' 𝟷𝟾: Dare Devil '

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"Catch me!" You closed your eyes, falling from the branch. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, gently setting you down on the ground.

"Fucking dare devil, stop doing shit like that!" He sighed, grabbing his keys, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and walking off.

"Oh c'mon!," you whined.
"'Oh c'mon' nothing! You could've fucking hurt yourself better yet end up in the hospital!" He argued, looking at you.
"But I didn't?" You smirked, not taking the situation as seriously as he'd liked.
"Look," he sighed turning to look at you, "I don't like it when you do shit like that, okay?" He explained. You stared at him for a minute. Walking toward him, you hugged him. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to worry you."

He looked at you, a small smile growing. He removed his hands from his pockets, wrapping his arms around you.

"I still don't forgive you." He sighed, letting go and turning to find Mitsuya, Takemichi, Smiley and Angry continuing to walk.

You ran to catch up with them, poking Angry's shoulder. "Hihi!"
"Hi-" he said nervously.
"I still don't understand you, we've been friends for a while and yet you're still anxious. Do you have anxiety?"
"No-" he said quietly.
You smiled softly, "You're just like a small puppy,"

He looked at you confused. Smiley cackled. "Shut up, Nahoya!" You scolded him. You looked back at Angry.

"Souya?" You questioned him. "Yes?"
"Are you comfortable around us?" You asked, concerned.
"Of course." He answered boldly. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"No reason, just curious. I suppose you aren't the most talkative then."
"Wait.. were you reading me.?" You hummed, "Is that not normal?"
Mitsuya sighed, "Not at all."
"Oh.. I dunno what to do about that. It's a habit." You shrugged. They all sighed.
"Y/N," Smiley began, "Have you ever gotten in a fight before?" He asked, curious.
"Verbally or physically?" You asked.
"Physically." He confirmed.
"Ah, nope." You answered truthfully.
"Would you call yourself a goody-two-shoes, then?" Mitsuya asked.
You laughed, "Definitely not. Usually I don't have to fight."

"Because of Baji-San?" Takemichi asked.
"Oh, no. Well, yes, but also no," you sighed. "Half the time I'm close to being in a fight, however he stops me." You informed.

"So.. you can fight?" Smiley asked. "Most definitely."

"Do you have a certain fighting style?" Angry asked softly.
"Nah.. not really. I don't like sticking to one or two fighting styles, so it's a bit of everything. Easier to confuse opponents and causes for an easier win." You informed.

You felt something whoosh behind you. You stopped walking and smiled. "I will German suplex you." You looked over at Baji. He flipped you off, "Do it!"

You took a hair tie from your back pocket. Your put the hair tie around your wrist, putting your hair back in a ponytail. "Well today is your lucky day," You chuckled, watching as he climbed a tree.

"Bro chill I was playing—" he yelled, watching as you following him up the tree. He jumped down.
"Nah, you weren't playing when you threw that ball?" You jumped off as well, chasing him.

"I guess she can be a menace when he wants to." Smiley said, uncertain of what to think about the sudden mood change.
"We're never getting home like this.." Mitsuya and Angry sighed.
After about 30 minutes of chasing Baji, you finally catch him. Tackling him to the ground, you smile smugly as you looked down at him. "That's not fair, I tripped." He pouted.
"Yeah, well, whose fault is that?"

A smirk made it's way on his face. Switching your positions, he was now on top of you while you were laying on the ground.

After a minute of silence, you both burst out laughing.

"Can we go home? The suns setting." Smiley complained. You kicked Baji in his stomach and stood.
"Goddamn-" he groaned, rolling on his back. "That hurt like a bitch.."
You giggled, "I'll stomp your lights out too!"
He looked at you and sighed, "Damn you like your mother."
"Oh really?" You laughed. You grinned as you watched him stand up.
"Yep." He poked your forehead.
"I will never understand why you do that." You sighed, "Anyways, c'mon. We gotta get home,"

"About time," Smiley complained. "Shut up!" You argued. Just as you said that, your phone began ringing. You looked at the caller ID. 'Mama🧸'

"Y/N? Love, where on Earth are you?"
"With friends walking home, why?"
"Ah, no reason. I was just a little worried, that's all." She sighed. You could hear the movement of pots and pans.
"Mom.. are you cooking?" You asked.
She hummed, "At the moment, yes. I just started not too long ago."
Your eyes lit up at the sound of your mothers cooking. "By the way, how many of your friends are with you?" She asked.
"Kei, Souya, 'Hoya, 'Suya and Takemichi."
"You mean the twins?" She asked.
"Yeah, the two cotton balls."
"We aren't cotton balls!" Smiley argued.
You heard your mother laugh, "Okay then, hurry home."
"Alright, byebye mama."
"Bye hun." She said before hanging up.

You put your phone in your back pocket. "I'm tired at this point," you yawned.

"Bro you were just running around." Smiley sighed.
"Don't sit here and pass out on us." Mitsuya joked.
You rolled your eyes, "I would never."
"Don't lie, you probably would," Baji sighed.
"No I won't!"

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now