' 𝟾: Trouble Makers '

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"Kei and Fuyu are going to be our distraction, first and foremost." You began. "Suya and Ryu can come with me, while Manjiro and Takemichy keep a look out for anything that could interrupt us." You explained.

"Why do I have to go with you?" Draken questioned.
You smiled, "I figure you may have a good fashion taste. Alright, everybody understand what they have to do?"

You smiled as everybody nodded.

Though, Baji pipped up with a question, "Does this mean I can do anything?" He questioned, wanting to know his limits.
You sighed, "Keisuke.. you do this every time."
"Yes, Baji. Anything." Chifuyu answered for you.
A mischievous grin grew on Baji's face. "Alright, let's go." You smiled innocently.

You walked back to a clothing store Mitsuya found reasonable and went in. Chifuyu distracted the cashier while Baji got the little plan they created ready.

It was simple, all he was doing was cutting the wires to the lights and any alarms there so nothing would happen.

While you, Draken and Mitsuya were looking around, as soon as the lights would go off you'd start collecting whatever you talked about getting.

Baji wasn't but so dumb anyways. He used to do this with his neighbors as well, and so he made sure to cut the wire to the security camera.

If there was a backup generator, Draken had tape to put over the camera. He was the tallest after all. Though, how did he manage to get it there..? That's a secret he wouldn't reveal.

And just as it was planned, the lights went off causing the entire store to go dark. You heard the cashier tell Chifuyu he'd be back in a minute, probably with the intention of resetting the generator or back-up generator.

You and Mitsuya began getting what you could, while Draken and Chifuyu helped out a bit too.

Not long after, the lights were back on.

I knew there'd be a backup generator. You smirked. You grabbed a shirt you saw that was for sale, luckily, and took it to the cashier after Chifuyu left.

The cashier did question where your 'little friends' were going and you simply told him they were there to help you shop. Plus, you were new to the area so they were showing you around. He took it as the truth, you paid for the shirt and left.

And since Baji wouldn't let Draken take you all to where he called 'home', you went to Mitsuya's since his place was closer anyways. He wanted to check on his sisters too since he figured they'd be home from school by now, and he hates leaving them alone for too long.

Once you got there, you all took out the clothes you'd taken from the store and gave everybody their outfits to wear. They'd just have to settle with the boots until later since they didn't have anything to even put shoes in. Not that they'd seen any shoes in the store neither.

"I still can't understand how you do these things." Baji smiled, looking at the shirt you'd gotten him.
"Talent, Kei. Talent." You reply smugly.

"Luna, Mana?" Mitsuya began walking around to find his sisters. "Guys, this isn't the time to play." He warned, getting wary of his little sisters whereabouts. You figured they weren't in the house.

You watched him appear from the hallway, "They aren't in here." He said, worry in his voice. Just then, you all heard a scream from outside.
"Luna?" He exclaimed, following the noise.

Leading him outside, he saw them outside playing on the small swing set they had. Luna had fallen off the swing, her sister kneeling beside her.

"Luna.. you okay?" She asked, whipping her sisters tears.
"Mhm.." Luna sniffled.
"Luna.." Mitsuya sighed. The small girl looked over at her older brother, a smile growing on her face.
"Takashi!" She grinned.
The other girl, who seemed to be Mana, smiled. "Brother!"

"Get up, you'll ruin your pants." Mitsuya sighed, walking towards his sisters.
Luna giggled as she stood, "Mana, is there something on my pants?" She asked.
Her sister looked behind her, "Nope! All good."

"Mana, Luna, what'd I tell you about going out before I get home??" Mitsuya asked, looking at Luna to ensure she was alright.
She giggled, "I'm not hurt! And it was Mana's idea! She lost the iPad so we couldn't call or text you."
"The iPad was in her room on the table?" He questioned. Mana snickered.
Luna stared at her sister, mouth agape. "You lied! I feel betrayed!"
"Did not!" Mana whined at her sister's statement.
"What'd you do then??" Her sister asked sassily.
"I simply told a story!" Mana claimed, hands on her hips.
"That's the same thing, idiot!" Luna poked Mana's forehead mockingly.

"Hey now, Luna, let's not be mean." Mitsuya said, hushing his sisters. She turned and began pouting.

"Jeez, Suya.." you sighed, watching as the two girls talked. "Seems like you have a lot on your hands?"

He smiled, "They aren't that bad. Only when Mana decides to be a little mischievous. Luna rarely ever does anything out of place, which is strange for her age."

"Strange? Aren't they around 6?" Baji questioned.

"Oi! I'm 9, thank you!" Mana complained.
"And I'm 10!" Luna added.

"I don't care short stack." Baji stuck his tongue out at Mana.
Quickly, the child grabbed a stick and began trying to hit Baji with it.
"Alll-right." Mitsuya sighed, picking Mana up and throwing her in the air. Surprised, she dropped the stick and began laughing as Mitsuya caught her.

Mitsuya smiled as he noticed his sister was a giggling fit.
"Do me! Do me!" Luna said excitedly. Mitsuya smiled and he put Mana down, picking Luna up and throwing her in the sky.

"He's definitely a family guy." Chifuyu muttered.
"Right? Whoever gets close enough to date him should be considered lucky." You whispered back.
As he caught Luna, he turned to you and Chifuyu. "I heard that."

"I can't get away with saying anything can I!" You groaned.
"Considering I've had to listen out for these two most of my life, you really can't." He looked at his sisters, "I got you guys something."

They both looked at him expectantly, "I wanna see! Is it in the house?" Mana asked.
"No, it's in the dirt. Yes, it's in the house! He would've brought it out with him otherwise!" Luna scolded her younger sister.
"Oh shut up!" Mana argued as she began running to the house.
"So that's how it is?!" Luna asked sassily, running after her sister.

"Guys, open the door—" Mitsuya tried to call out to them, but it was too late. They both ran into the door. "D'ahh.." he sighed.

Meanwhile, you and the others were staring as he walked over to the two sisters, who were holding one another while crying about their heads hurting.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now