters to a lounge area in the club, I sigh, hoping the situation doesn't escalate. Especially with what Smiley said, I wouldn't be surprised if the police were outside some time from now.

My attention is taken off of the previous situation and to Luna crying, Mana trying her hardest to hush her better, but to no avail.
I take her into my arms, hugging her. "Shh, what's wrong?"
She looked at me, tears lining her water line. "I made you mad cause I was talking to him.."
I feel my eyes soften, upset that the situation got her worked up. "No you didn't, it's not your fault. You didn't know." I assure her.
She looks at me with glossed eyes. "Promise?"
I nod. "Of course."

In the midst of it, we were approached by Mitsuya, who immediately kneeled to check on Luna, eyes matching hers. "You alright?" He asks softly, thumbs wiping away the stray tears and runny makeup from under her eyes.
"I'm surprised you can still be so calm after that." Mana says, lightening the mood. Luna chuckles as well as Mitsuya, yet his is far more sinister.
"I'm going to carve some.. very interesting, statements into his skin and leave him to hang and bleed out on his grandmothers porch." Mitsuya says quickly, passing over it like it was nothing.
Though, it only causes Luna to cry more. Noticing this, Mitsuya quickly retracts his statement. "..Or not..."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now