' 𝟹𝟺: Fairy Tales '

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After school, Smiley and Angry invited you home for help on homework. Seeing as your parents didn't live far from one another, you didn't mind.

"I still don't understand why we have to solve for x." Angry sighed, thinking back about math class. "I'll explain it later, Souya. No worries." You assured the cotton haired boy who nodded slightly before turning back as he heard a girls voice call out for his elder brother.

"Smileyy!" She called out, coming into view. As you guessed, it was Kimori.

"God." Smiley said under his breath, just loud enough for you and Angry to hear.
"Where ya goin'?" She asked in a chirpy tone, and I have to fight the urge to ask her where else he would be going, walking pretty directly to our neighborhood.

"Home.." Smiley responded dryly.
She grinned, "Can I come??"
Smiley shook his head. "No."
She pouted, "Why don't you let me hang out with you?? It's always her." She said, eyeing me up and down. I roll my eyes, giving it no more energy than needed.
He nodded, "One, I'm not bringing some random girl home, and two, because I don't want you getting involved with me."
"Why not?" She asks, as if the first reason wasn't enough.
"Out of respect for your safety and well-being. As much as I don't exactly like you, I don't need you getting hurt because of bitches that want to know where I am." He said, turning his head to her.
"Then why do you let her follow you around?" She asked sassily.
"Because since she grew up around most of this, it comes naturally." Angry explained briefly.
"What comes naturally? I don't have time for riddles."
I sigh, fed up with her close-mindedness. "What they're saying is; no matter how much you claim you can 'hold your own', against a shit load of gang members you'd be beat to a pulp." You said, dumbing their explanation down for her.
"And what makes you think you won't be?"
I smile. "Funny that you ask that with what happened between your sister and I."

Her eyes widened and the two of you began arguing.

"Guys, could we not argue in the middle of the street?" Angry asked softly, looking between the two of you awkwardly.

"Oh, shut the hell up!" Kimori yelled at him, causing him to jump a bit as she attempted to close the distance between the two.
"Woah," I put an arm between her and Angry, pushing her back to give him space. "Better watch your fucking mouth." From behind me, I felt a familiar pair of hands hold onto my wrist. Despite his hands being fairly large, he still wrapped both around my wrist as an attempt to draw me back from her.

I look back at him, watching as he shook his head and his tight curls followed suit with the quick movement. "Now isn't a good time.. we gotta get home. Mama will probably question why you'd be so worked up if you came home after fighting." Angry explained. "Baji-San probably won't be so happy, either."

I sigh, taking his words into consideration before giving into his pull. "Fine, whatever." I grumble. Letting out a satisfied hum, he walked by my side, his hand still anxiously still on my wrist. Almost like he doesn't entirely trust the fact I won't turn back.


The moment we got to the twins house, their mother could tell Smiley wasn't in a good mood.

I can see what Souya meant by his mother being able to tell now. I think to myself.

"Nahoya, what's wrong?" Mizuki asked, nudging the pink haired boy playfully. Though, he shook his head, rejecting her form of play for the time being and a frown crossed her face. "Nahoya. What's wrong?" She asked again, pulling him to sit down as she dragged a seat to sit in front of him. He sighed and spoke under his breath, just loud enough for his mother to hear. "Girl trouble. Again."

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