' 𝟷𝟸: Christmas Break & New Years '

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Since the small conversation with Kazutora, you did notice small changes in Baji. Not that it mattered much to you.

You honestly thought that you were gradually overcoming your small 'crush' on him. And while you wouldn't admit it to anybody else, Mitsuya found out on his own and you openly told Kazutora.

As a kid, you did find yourself having some sort of attraction toward Baji - but decided to ignore it, blaming it on hormones and what not.

You all were walking to school together. The school year was almost over surprisingly. Life from October to December passed by quickly.

A couple birthdays had passed as well. Emma, Mikey's younger sister had her birthday November 25th and Baji's birthday happened the 3rd of November.

That would've made Emma 16 and Baji 17. Excited, Emma wasted no time to get her driving license before you were let out for Christmas break.

And during that time, Baji and Chifuyu decided to host a party. Not anything big, just a simple celebration for Christmas and New Years. Half, if not most of Toman was invited and was hosted at a hotel. Baji's mother went on about how to do it and what not.

While at Baji's house, his mother created a plan of how things'll go. You decided to bring Mitsuya and Kazutora with you as well.

You understood where he got his extravagant planning from. Aside from that, she also helped you get everything set up and what not.

"Alright, that should be all you'll need." She spouted, playing with Baji's hair and she usually would. "And don't get in trouble." She said, looking at Chifuyu, Baji and I.

"You'll need to worry about them getting in trouble, not me." I spouted.
"Nah Ms. Y/N. I know about your little talent." She assured. "You two quit getting that child to take things for you." She scolded Baji and Chifuyu.
"I don't even—" Chifuyu began.
"Nope. I said what I said." She cut him off. "Y'all know she has a thing for being sly and sneaky. Had it since she was a child."
"Fine, mama." Baji agreed reluctantly.
She smiled, laying her head on his head. "Aren't you a good kid?"
You shook your head. "Nope."
She giggled, "Yeah, you're right." She began to braid Baji's hair, "Can't believe my baby is 17.." you heard quiet sniffling from her.
"Mom please-" Baji pleaded, knowing how moody and emotional his mother was. "My sweet baby.." she began crying.
"There she goes.." Chifuyu sighed.

"Mom, calm down, please," Baji sighed as he hugged her.
"Is she normally this emotional?" Kazutora asked me.
I nodded. "Every once in a while. Kei called her a 'crybaby gangster' once."

The night of the party

Tonight was the party for Christmas and New Years. Since your mom and Baji's mom were going out to dinner together, they helped the two of you, dropped you off at the hotel and went on about their day.

"We'll come get you January 2nd!" Your mom called out to you two.
You smiled, "Alright! Bye mama!"

"Behave, Keisuke." Baji's mom looked at him.
"I will, ma." He assured her, slightly bowing his head.

"Y/N, be a dear and make sure you and Chifuyu watch Keisuke for me." Baji's mom looked at you sweetly.
You laughed, "I will."

"I can watch myself!" Baji argued, but he was too late. They already drove off.
"C'mon, Kei. Let's find the others." You grinned.
"You're way too excited about this." He rolled his eyes.
You stuck your tongue out, "It's a party. Dipshit."

You walked to the front desk together and got your room keys, took the elevator up and was greeted by an entire hall of people. Those people being most of Toman, some you know and others you don't. Silently, you snaked your arms around Baji's, not wanting to get lost in the crowd.

He looked at you confused. "Why're you scared?"
"I don't know these people and I don't think I want to." You sighed, slightly contemplating your decision.
He dismissed your concern and began walking. "Just c'mon, you'll be fine." Together, you made it to the main hall where most of the party was.

It's not like you could ignore the small whispers as you walked with Baji though. They varied from 'I thought Toman didn't allow girls?' To 'Is that Baji's girl?'

They were shocked and you could tell. Some gave you slightly dirty looks while others stared absentmindedly.

Whatever the case was, all eyes were on you two and Baji didn't seem to mind at all.

At the main area you saw most of everybody you knew. Emma, Hinata, and Yuzuha were there as well. They all were wearing matching dresses, apart from Yuzuha who was wearing a jumpsuit with loose fabric on the side.

You were wearing a simple royal blue dress, with the sleeves droopy and wavy. It had golden and white stitches and lining on the sleeves. You wore white boots with it and a couple of blue and white bracelets and a ring your mom gave you. It was a pretty pale gold color.

"Woah," Emma said, pointing at me. "She looks so pretty!" I smiled, arms open for the hug Emma refused to skip out on every time she saw me.

Mitsuya approached us, "Are you two matching?"
I looked at Baji and he looked at me. "What?"
"The way your outfits are set up, it can pass as you two matching." He explained, proceeding to explain the color scheme.
"Damn it, mama.." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "She definitely did this on purpose." Baji rolled his eyes.

"Let's see this, how long did it take to get Baji into a suit?" Draken asked jokingly.
I looked at Baji who seemed embarrassed. "An hour and 34 minutes."

Soon you spotted Smiley and Angry who were just coming in and seemed to be arguing. "What'd 'Hoya do this time?" You asked, already knowing the pink-cotton haired boy was probably the root of the argument.

"He tried to fight somebody on the street who 'looked at him wrong'." Angry groaned, bolding his words through his tone.
"You asked for a reason, I gave you a reason!" Smiley said smugly.
"God. 'Hoya, stop harassing people and give Souya a break." You spoke calmly.
"Then they shoulda kept walking instead of deciding to take a second look." He argued.
Angry sighed, laying his forehead against a nearby wall. "God, you're impossible."

"By the way, you and Baji matching or somethin'?" Smiley asked, noticing the outfit color scheme.
"No, her mom did this." Baji sighed.
Taking his word for it, Smiley hummed. "Ohh, okay then."

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