' 𝟹: Gang '

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After the fight, Baji immediately came to retrieve you. Taking you in his arms, he hugged you tightly. "Are you okay?" He asked in a soft tone.

You nodded, your head laying on his chest. His heartbeat was energetic and loving, sending waves of emotions you couldn't explain with words through your body, blood warming in the best way.

Not long after, you heard wet footsteps stamping against the soaked road. "Is she alright?" He asked. You looked at him, nodding before releasing Baji from your adoring hold to face the group of boys approaching the three of you.

"Why don't 'cha look at that! I wouldn't have imagined that you two would've shared." Somebody called from a distance. It appeared to be another boy from Baji's gang. He was smiling, pink fluffy hair on top of his head.

A blue boy came from behind him, "Smiley!" He whined, pulling him away. Though, without saying anything, he stuck a hand behind the pink boy's head and forced him to bow with him before walking off together - the pink one growing more reluctant the further they got.

"..I'm guessing those two are in the gang as well?" You suggested.
"Yep. Twins, actually." Baji sighed.
"C'mon. We can explain tomorrow," Chifuyu yawned, "I'm tired, and Baji's mom said to look after him."

You all began walking off while Chifuyu and Baji went back and forth. "I can watch myself! Mama only tells you that cause she worries too much."

"I'll be sure to tell her that, too." Chifuyu snickered as he began to run off into the rain.

"Wait! Wait! No, don't tell her anything!" Baji yelled, running after Chifuyu.


The next day, your schedule with Baji went along just as planned. You both got up, raced to get ready and met each other outside. This time, you won. Then, you ran to Chifuyu's house.

Which, oddly enough, had other people there as well. Though, you could only imagine it was the others you were abruptly greeted with the night prior.

"Chifuyu?" You looked at him confused, warranting an explanation.
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Mitsuya, likely the only one you actually know, mumbled under his breath.
Chifuyu nudged Mitsuya's elbow, "Yes?"

"Who're these people?" You looked at them, huddled up in a group. "Our friends. The closer ones, anyway."

They all began introducing themselves, one by one. It was kind of funny to you how they started from shortest, to tallest.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N L/N." You smiled softly, hoping the welcome wasn't too formal, or too informal to be considered unpolite.

"It's nice meeting you. It's kinda shocking to us how Baji finally got a girlfriend that could handle him." A boy named Takemichi said, hand rubbing his neck awkwardly as his voice died down toward the end of his statement.

You and Baji looked at each other, confusion coloring both your faces. "We're dating?"

Chifuyu sighed, "Damn it, Smiley." Chifuyu pinched the bridge of his nose, "K, so, whatever the fuck Smiley told you was a lie. They aren't dating."

"Then, you and Y/N are?" Mikey questioned, likely another assumption fed to him by 'Smiley'.

"No.." Baji sighed.
"We are childhood friends. I grew up with these idiots." Chifuyu explained, pointing at you and Baji.

"Call me an 'idiot' again and I'm telling the neighbors you stole their carrot cake." You and Baji spoke in unison.

"That was you two!" He whined, arms flying high in defense.
"Your proof?" You asked.
"I literally recorded it. I bet you still have it in your fridge!" He argued.
"Shush!" You shushed him, noticing he was getting a bit too loud.

"You three are a bunch of trouble makers, aren't you?" Draken asked, or rather assumed, after putting together the very obvious puzzle pieces.
Chifuyu shook his head. "I guess you could say Baji and I are. Though, Y/N-Chan wouldn't do a thing—"

You hit him with your bag. "Do you know how many times I stole for you two?! I 'ought be in jail!" You scolded them. And as always, something goes wrong.

"Oi! Little girl!" A neighbor yelled at you. "Where's my money?!"

They all looked at you. "Money..?"

You chuckled nervously. "I kinda borrowed money from a random neighbor, since y'know, gambling addictions..." you grinned.

"Fucking idiot." Chifuyu sighed.
You turned around and saw him running at your group, cane in the air. Quickly you turned to everyone, "Scatter!"

You watched as everyone ran, started to climb trees and hop fences. The old man was left yelling and throwing a fit.

You, Draken and Mitsuya climbed the nearest tree, and you took it as an opportunity to run through other neighbors' yards, Baji, Chifuyu and Smiley hopped a fence while Takemichi, Hakkai, Mikey and Angry ran off in probably unknown directions.

"Damned kids!" He yelled, "Always doing some ding-dang stupid shit!"

You giggled at his cursing, watching as he held his hip in pain as he limped back to his house.

"So you can steal but can't fight. Got it." Draken chuckled to himself.
You eyed him, confused. "Ayo, ain't you supposed to be kinda skinny. Like— more muscular?"
"She talks like Smiley.." Mitsuya sighed.
You rolled your eyes, "Growing up with Baji wasn't easy. Now answer the question!"

You watched as Draken jumped down from the tree, "Yes.. I am. I just prefer to dress this way."
An idea popped into your head after that. "Draken?" You peaked up to the tree.
"Can I call you Ryu?" You asked cheekily.
"..why. God, why." He sighed, almost frustrated. "Sure. There's no use stoppin' you."
"Got that right!" You grinned.

You walked with your head high as you began to walk with the two boys, trying to find the others. You already felt comfortable with the two.

"So, how d'you and Baji know each other?" Mitsuya questioned.
"Our moms. Baji's mom and mine were friends throughout high school and college, so they just drifted together throughout life." You explained. "We have no fucking idea where our fathers went." You said with a sarcastic smile on your face.

Your statement made Draken chuckle. "You're funny."

Soon, you crossed an ally which contained Takemichi screeching at birds that were attacking his.. hair?

"Damn. Even his hair is animal abuse." You laughed. "Now that was cruel.." Mitsuya said before chuckling himself.

Hakkai and Angry were with him but Mikey was nowhere to be found. "Oi, where's Mikey?" Draken questioned.
"He went to find you." Hakkai said silently.
Draken sighed, "Well, I guess we're not going to school today after all."

Childhood 'Friends'? - Baji x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now