' 𝟷𝟶: Family '

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You'd woken up two hours later. You were cuddling a pillow. As your vision adjusted, you noticed you were in a bedroom.

Guess I must've fell asleep.

You got up and looked around. Seemed like a little girls room, so you guessed it was one of Mitsuya's sisters.

Standing, you peaked your head out. You heard commotion in the front yard, and decided to follow it. Reaching the porch, you saw the boys and another one you hadn't seemed to know.

He had black and yellow hair and pretty golden eyes. Why are most of my friends so pretty. You smiled to yourself.

"Y/N!" Mikey called to you, per usual. Going to greet you, he hugged you and then grabbed your wrist and dragged you down. "I want you to meet somebody."

He took you to the black and yellow haired boy. He was much prettier up close. "Kazutora, this is Y/N!" He spouted proudly. "Y/N, this is the friend we've been telling you about."

Kazutora looked at you and held out his hand. "Hello," he gave a comforting smile, tilting his head gently with curiosity, his earring bell jingling. You took his hand in yours and returned his welcoming expression, "You have pretty hair. I like it." You smiled at him. He looked at you sideways.

"Mikey I think something is wrong with her." He said, concern filling his voice.
Mikey sighed, "No, she's fine." He assured the boy, dragging out the 'o'.
He looked at you, "Are you alright?"
You looked at him confused. "I feel like you need a hug and it's hurting me." You spoke honestly, "Can I hug you?"
He looked at you a bit longer before reluctantly extending his arms, welcoming you.
You smiled and hugged him tightly, a satisfied "Yay" escaping your lips.
"She's like you." Kazutora spoke, looking at Mikey, who grinned.
"Sometimes, yeah."

"Get this; she grew up with Baji and Chifuyu." Mitsuya joined in, patting Kazutora's shoulder.
"Just don't let her find out your name — she's fond of nicknames." Draken warned.

"I'm guessing you can be called a menace?" He asked.
You looked up, "Not really.. it's mostly Baji and Chifuyu."

"Oh shit- wait- don't let her get too close she's a pickpocket—" Chifuyu sighed.
You looked back, "I am not!"
"You stole money from another pickpocket who took your coupons." Baji reminded. "Takes one to know one."

Kazutora smiled, seeming satisfied with what the group has told him so far. "I think we'd be great friends."
"Good lord-" Takemichi said, facepalming.
You hummed, looking down at a card. "Hanemiya Kazutora.. September 16.. 16 years of age, AB blood type, 5'9.." you trailed off as you continued reading from the card.
Kazutora looked at you confused, "How the fuck-"
You interrupt his question with surprise. "60 kilograms?? Damn, you're light."

"Classic pickpocket." Chifuyu sighed.
Kazutora looked at you, not knowing whether to be impressed or almost offended. "Give that back, please-"
"Ah! Sure." You smiled, handing him his card. "Kazutora? That's pretty too. It fits you — Kazutora Hanemiya." You grinned, "Kazumiya, Hanetora." You mixed his first and last time, adoring the way they sound together.
Kazutora turned to Mikey, hoping to find guidance. "What's she-?"
"I guess she's processing a nickname..? She did the same thing with Takemichy." He explained.
"Ooo, can I call you Tora??" You ask, smile crossing your features.

"Doesn't Tora mean Tiger?" Baji questioned. "Yes, yes it does." Chifuyu sighed.

"You remind me of a baby Tiger. Curious, possibly playful but somehow hurt. Possibly also very dangerous if picked with too long." You explained, looking into his eyes. "Your eyes are so pretty, but under them lies trauma and misunderstanding." Saying all of this calmly, you look around confused when everyone is staring at you.

Your eyes widened in shock as you noticed a tear fall from Kazutora's eyes. "No! No! No crying, I'm sorry!" You panicked, hugging him.

He seemed to be repeating a series of 'I'm sorry'. Figuring it might've been a PTSD or anxiety trigger, you noted not to talk about it again and helped him calm down a bit.

He began hyperventilating, twitching every once in a while.

"Kazutora, look at me please." You spoke softly, having him slowly sit down. Catching his attention, you began to help get him grounded.

A while later

Once you've gotten a hold of Kazutora everything was fine — you found he was fond about Mana and Luna, however Mitsuya was still a little on edge about him being so close to the sisters. You could tell he didn't want something to go wrong, or Mana to possibly have the need to be a little mischievous and try something.

You lay your hand on his shoulder, "They're fine. Nothing to worry about." You smiled.

You noticed his shoulders, which were once tense, relax. He gave a comforting smile as you walked to Kazutora and the two little girls with candy.

You laughed as the girls squealed and began taking them, trading with one another and then taking Kazutora into account, who was confused.

"Kazutora, want a Twix??" Mana offered.
"Ew, Twix is nasty don't give him that!" Luna scolded. "He'd like M&M's better."
Kazutora smiled at the children, gently pushing the candies back toward the smaller children, "It's fine, have your own. I'm not hungry right now anyways."

They both shrugged and began talking, while you looked at Kazutora with a puzzled expression. "Tora, have you eaten today?" You watched as he had to think for a moment, "Ah, yeah. I think I remember eating a sandwich earlier today."
"Alright then. Make sure you eat again later though."
He gave you a reassuring smile, "I will, no worries."

Throughout the day you all have been together, talking and laughing with one another. As he promised, Kazutora ate once again, thankfully.

And you also learned Kazutora seemed to be one of the founding members of Toman, but got sent to Juvenile Detention after accidentally hurting Mikey's eldest brother, Shinichiro, whose now in a coma.

However, Mikey forgave him for it because Kazutora didn't seem to notice. You didn't know why but you immediately thought of Kazutora as another brother of yours, along with the rest of Toman.

They were your brothers and you were their sister, simple as that. Anybody who dared to get in the way would have to deal with heavy consequences.

Tomorrow would be the day Kazutora would be coming back to school, which you found very exciting. He has most of his classes with you apart from his last.

You found it funny how when he asked who you were to Toman, most of the boys answered 'our manager' and for some, like Smiley and Angry, they said they claimed you as their sister.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now