' 𝟹𝟹: Kimori '

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After finding Baji, and giving him an extra stern scolding about wondering off like a fucking 5 year old, the three of you decided on going in so your parents wouldn't get an absent call or something. It would've been around lunch by now so it wouldn't be weird if you all came in 'randomly'.

Bringing my food back to the table Mitsuya, Baji and I were sitting at for lunch. Typically, we all have lunch with Smiley as well, but we assume he's being held back by his class at the moment.

Though, I notice as I walk back, people are huddled together and whispering again. As I sit down, I sigh. "Are they still going on about us?" I question, contemplating if we should've just stayed our asses outside.

Mitsuya shook his head. "Not anymore, apparently some girl and her younger brother just arrived at the school earlier this morning." He explained, beginning to chuckle. "She somehow got a hold of Smiley and held a one-sided conversation in class. He was texting me all through it."

"He didn't do anything, did he?" I ask, remembering how short-tempered Smiley can be when he's part of something he doesn't exactly desire nor enjoy. Though, as Mitsuya was about to respond, the topic at hand answered for him.

"Course' I didn't." Smiley popped in, obviously seeming drained.
"How come you look so beat?" Baji questioned him.
"Outside. I had geomorphology and I hated it.."
"You had what?" I question him, never hearing of the subject before.
"Geomorphology?" He repeated, evidently confused as to why I didn't know what it was.
"Basically studying land forms." Mitsuya explained.
"Ohh. So geography?" You asked.
"Basically, yes." Smiley nodded.
"You coulda just fucking said geography." I argued.
"But the class is called geomorphology-" Smiley began, though, somebody cut him off.

"Hey," she grinned, dragging out the word as if she knew us.

The four of us looked at her confused. "Do we know you?" Baji questioned her, his tone flat.
She shook her head, adjusting her gaze to Smiley, who seemed like he was all but very smiley at the moment. "I'm the girl Nahoya you talked to outside.. Kimori, remember?"

"You didn't tell me your name?" Smiley responded, and I could tell he wanted to have the follow up statement be "How could you expect me to remember you?".
She looked at me, eyes wandering up and down my body, seeming unimpressed. "Whose she?"
"L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you." I say bluntly.

She put on a smile, which in my eyes, seemed more strained than before. "Sanes Kimori." Introducing herself, she bowed. "And you two?" She asked.

"Baji Keisuke."
"Mitsuya Takashi."

She hummed, seeming to barely acknowledge their names despite asking in the first place and focused back on Smiley. "C'mon, we have class together." She grinned, pulling at his shoulder.
"I have a free period?" He looked at her sideways.
"But you told me you'd walk me to class?"

"I didn't tell you anything.." Smiley told her with a sigh. And if he could roll his eyes, I know he probably would've done it by now. "..stop acting like you know me." He said, moving his arm from her. You saw her flash her eyes at you, then back at Smiley. "Come on," she whined, evidently more insistent.

I looked at her sideways, watching as she clung to Smiley. I analyzed the way she looked at me, and thought of why, before my train of thought was disrupted by Baji's poking. "What's up with you?"

I side-eye the girl, "She act funny." You said bluntly.
"You two barely know each other," He reminds me, and I sigh.
"Remember the girl I got in a fight with a while back? The neighbor." I ask, refreshing his memory.
He nods, not entirely seeing her involvement here. "Yeah.. what's she got to do with this though?"

"Kimori is her older sister. By some months, but still. She's been suspended for some months, for various types of reasons. If she's not always suspended, she was always kicked out by security. That's why she always seems new. Their younger brother is the only one technically new here." I say bluntly. "I saw her outside with her sister a few times but we never interacted much. From what I'm guessing, she told Kimori about me and now we're in this situation."

I feel Mitsuya nudge me a bit, bringing me back to the current conversation in front of me. "You and my sister, Kimora, 'talked' a bit.. correct?" Kimori questioned me.
I smiled, remembering the way the girl looked under me as I punched all across her face. I would bathe in the feeling of her blood running against my knuckles again if I could. "Yes, we did."

"Hmm, she told me. She had to go to the hospital. Got 17 stitches on her nose, and 6 on her lip." She informed.
I almost found myself giggling at the information.
"I'm glad. You're back from suspension?" I ask, my voice prompting her suspicion.
Her eyes blow wide. "How'd you know I'd gotten suspended?"

"I know a lot," I smile, "Body shaming, severe bullying, driving students to suicide. The list goes on. Your name has been in so many suicide notes, it's almost as if you're famous. Only reason you aren't in juvie would be your father, yeah? A superintendent of the district."

Finally, she drops whatever act she was trying to upkeep with a sigh. "And what of it?" She says through a sigh. "It's not like you can do anything about it. And as far as my fathers concerned, my school record is clean."

I roll my eyes. "I should've known you and your sister would've been daddies girls."

"Don't think you can get the better of me. Unlike my sister, I have more of a sense of my humanity and mental ego." She warns.

I haven't even said much yet and she already seems to be on edge. A liar always has their gives.

"It'll be so much fun to break, too." I smile. I smile softly, and sweetly, watching as her face grows pink at the harmless expression compared to her irritated one. She began storming away, the air clearing up soon after.

Smells better, too.

"You're all for breaking people, huh." Mitsuya sighed, admiring the way I kept up the smirk.
"She'll look so pretty with her mascara running down her cheek, crying and sobbing for forgiveness.." I mumble, imagining her being so butt-hurt once I find her tick.

"She's a fuckin' sadist.." Smiley giggled.
"But don't you agree? Having her sob at your feet, crying harder as you'd look down at her and laugh."

"You can't do that," Baji sighed.
"Do what?" I ask in an oblivious tone.
"Manipulate him into this," He said, pointing at Smiley.

"Man, fuck you." Smiley laughed, putting his head down against the lunch table.
"What?" I ask, a knowing grin growing on my face.
"You know what you did." He sighed, voice sounding muffled due to his head laying against the table.

"You like the idea too, don't you?" I ask, watching as he nodded reluctantly. A chuckle escapes, "Imagine her hair all tangled and messed up from that cute little bun."

"Look now, you doing too much." Mitsuya said, cutting you off. "I question both of you sometimes." He mumbled, rubbing his temples.

"Question her and Baji, not us." Smiley pointed out, looking at Baji and I.
"Maybe you all should stop walking around so much?" I suggest, rolling my eyes.
Baji shrugs, "It's her fault."
"How is it my fault?" I ask, acting offended. Though, evidently, Baji doesn't pick up on it this time.
"That was hypothetical, don't answer that." I shushed him.
He looks at me sideways.
"So it is your fault?" Mitsuya questioned.
"Technically.. yes?" I shrug. "But he takes it further than needed." I say, poking Baji.
"Don't put my name in this, this is about you." He says as he pokes my forehead.

"What's going to happen between you and.. what's her name?" Mitsuya asks, looking around the table for an answer.
"Damn, you forgot her name already?" Smiley laughed.
"It's not like you remember it?" Mitsuya questioned.
Smiley stops to think. "Damn, what was her name?"
"I dunno." Baji shrugged.
I sigh, "Kimori." They all let out an 'oohhh', followed by 'i dont like her'.

I grin, "Wanna put her in the hospital, too."
"Just promise you won't get suspended." Baji sighed.
I shrug, not knowing if it'll even get that far. Depends on how much energy I put into it, but I entertain the thought anyways. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll try."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now