' 𝟹𝟻: Hatred '

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"What the hell did you hit me with?!" She screamed, tears slowly flowing out of her eyes. I smile, hands in the pockets of my coat, pulling out silver, thick piece of metal. A knuckle duster.

"This'll be fun," I grin, walking towards her. Watching as she runs into the woods behind the playground. In a hurry to find a place to hide, she tripped on a stick, falling and trying to hurry up.

Your classic movie cliche.

I step on her leg, kneeling to her eye-level, applying pressure with my weight. "Why the shocked expression, hm?" I asked, putting more pressure on her leg. She let out a loud scream.

"Get off of me!" she cried, trying to push me off of her leg. Grabbing her wrist, I apply just enough pressure to break it. She let out yet another shriek.

And now, I begin to question whether or not I'm worse than the boys.

I hush her, extending my arms to make her aware of our surroundings. "Nobody can hear you, we're in the middle of the woods."
"Let me go, I'm sorry. Please just let me go." she said, sobbing. "I'll apologize to everyone I ever did anything to just please let me go."

She was pleading, crying, just the way I imagined. Except, way too early, which irked my nerves a bit. I thought with at least all the talking she did, she'd put up more of a fight.

I cast her the same smile I gave Chifuyu, warm and comforting. "An apology won't cover up for the 5 deaths you caused."
Cocking my arm behind me, I smile widely as I watch her trembling figure. "Don't worry. You'll be out soon."


After a while, I noticed she stopped fighting back from my assault, meaning she passed out.. or died. 

Either way, it doesn't bother me too much. Not for the moment, anyway. "Ciao, dolly. Be good and don't tell, okay?"

Opening the door, I was greeted by Baji and I's mothers talking, Baji in the chair asleep.

"Hey there," Baji's mother called.
"Heya Zura," I smiled.
"Where've you been?" She asked, smiling.
I inhaled before responding. "Having a little fight of my own."
"Ooh, did you win?" She asked excitedly.
I grinned, "Made sure of it."

I watch as Baji begins waking up a bit. I greet him with a smile. "Heyhey,"
He hummed, evidently still tired. "Hi."
"What'd you get into?" Baji asked, looking at me. I shrugged, remembering I needed to tell him something.
"Oh, by the way, you left your knuckle dusters in your pocket."
The two women looked at me, confused. "What?"
"I never had any in my pocket..?" Baji said, looking at me confused.
"Oh.. yeah." I remind myself. "Oh well." I shrugged.
"You used it, didn't you?" My mother asked.
I rock side to side as if weighing my reply options. "Well.. yeah."
"Jesus, Y/N." She sighed.
"You wanna talk about how many times you did that?" Itazura asked, looking at my mother.
"Look now you can't keep comparing us." she sighed.
"I can. She gets most her traits from you."


The next morning, Baji and I had woken up together and to my mothers cooking. I looked over at the tv, which was a small alert from the news. Everything went quiet as you all listened.

"Good morning everybody. We interrupt your show for a small alert. Near the local shopping markets park, this morning around 10:00am a man was once walking through the woods with his dog and found a young teen girl by the name of Sanes Kimori who was seemingly unconscious and beaten. Hospitals say her left wrist has been broken, her right leg mildly injured and her face beaten almost unrecognizable. Several teeth have been moved from their proper places and few have fallen out. Everybody around the area within a mile will be investigated. Refusal to answer questions will have further investigation at the station. Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day."

"That was you, right?" My mom asked, already half-knowing.
I shrugged. "Yeah. I didn't do anything with her teeth tho.. unless some animal found her."
"Good thing we live just outside the local mile." Baji's mother chuckled.
"Hm. There's a chance they might come over anyway. It'd be best if we all go over to Mizuki's place since she's further away from where they're investigating." My mom shrugged.
"Fine then smartass." Baji's mother huffed.
"I'm just making sure we all don't end up being questioned."


We all arrived at Mizuki's house. She was just finishing cooking when we arrived.
"Hey, what're you all doing here?" She asked, surprised as she opened the door.

"It's been a while since we were here, and we also don't want to get questioned by the police." Baji's mother shrugged.

"Questioned, why?" She asks.
"You didn't see the news?" I ask.
"No? I only just now turned on the tv." She says with a confused look.
"Y/N has caused a bit of trouble, which caused police to be involved." Baji's mother sighed.

"She was right for it though." My mother encourages, probably for all the wrong reasons. I looked at Mizuki, "She was also trying to date Smiley after he clearly takes a dislike to her."

"Young girls want to grow up far too quickly." Was all Mizuki said, sighing. I heard a door open from down the hall, and out came Angry rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning Souya," Mizuki greeted him.
"Morning mama," he replied silently. I went to hug him, happy I get to see the blue haired boy again. "Souya!"
"Hi Y/N.." he replies shyly.

"Where's 'Hoya?" I ask, confused. "He'd usually be up far before Souya."

"He said he was going out with one of his friends. Not that I believed him, but he's probably out being chaotic." Mizuki explained.
I sighed, "Most likely out somewhere with that fridge guy."
Baji looks at me confused and almost concerned. "Fridge guy?"

"Yeah, the real tall n built one. He got a long neck and shoulders that look like a fridge." I say blatantly.
Baji sighs, "..you mean Muto?"
"Yeah. Fridge guy."

After deciding to take a walk, Baji and I somehow happen to end up in Mitsuya's neighborhood. And in turn, we decide to hopefully pay a visit. Knocking on the door, you were surprised to see his sisters open it rather than him. "Hey you two," I grinned. "Where's your brother?" I ask. They looked at me, "He went in the shower. We woke up not long ago." They explained simultaneously.


A while passed after helping Luna with her homework, and Mitsuya was just coming from getting dressed.

"Heya 'Suya," I smiled casually.
He almost replies normally, until he registers the nickname and my voice. "Hi; why?"
"Walk gone wrong." I say briefly.

He shrugged, "Alright then. Where's Mana?"
"Outside with her little friend." I joked, pointing at the window. He looked, only to find Baji and Mana throwing a football to one another.
"Huh. Well at least she's not hitting Luna with it.." he sighed, looking at his sister. "Speaking of that, how's your head feeling?"
She grinned, "Better! I don't have a headache anymore."
He smiled at her. "What have you two been doing then?"
"Just talking," I smiled, looking at Luna who giggled. "Mhmm!"
"I also maybe committed a crime?" I said, unsure of what to consider it.
"You did what?" Mitsuya said, as if it's the worst thing he's ever heard.

It probably was, considering it's me of all people, but still. I'm sure he's heard worse.
"Yeah um, remember Kimori? Yeah if you saw the news, I did 90% of that."
Mitsuya sighed, "Jesus Christ, Y/N." He put his index and thumb on the bridge of his nose.
"She deserved it. She went too far." I shrugged.

"Not saying it's something bad, but you could've at least tried a bit harder than to leave the body in the woods." He explained.

"Yeah well I wasn't wearing gloves so what was I supposed to do?" I ask, internally grateful for how casually he's taking it.
"You have a point. You should've worn gloves." He agreed.
"I would've if I knew that was going to happen." I claimed, as if that wasn't an underlying intention to begin with.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now