' 𝟸𝟺: Normal? '

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Your last memory of the previous night consisted of Baji falling asleep, his head on your thighs, while you passed out on the couch. Eyes fluttering open from the sunlight beaming your eyes, you sigh.

Admiring him quietly, you moved his hair from his face gently, retracting your hand when he moved from the contact. While you would've went back to sleep, a voice interrupted.

"Oh, she's awake!"

You pouted when you saw Mikey walking from the hallway. But that's when something hit you; why was he in your house and where was your mother?

Looking around, your mother not in sight, you stared at Mikey, placing a hand on Baji's head subconsciously when you felt him begin to stir. "Manjiro, why are you in my house?" You whisper-yelled, attempting to keep your voice down for Baji's sake.

"Your mom let us in." he said in a nonchalant tone.
"Who is 'us'?" You asked.
"Oh, Draken, Smiley, Angry, Kazutora, Chifuyu, and Mitsuya."
"And where's my mother?"
The blonde boy shrugged. "She said she was going out with Baji's mom to the store."
"So she left you all here?"
He nodded. "Pretty much."

"Mm, I'm going back to sleep." You groaned, adjusting your position slightly to get comfortable.

Though, just as you begin to fade into sleep, he popped his head over the couch, "By the way, are you two dating?" He asked.

Ignoring his question, you simply sighed and kept your eyes closed, attempting to let sleep engulf you. Mikey hummed, "I'll just take that as a yes."

You could vision the way he shrugged and walked away, a sly grin on his face.


Seemingly hours later you woke up to Baji calling you. "Y/N, wake up." He spoke, shaking you up.
You popped your head up, "What?"

You were now on top of him, instead of the position you last remember sleeping in.

"Get up, it's 3 in the afternoon." He said, poking your forehead.
"I don't care if it was 12 in the morning, I'm not moving." You hissed, laying your head on his shoulder.
"At least go and lay in your bed." He said through a sigh.
"No." you denied.

"You understand why we think you two date?" Mikey asked, looking at you and Baji.

He simply rolled his eyes, not bothering to correct Mikey. Redirecting his attention to your nearly sleeping figure. "So, you going to move or am I going to have to carry you around?" However his words reached deaf ears as you'd already lightly fallen asleep.

He sighed, picking you up and waking you up from the movement. "That doesn't give you an excuse to pick me up!" You whined, fighting from his grasp.

"Then you should've gotten up the first time." he told you as he put you down.
"Shush." You said pouting, "What'd you wake me up for anyways?"

"I woke up and you were clinging to me so I couldn't get up." he said nonchalantly.
You pouted, "Well you coulda just laid there."

"Nope." he denied.
You rolled your eyes, now a bit pissy, "I'm going to go change."
"Wear somethin' pretty for Baji!" You heard Smiley yell back to you from the kitchen. You flipped him off as you went in your room.

Baji's POV

"I don't see the point in sayin' that." I sigh, referring to Smiley's comment.
"Whaddya mean? Y'know you want her to." Smiley continued to tease.
I only roll my eyes once more. "Even if I did, what she wears got nothin' to do with me."

Before he could say anything else, we heard my mothers voice behind us. "I knew I raised you right!" She grinned.
I sigh, acknowledging one of her many odd, indirect greetings. "Hi to you too."

As if something had hit her on her head, she let out an 'ouch' and walked in the house. We heard distant yelling that sounded like.. Y/N's mother?

"I thought I fucking told you not to put this shit in my fucking bag!" She yelled at my mother who was dead laughing.
Y/N's mother proceeded to throw a pack of hot dogs at her, "I ought beat your ass for some dumb shit like this y'know that? Matter a fact, c'mere. Bring your ass." She scolded my mother.

"Calm down, Tenshi! I'm sorry!" My mother whined, trying to stay away from her friend.

"Is this supposed to be normal?" Draken asked, looking to me for answers.
I shrug as I answer, "This kinda reaction doesn't erupt from Y/N's mom a lot, so not really."

After a while, they stopped arguing and looked at us. Y/N's mother sighed, recollecting her nerves, "I'm guessing Y/N's changing?" I nodded, looking at my mother who was rubbing her head and smiling softly, "M' sorry.."

"I will knock you the fuck out." She threatened, tone changing instantly, still upset.


Your POV

I came out of my room wearing a little oversized checkered button shirt with a black crop top under it and black jeans that were ripped a bit. I decided to wear black boots with it, styled my hair and I was done.

"What's with the yelling I heard earlier?" I asked, looking around. I couldn't help but notice the way Baji's mom held a bag of frozen peas over her head, while my mother smiled innocently.

They probably fought again.

"See! She wore somethin' pretty." Smiley grinned, interrupting my thought process. You and your mothers eyes twitched. Slowly you both began walking towards him, "I will knock you the fuck out," The two of you spoke simultaneously.

"Woah there," Baji and his mother stopped both of you.
"I feel threatened." Smiley said lowly.
"You should." Baji and his mother warned.

"Like mother, like daughter." Baji's mother joked. "You calm yet?" She questioned your mother.

"I'm going outside." You announced, a smile crossing your face.
Baji's mother let yours go, "The food is burning."

Chifuyu let out a small snicker, pointing at Smiley, "You almost got jumped."


You went out the door and walked down the steps, sitting on the picnic table. You took out your phone and began checking the few notifications you had before putting it away.

It was slightly warm outside, a few cold breezes crossing your face, brushing it softly. You were happy at these times of day, no matter how much hell was going to be raised later in the day.

But of course all good things come to an end.

"Oi, I haven't seen you in a while. Where ya been?" You heard a voice call out to you. Not that it was familiar though.

You looked over to see your neighbor. One of the girls that lived in your neighborhood. She moved there around your fourth grade year, and went to your school. While she would never do anything, she always side-eyed you and Baji when you were outside or in school together.

"What?" You asked, already annoyed at her existence.

"Nothin'. Just been a while since we last 'talked'."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now