' 𝟺𝟽: Epilogue. '

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It's been about two years since then.

Mana served her four years in the military and was able to leave, deciding to help her sister and brother with a clothing company. The three of them ended up working together.

Kazutora, of course, kept Shiro safe. He cared for the sweet boy, who was now 8 years old and he loved Baji and I's little girl, who was 2 years of age.

Apart from that, though, not much had changed.

I try to open my eyes, only to quickly shut them when the sun utterly blinds me. Looking behind me, I admire the empty space in the bed.

Though, my thoughts are interrupted when I hear my daughters familiar cooing across the hall. Standing, I make my way to her room. I watch quietly as she plays with her toys peacefully. "Fumiko," I call her, chuckling when she snaps her neck back with excitement. "Mommy!" She exclaimed, running into my arms. "Bee-boo, mommy!"

I giggle. "Peek-a-boo, Fumi. Wanna eat?" I asked her, hearing my own stomach growl. She smiles, "Yeah!"

I let her wiggle out of my arms as we walk downstairs together. "What you want baby?" I ask her, opening the fridge. I watch as she grabs the lunch meat. "Sanwich!" She said happily.

"Alright. Can you get the rest?" I ask her, knowing she won't know what mayo and mustard are right off the bat.

She nodded, grabbing the white container and yellow container, giving them to me with a grin.

"Wanna cook it or no?" I ask her.
She points to the stove. "Cook." She said confidently.
I smiled at her. "Alright, come here."

I place her in her booster seat so she could be beside me as I make her and I a sandwich, as well as one for Baji for when he's home.

Cutting her sandwich in half, I gave it to her on one of her plastic plates and gave her a cup. While eating, she'd occasionally ask me questions, or occasionally say 'thank you' or 'i love you'.

Once we finish eating, I put the dishes in the dishwasher and let Fumiko bring out some of her toys to play and watch tv. Though, it wasn't long before she heard a click at the door. Sunlight peering through, in came Baji and Chifuyu - as usual.

"Daddy!" Fumiko ran to her father happily, almost tripping over her sock.
"Balance, Miko, balance." Baji sighed, catching her before she fell.

She peered over Baji's shoulder, being met with Chifuyu. "You 'kay?" He asked, closing the door behind him. He smiled as the giddy girl nodded, and continued to hug her father.

"It's rude not to greet guests." Baji said, feigning an offended tone as he approached me after I finish washing my hands.
"You aren't a guest, you live here. And I was washing my hands." you sighed as you poked your daughter on her stomach, giggling as she laughed at the soft gesture.

Hearing our girls laughter, Baji and I turn to find Chifuyu playing Peek-A-Boo with Fumiko, sending her rolling with laughter each and every time.

"Bee-boo!" You daughter imitated the phrase. "Peek-a-boo!" Chifuyu laughed.

"So that's where she learned it?" Baji smiled. Chifuyu nodded, laughing once more as the baby said "Bee-boo!", covering her eyes with her hands only to remove them again.
"Peek-a-boo!" Chifuyu copied her movements, watching as the baby giggled at the sight of his blue eyes.

I heard distant yelling outside our home. "Come on, Miya-San!" A little boys voice boomed loudly.
"M' comin', hold on." I heard Kazutora's follow up soon after.

The door opened, revealing Shiro. Our baby jumped up, running toward the 8-year-old.

Shiro picked the girl up without struggle, hugging her and spinning her around. Their laughter fill the air.
"Kazutora, what do you be feeding that child?" I joke at his strength.

"Food.. what else?" Kazutora answered, dumbfounded at my question.
Chifuyu shook his head. "She means, why's he so strong?"
"Skrong!" The baby copied the one of the many words she knew how to pronounce.
"Yes, Nana, strong." Kazutora smiled at the toddler, who was still in the 8-year-olds arms.

The baby liked her nickname from Kazutora. 'Nana'. He doesn't know why he calls her Nana either, which is the funny part. The first time he had her over with Shiro, who was 7 at the time, he called her Nana.

She always giggled at the nickname, too. She'd grab his finger when called by it, specifically by him. She doesn't like when others do it, like Hakkai.

Everybody has their nickname for her, and she knows each and every one of them, by voice and name.

"Kaka," your daughter said, leaving Shiro's arms and making her way toward Kazutora.
"Yes, Nana?" He asked her, watching as she latched onto his leg.
"I love you!" She coo'd.
He smiled, "I love you too, Nana."

She giggled, and threw a ball at Shiro.
"Now-" Kazutora first looked concerned before laughing when the boy successfully caught it. "Nana, that was a soccer ball."
However, his words fell on deaf ears — she was like her father.

The more I looked at her, she looked like Baji and I. She had my hair texture, Baji's hair color, and a mix of your skin tones. When dealing with facial features, she looked like me a lot. When she's smiling she resembles Baji though, which I find adorable.

"Alright baby," I watched as my daughter reacted almost instantly to my voice. "Quit hurting Shiro, k?"

She looked at me dumbfounded. She knew what 'hurt' meant, and I knew it. Her eyes softened, "Hurt Shiro," she said, a pout forming on her face.

Shiro panicked, taking the baby from Kazutora. "No, no, no tears!" He panicked.

Behavior wise, he resembled Kazutora a lot when he was a child. After he got out of juvenile detention, of course. Soft, innocent and quiet.

"It's 'kay, I dont mind." Shiro assured her. She hugged him and shook her head, tears staining his shirt.
"She's goin' to be an emotional one." Baji sighed.
Chifuyu nodded, "Mhm. M' sure she'll be fine, though."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now