' 𝟸𝟸: Dynamic '

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"You're being serious?" You asked.
He nodded, "Completely."
A small smile grew on your face. "That's good to know," you grinned.
"There's still one thing that I wonder though," he spoke, "If the two of you feel the same.. why not one of you ask the other out?"
You shrugged. "That's weird."
"How is it weird..?"
"I dunno. It just is. Makes the situation awkward and I don't do awkward." You turned your head, "It's not like I'm against being asked out or asking somebody out. I just don't like the idea of telling somebody I like them.. it's hard to explain." You pouted, waving dismissively at the conversation.
"No, keep going," he encouraged.
You rolled your eyes, "Fine, but don't blame me if we don't get anywhere." Crossing your arms, you took a hefty breath as you gather your words, best you can. "I just don't like being put in awkward situations like that. The phrase 'will you go out with me' weirds me out. I dunno why, so don't ask, but I guess I prefer to just — kinda slowly develop the relationship?"

"So, you're more interested in the dynamic than the actual label?" He concluded, trying to understand.
You stared at him surprised, "Yeah; exactly that." You were glad he felt comfortable talking this much around you, a grin growing when he understood your situation as well.
"That makes sense." he said
You giggled, "Thanks Souya,"
"Sure, but I'm pretty sure our parents already know about your little dynamic," he said, shrugging.
"Yeah. Probably." You agree. You weren't all that surprised, in truth.
"What're you going to tell them?"
"Same thing I told you, plain and simple." You said, not bothering to make up something to tell them.
"And Baji?"
"Our dynamic is fine as it is, it can only grow from here," you assured him.
"M'Kay then," he hummed.

"Souya, Y/N? Where are you?" Baji and Smiley called out to you. A grin grew on your face, wanting to find a hiding place while Angry caught on and grabbed his book, continuing reading. "In here," he said just loud enough for his brother to hear.

The two boys walked into the room, "Souya, where's Y/N?"

"She didn't go outside with you two.?" He played dumb. Quite well at that.

"No?" Smiley shrugged. "We didn't see her go out?" Baji questioned. You slowly rolled a toy ball across the floor. It was red by coincidence.

"Oh, hell no," Smiley said, walking out. "Ma! There's somethin' under Souya's bed rollin' some kinda ball!"

However, Baji pinched the bridge of his nose, having seen this little trick of yours for years now. "She's under there isn't she?" He asked with a sigh.

"Yeah," Angry admitted.
You peaked your head out, a grin on your face. "Heyhey!"
"Idiot," he smiled softly.
You crawled out and stretched, "M' hungry."
"You ate an hour ago?" Baji questioned you.
"I know.. but I'm hungry." You pouted.
Taking your hand, Baji sighed. "Y'know what — just c'mon."
"Where we goin??"
"Planet mars." he replied sarcastically.
"Kei, seriously, where we goin'?"
You heard him sigh yet again. "Out to find food."

You both arrived at your favorite restaurant, which you hadn't expected at all. Naturally you thought he'd go through some kind of drive thru, but at this point he was spoiling you.

Your eyes sparkled as you read the big metal words on the wall. "C'mon, no need to stare at it outside," Baji interrupted your admiration of the sign, lightly pushing you toward the doors.


After the two of you ate, you went to the park for a while. Not for anything special, just for simple memories and you to get your new found energy out so he wouldn't have to deal with it later.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now