' 𝟸𝟽: You Did What?? '

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"Whaddya mean by that?" I ask.
She only shrugged. "Dunno. Just had a feelin' you might've ended up dating either way though."
"You probably manifested it." I joke, despite Baji's music blasting catching my attention. Looking over, I pulled out one of his headphones. "Stop blasting music, you won't be able to hear by the time you're thirty."
"I like it." He pouted, turning away.
"Too much." I roll my eyes at his pouting.
"Leave me be." He sighed, taking back his headphone when I notice a notification pop up on his phone.

Curiosity peaking, I catch a glimpse at it.
Text message

My curiosity grew, taking his phone and running to my room and locking the door, hearing Baji's curses behind me.


You all still at Y/N's house?

Yeah..what of it?

Nothin', was just curious if you was still that the park or not.

Nah we left about an hour ago.

How's Souya?

Good ig. Fell asleep reading that book he's been carryin' around.

Oh alr then

How's Mikey been? Heard Shinichiro was supposed to wake up sometime soon


The hell he cryin' for?

He did wake up, but doctors said it was gon' be a while til he'd be able to leave since they still gotta run tests or whatever.

And he threw a fit..?

Pretty much.


I smiled at the messages. As much as Nahoya harasses Souya, he definitely still cares about his well-being. I decided to check out the rest of his messages and saw the group chat of Toman, Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya and Chifuyu. However I didn't find my contact.

Curiosity dwelling in me, I kept scrolling until I came across a contact. 'Favorite Drug🔒' was it's name. Clicking on it, I decided to scroll to a random conversation and read from there.

Favorite Drug🔒

Help me with my chemistry homework please.

And what gives you the idea I did it?

At least do it with me

I don't feel like doin' this dumbass homework

You goin' to feel like it today, you cunt.😋

You wake up and choose violence, damn. Fucking chipmunk.

I will throw a chair at you.

You'll fuck around and hit somebody else as well

Stfu Belladona

You thot.

I'm not a thot Kei😩🤞

Again with those emojis
You look like a fucking clown😕🤡




It didn't take long for me to recognize the messages - they were ours. Smiling, I look back up at the contact name. 'Favorite Drug🔒'.

Though, I notice Baji had stopped calling for me. Confused, I opened the door only to find he wasn't there, but rather in the kitchen on my phone.

How does he even know the password..

Coming out of the room, I sigh. "What're you doin' with my phone?"

"Well you took mine so I took yours, simple as that." He grins, continuing looking at whatever caught his interest.
"Bro, no, give it back." I say, attempting to reach for my device.

"Y'know what'll be fun? You two switch phones for a day," Baji's mother suggested, seeming to just be waking up.
The idea striking interest in me, I smile at Baji, hoping he says yes.
He only sighed before rolling his eyes. "Alright, fine."

A wide grin grew on my face, letting out a satisfied "Yay".
"I'm scared about why you're excited." he sighed.

Looking around, I noticed Kazutora was no longer in the room. "Mom, where's Tora?" I ask. I also notice I haven't heard his bell jingle, despite how much he tilts his head.
"I don't know." she shrugged. "I remember him getting up to go down the hallway so I was guessing he was following you."
I sigh, making my way to the guest room with a pretty sure assumption he and Angry would be here. "Hanemiyaa," I call before opening the door.

I was proven correct : Kazutora was sitting, drawing, whilst Angry was speaking to him about something.

"What're you drawing this time, Tora?" I ask as I walk fully into the room. He tilted the paper toward me, showing off what he drew.

I smile at the detail and shading of the picture. "That must've taken a long time."

"He's been hiding it from me." Angry said, slightly offended. "He won't even lemme get a hint of what it is, or anything."
Kazutora rolled his eyes. "You'll see it when I'm finished - have some patience."
"We've been sitting here for almost an hour!"

I laugh at their slight disagreement, and for once, at the fact that Angry is the one showing impatience.

Though, I was interrupted at my mother calling my name.

"Y/N, come here." She called, a giggle coming soon after when I heard Baji's shushing. Walking in the room, I notice Baji's mom wiping a sentimental tear, while mine giggles a bit.

"C'mere!" My mom called again when she saw my confused figure at the edge of the hallway. Approaching closer, I eye my mother with a questioning look.

"You're classic, you know that?" My mother said through a laugh.
I cock my head, glancing between Baji, his mother and mine. "Whaddya mean?"
"You have a picture of you and Keisuke as your wallpaper.." Baji's mom said, tears still flowing from her eyes.
"My only question is when did you two kiss?" My mother asks, a tone of sass in her voice.
"The day we came back from the park. From the twins house." I answer truthfully. I see no reason to lie.
"God, I'm gonna cry myself to sleep.." Baji's mother whined once again, rubbing her eyes.

"Mom, please.." Baji sighed, though, barely phased from the woman's constant crying. She'll cry over anything at this point.

"Hush, Itazura. It's not that serious." My mother hushes her friend, though, still pokes her forehead as if that'd help at all.

But, as suspected, it doesn't. And the woman begins to cry, accidentally getting a glimpse of the photo once again. "Why would you do this?" Baji questioned.
I shrug, "It was cute."
"You're embarrassing." He sighs lowly.
"You've done far worse." I tell him.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now