' 𝟹𝟿: Made Somethin' '

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After everyone went home and it was just Baji and I, I decided to try to get a snack. Though, going through my cabinets, I couldn't find my cookies — I could swear I remember buying some Sunday.. and today was a Tuesday.

"Keisuke.." I call, peaking upstairs for your boyfriend.
"Yes?" He replies.
"Where are my cookies?" I ask, hoping he simply moved them or took them up with him while he was working.
"Oh." Was all he said.
I watch him approach the top of the stairs. I ask again, "Keisuke.. where are my cookies?"
He snickers, "Digesting."
I turn from the stairs, already thrown off. "You whore. Go wear your whore make-up, you whore."
I hear him come down the stairs, wrapping his arms around me gently. "Oh c'mon. It's not that bad."
"Bro. It was a fucking family size pack. And you ate them in two fucking days?" I ask, quite clearly upset over the cookies.
"..Yeah." He said with a grin.
"I can't with you. I fucking can't." I pouted, turning away from him.
"Oh c'mon love, you can't be mad about cookies?" He asks, though, I'm clearly upset with him.

When he doesn't get a response, he sighs and turns my body to face him. "If it upsets you that much, make some with me."


I bite into the freshly baked cookie, a smile crossing my lips at the welcoming warmth against my taste buds.

"Are you happy now?" Baji asked me, as if the very evident delight on my face wasn't proof enough.
Regardless, I hum as I nod. "They're yummy,"

I watch as a smile paints his face, eyes having no shame in admiring the smile I give him whilst eating the cookies. I find myself getting a bit hot under his gaze, breaking eye contact before I find myself getting embarrassed.

"Kei??" I catch his attention, breaking whatever trance he was in.
"Hm?" He responds, eyes still trained on me.
"What do you plan to wear t'morrow night?" I ask, watching his eyes finally leave me for the first time in what felt like a century.
"Dunno. No need to dress up really.." He says with a shrug.
I look at him sideways, "I feel offended."
"Huh? How so?" He asked, his tone confused.
I turn from him, letting out a 'hmph' before speaking. "You said there was no reason to dress up when I'm right here."

He rolls his eyes, his index finger guiding my face back to his. "If you wanted me to dress up for you, you could've just said that." The cocky smirk he already had grows when he takes notice of my pupils dilating, clearly enjoying the view.


Eyes fluttering open the next morning, I sigh as I stand. Baji's no longer in the bed, leading me to believe he either got up to work, or left somewhere. After preparing myself for the day, I make my way downstairs. "Kei?" I call, listening to see if I hear any response or movement either upstairs or on the ground floor, to no avail.

I suppose he must've gone out then.

Getting a quick breakfast from the kitchen, I go back up to the room and open my computer, intent set on completing whatever work I was assigned from classes today and anything I didn't do the day before.

After finishing though, I notice how quiet the house was - even for us. Admittedly, Baji and I aren't the quietest people alive, but we're not quite loud either. Typically there'd be some form of background noise as a form of white noise while we went about the house.

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now