' 𝟹𝟶: Sleep. '

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Pulling him into my room, I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his shoulder. "What's with you," he began, though I cut him off again. "Missed you."
He pauses for a moment. "You've been around me all day, how could you possibly miss me?" He questioned, chuckling toward the end of his statement. Though, I only stare at him for a moment, prompting him to ask another question. "What?"
I press my lips against his for a moment. "Missed you." I say over again, as if he didn't hear me the first time I'd told him.
Baji cupped my cheek in his hand softly, pecking once again before he spoke again. "It's about to be 12, sleep."
"Sleep with me." I said quickly, not letting him out of my hold when he tried to move. Without questioning it, he followed me to my bed with a sigh. "The things I'd agree with."
I only smile. "You've agreed to worse."

I turned Netflix onto my tv, hoping to finish something I was watching earlier this week. Though, Baji's voice breaks through the Netflix opening sound. "Seriously?"
I met his gaze with a curious expression. "What?"
"If you make the lights red I swear." He spoke, just loud enough for me to hear. And just out of spite, I reach for my led light remote and made the lights a dark red. "Yep, I'm out." He said, beginning to throw the covers off of him to leave.
A laugh escapes as I hold his arm down. "No, stay!"
"You're irritating." He complained.
I smile, kissing his cheek. "You know you love me."
"Yeah, well that was my mistake." He replied sarcastically.

Despite your attempts at staying awake for the sake of what you put on the tv, you simply couldn't, and passed out. Though, it wasn't all that surprising Baji fell asleep right alongside you.


Stirring at the feeling of movement, I open my eyes to see Baji sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly also just waking.

Crawling toward him, my smile grew as I laid my head on his shoulder. Meeting my eyes, he smiles gently. "Morning."
Already feeling my throat being groggy, I decide to settle with a small hum, not caring whether or not he caught the noise or not. And internally, I'm forced to ignore the urge I feel to kiss him because of morning breath.

I made the silent decision to go brush my teeth to fulfill my urge, Baji following suit after he realized where I might've been going. Despite our playful nature whilst brushing our teeth, I was semi-surprised to find nobody was woken up by it.

Which, in turn, had me question what time it was to begin with.

Disregarding it all together, I'm quick to throw myself in the bed after him, taking my rightful spot over him as my fingers trace along his features.

"What's on with you today?" He asks, eyes crossing when I poke his nose with my index finger.
"What do you mean?" I ask, eyes still trained on admiring his features.
He pokes the middle of my forehead as a way to redirect my attention. "Y'so.. touchy today."
"I can't admire you now?" I ask, half offended.
"Never said that," He kisses my forehead. "Was jus' curious."
I shrug. "Gotta get affection while I can."
"You act like someone's gonna say something." He says jokingly, ignoring the way I poke at the sides of his cheeks.
"They will.." I mumble, "And likely if we end up being alone while they're still around, they'll barge in, or find some other way to somehow see."
Baji sticks his tongue out, "So pda isn't your thing?" His question isn't offensive sounding, nor is it judgmental. Not how others would've reacted, had I told them I wasn't a fan of pda often. Baji, is just genuinely curious.
"Only because it'll be awkward." I pout.
He only laughs at my comment. "No it won't, I bet you probably wouldn't even notice if someone barged in, if they were quiet enough."
"Imagine Mikey walking in and whistling.." I complained, knowing the smaller blonde boy would never let us live it down. And let Mitsuya find out? Oh, God..
"Then let 'em whistle all he wants." He said, kissing me softly. "He could whistle a jolly tune and I wouldn't care."

Before I could respond, we heard the door creak a bit. Looking, I saw the door cracked open, when I could swear I closed it when we came in.
"Kei! Somebody saw." I say quietly, the thought upsetting me as if we weren't only in the house with Kazutora and my mother.
"It was probably just Kazutora, don't worry." he assures me.

After deciding to get dressed in our respective rooms, I went out to the living room, being met with Mitsuya, his sisters, and Kazutora, which makes me wonder just when everyone woke up while Baji and I seemed to be taking a suspiciously long time in our rooms.

"Morning." I say with a grin, smiling when the two younger girls run to hug me as the smell of breakfast surrounds my senses. "Hey you two," I say with a smile, happy to see the girls once again.

The two were matching as usual. They were wearing the same white, long sleeved shirt, but with black overalls. Luna had silver silver diamonds and flowers decorating hers, while Mana had skulls and stars on hers. They looked adorable.

I could tell they don't mind matching, but not all the way. Small little charms showing their wildly differing styles: Luna had her hair in two twin braids, at the ends she had white flower clips, while Mana had hers down, though one front piece was pulled back in a skull-shaped pin.

"'Suya," I called, already knowing he was likely the one to make the clothes. "These outfits are adorable."
"What'd I miss?" I heard Baji from behind me, watching as Mana ran up to hug him, calling his name excitedly.

"Well, good morning short stack." He said with a smile, lifting her easily. "How long've you been here?" He asked, looked up to Mitsuya.

"Not long, we just got here around 10 minutes ago." He informed, looking at his sisters who were counting the counterpart of their designs. "They wanted to come see you."

I smile at the way he mentioned the last bit, only for my ears to be filled with the girls skip counting.

"You two already know there's 15 of them on each so why do you bother trying?" Mitsuya asked, and from his tone, it seems like they've been continuously counting for a while. "Shush! I'm skip counting!" They said in unison.

I heard my mother laugh from the kitchen. "Sounds to me they're still in that counting stage?" She assumed, smiling when Mitsuya nods tiredly. "That, or they're oddly obsessed with numbers."

I look at Kazutora, noticing his eyes darting from between Baji and I, though he's not able to keep eye contact at all. He seems fidgety. "Kazutora?" I call his name, now sitting beside him. He jumped, as if not expecting me to be there.

"Oh, um," He began, soon squeezing his eyes shut. "Um, hi?"
I keep my gaze on him for a moment, analyzing his eyes. "Is something the matter?" I ask.
Though, he shakes his head frantically. "Sorry, sorry."
I cock my head, confused. "Kazutora, what happened?"

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now