' 𝟺𝟷: Come Over '

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Deciding to go upstairs, the three of you were met with a hallway of rooms. "..And here I thought there'd be a secondary bar.." I mumble, opening one of the doors.

Inside, was some kind of erotic bedroom set-up.

I watch as the girls go to open the drawers. "We were expecting money, not condoms and some kind of pills." Mana huffed. "Why would they have viagra?"
"People do a lot of things for what they want. And that is a prime example," I point to the box of pills. "Those are drugs that make you horny."
Luna hummed. "Should we steal some?"
I looked at her confused. "The hell you going to use it for?"
She shrugged. "Dunno. Might come in handy."
"How is it going to come in handy, Luna?" Mana questioned her older sister.
"Dunno. One way or another."
I sigh, disappointed. "I'm not having children. I don't want them comin' out like you."
"Please," Mana scoffed. "Not if Keisuke can help it."

Leaving the room, the three of us see Kazutora, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Baji who were seemingly just now coming up the stairs.

"Why are you three up here?" Chifuyu questioned.
"..and why is Luna holding viagra?" Mitsuya followed up.
"They're supposed to be for y/n!" Luna said with a bright grin.
I looked at her and scoffed, "I beg your fucking pardon?"
She looked at me dumbfounded. "You were the one who wanted to explore up here?"
"Because I thought it was a secondary bar or something!" I defend, "Not some sex hotel!"
"What made you think there was going to be a secondary bar when the one downstairs is fine?" Mitsuya questioned me.
I let his question marinate for a moment. "To be completely honest with you, I didn't think it through."

"She said she's considering children." Mana said.
"Honestly I'd prefer if I had none at all." I say sarcastically, still trying to prove my innocence.
Mana laughed, "You'd do so many things wrong."
"She would." Baji agreed.
"Well I'm sorry I don't have any experience with babies." I huff.
"Nah, you'd probably do it wrong by accident. You'd think hot water is okay for a bath and end up burning it." He explained, "Might take small bits of food and feed it to the baby and accidentally choke it."

I look at him shocked. "You are so out of pocket sometimes."
He shrugged, "You know you would."
"I would not." I fold my arms across my chest, my dresses fabric pulling tight to my chest.
"Would you like to find out?" He offers.

"We came here to find them, not start something." Chifuyu interrupted. Baji only shrugged.

"You and Y/N's relationship scares me. As well as Emma and Draken's." Kazutora sighed.
"How is it scary?" Mitsuya asked.
"There's one major similarity, they're both horny all the time."

A grin paints Baji's face as he looks over the stair rails. "Why don't you look at that, there they are.."
"Please, don't-"
"Draken! Emma! Up here." He called down to them.

We wait until the two get up the steps until we greet Emma, all of us hugging and talking all at once as if we haven't seen one another in a decade.

Kazutora, Chifuyu and Mitsuya looked at the four of us. "The hell are they doing?"
Baji and Draken sighed, already used to the behavior. "There's no telling."

"They act up when they all get together." Draken deadpanned.
"Prepare for a long night." Baji agreed, looking over where you four used to be. "I looked away for a minute."

"They're probably at the bar," Draken said, starting to go down the stairs. "They're 9 year olds together."
Mitsuya groaned, "There's no telling how things will go down."
Kazutora sighed, "I never asked to be a part of this.."
Chifuyu hummed in agreement. "Neither did I but shit happens, and you just gotta be here for it."

Deciding to keep an eye on the two of you from afar, they sat in the lounge area while you all sat at the bar.

We watch as Emma begins to cough lightly at the burn from the shot she just downed. Despite me asking if she's alright, I don't get a response.
"Apparently not." Luna answered, giggling.
"Well, the drink was kinda strong." Mana reminded.
"Fair point." I agree, "C'mon Emma, you can't be drunk already, hm?"
"Me? Drunk? Neverrr," she mumbled, pointing at herself. I only laugh.

While we would've continued our fun, a loud bang had interrupted, which caught our attention from the alcohol. And before one of us could question anything, a yell echoed through the club, screaming about someone doing a drive-by and police being called.

I sigh, almost as if tonight was my casual Wednesday night. "Come on, let's get out through the back before they come." I say calmly.
"Why's everybody panicking?" Emma asked, still unaware of what just happened.
"I'll explain later, follow my steps." I informed her, watching as she just nodded lazily.

We exit safely, though, two people seemed to be missing. Baji, and Mana.

"Where Mana?" Mitsuya questioned, noticing one of his little sisters gone.
Luna shrugged, and looked to me.
I sigh, and began walking back to the door.
"Wait, what're you doing?" Kazutora questioned.
I pointed at the door, "Finding Mana."
"What about Baji?" Draken asked.
I shrug, "He won't die." I say before going inside to get Mana.
Chifuyu sighs at my nonchalant tone. "They're all crazy."

"I'm honestly just worried about Mana." Mitsuya stated blatantly.
"You don't care if they don't come out?" Luna asked, surprised.

"No, I do. Because if they don't come out then Mana won't come out." he explained.
"Takashi that's not the point!" Luna scolded, causing a small chuckle to erupt from Mitsuya's throat.
"Alright, alright. Calm yourself. If they don't come out; we'll try and look for them without dying." Mitsuya reasoned, watching as the door opened.

First, it revealed myself, then Mana who was wiping something with a cloth.
"Mana, what're you wiping?" Kazutora asked confused.
She held up her Japanese hair stick. They were long, the stick was a cherry wood color, at the top they had black and white flowers with a chain dangling.
"What'd you do with it?.." Chifuyu asked.
She smiled, "I stabbed someone in the eye!"
Mitsuya returned her smile, proud. "Good job."

Baji soon came out the door with a small gun in hand, wiping his face with a cloth.
"What's up with you?" Draken asked, looking at the black haired boy.
"Somebody tried to shoot me. So I shot them." He said blatantly.

Lastly, I found everyone staring at me, waiting for me to spill what I caused.

"What'd you do?" Mitsuya asked, eyeing the way I had my hand hidden behind my back. Slowly, I reveal a small pocket knife.

"A knife, Y/N? Where'd you even get it?" Kazutora asked. I grinned, "I've always had it."

"C'mon, we should get outta here before it's too late." Baji sighed. "It's funny how people still remember us being in Toman. It's probably why they called the police, the shooting was probably a coincidence."

I walk to my car with the sisters, getting in as I prepare to drive. "So, are we going to your house?" Luna asked.
I hummed. "Most likely, yeah."

I watch my phone light up, revealing Emma's contact. "Luna, can you get that and put it on speaker?" I ask, pointing to my phone.

Doing as I asked, I hear Emma's voice boom from the speaker, "Heyhey!" She squeaked.
"Hey Emma, what's up?" I say sweetly.
"I was wondering if Ryuguji and I could come over?" she asked, and I could hear the hopeful smile she had, hoping I'd agree.
"Sure, no worries." I say with a smile, hanging up with her soon after.

"Are we just going to have a party at your house?" Luna asked.
I hum and nod, "Seems like it."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now