' 𝟷𝟻: We Know '

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Y/N's mothers name is Tenshi and Baji's mothers name is Itazura <3

She looked at you, Baji and Chifuyu. "I know," she smiled softly. "What do you mean you 'know'?" You asked, confused.

Normally your mom wasn't strict about things mostly because you never did anything worse than herself when she was your age, so whenever something went wrong she understood the struggle.

"I know about your little gang," she said. Your eyes widened at the new found information. "How?" Chifuyu asked.

She got up and picked up a picture you'd taken of them on Christmas Eve, the day before the party. You and the founding members were there along with Takemichi, Emma, Hina and Yuzuha.

"Mom-" you began, wanting to try and come up with an explanation.
She grinned, "It's alright baby. You don't have anything to worry about." She assured you.
You looked at her sideways. "You're alright with this?"
She nodded, "It's not the best thing in the entire world, but not the worst either." She explained. "The only thing I want to know is how exactly it formed." She questioned, curiosity stirring in her eyes.

You and Chifuyu looked at Baji. Your mother gasped, "So you're the mastermind behind it all?"
Baji laughed, "Yeah."

"I remember when we were little Kei always talked about forming a gang with his friends, but I thought it was a simple joke." You explained.
"Three years from when we were 12, we slowly began forming a gang. First it was just Mikey and the rest, but now it's almost a third of the middle and high schoolers." Chifuyu sighed, crossing his arms and looked at you.

"Then this dumbass somehow pops up out of nowhere and gets used as bait." Baji says, shoving you playfully.

"And when was this?" Your mother asked, humored by the story already.
"Uh.. like.. sometime in late September?" You answered, trying to remember when everything happened.
She smiled, "And here 'Zura was worrying you'd run away or gotten hurt," your mother laughed.

"Wait.. mama thought I ran away?" Baji questioned.
Your mother nodded, "She went as far as saying she thought you hadn't cared anymore."
Baji sighed, "God, that woman is unpredictable."

Your mom laughed, "Now, now. What else happened? I'm curious." You grinned widely, wanting to tell her almost everything you can think of.
"D'ahh.. see what you started?" Baji groaned, noticing your light bouncing and your classic grin. "Now we gotta relive the memories."

You got your mother up and pushed her to the couch, having to drag Baji to sit down with you. Hinata listened closely as well, curious about what've been happening.

"I mostly consider them all my brothers to be honest, it's like we're all siblings with lost costs.." you trailed on, telling your mother about everything you've been through with them. The messy, weird, funny and rare sad moments you had to go through with them.

However, little did you know Baji was watching you speak like you were his favorite t.v show. He already knew what you were talking about because he experienced it first hand, sure, but watching and listening to you talk about it so vividly.

It did something to him. You did something to him and he didn't exactly know what, but he absolutely loved it.


After a while Hina ended up going home, so she said her goodbyes and called an Uber.

You end up telling your mom everything all the while she laughs with you. You wouldn't have expected her to support it, but she does.

She loves hearing about your chaotic stories and the relationships you built with them. She's definitely interested in Kazutora, your mom being a therapist, thought it was a great way to exceed her skills if possible.

And even give you a little advice on how to help him come out if you wanted, as if you haven't already.

"Alright, let's go see how Itazura is doing." Your mother announced, standing. You all nodded and stood.
"I swear, if she's crying and starts throwing stuff at me." Baji groaned at the thought.
You laughed, "That'll be funny."
Chifuyu sighed, facepalming.
"To you! I could die." He said dramatically.
You grinned wider, "That's the point!"
He looked at you sideways. "Your daughter has murderous intent." He said as he turned to your mother.
"Not anything I haven't done, so she's fine." Your mother smiled widely. "Jesus, you must've been a menace." Baji sighed.
"Because I was, and possibly still am." Your mom chuckled, "Enough talk," she said dismissing the conversation.

You all began walking over to Baji's mothers house. Your mom took a hair clip from her hair and began to pick the lock.

You and Baji eyed each other with a knowing look. "Uh.. mom?"
"Yes, my love?"
"I understand where I get my little talent from." You sighed, pointing at your mother who was literally picking her best friend's lock. You watched as she shrugged, "Well, that can be a good and bad thing."

You heard a click and watched your mother open the door, "There,"

You walked in with them and saw Baji's mother asleep on the couch. Baji sighed as he made his way to her, shaking her shoulder softly. "Mama.. mom, wake up," he said softly. After a while, she woke up with her eyes fluttering open.

"Keisuke?" She spoke softly.
"Yeah it's me." He assured her. She opened her eyes fully, a smile on her face. "Have a good party?"

Baji stared at his mother dumbfounded. "Alright, I'm going to find my actual mother." He said, standing from his crouching position and walking off. His mom laughed and sat up, "I just want to know if you had fun, that's all."

"Yes.. we had fun.." he said, still not believing the woman he was talking to now was his mother. She smiled at him, "I figured you were in a gang."

"What's that supposed to mean!" Baji asked offended.
His mother waved at him dismissively, "Boy, anybody could tell you were the type to join or make a gang at some point of time."

Baji crossed his arms. "Is it because of the fights I got in?"

"What do you mean 'got', you still get in them!" She sighed.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now