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If you feel Uncomfortable leave now

Don't curse at me if you don't like since you are free to leave

Enjoy the story


"Yeahhhhh Jeon Jungkook wake uppppppppp"  a blonde male shouting while banging on the Door trying to wake up his Brother who is now probably late for his meeting, not that he cared though, the dark head male grunted because of the shouting, the blonde male satisfied when he heard the shuffling inside the room so he left to downstairs after warning the male

The dark haired male dragged himself to the bathroom he did his daily routine and came out and went downstairs he scrunched his nose in disgust when he saw his brother making out with his mate in the living room "You know there are many rooms in this house and mate less people" Jungkook said gaining the mates attention

"Oh shut up and eat breakfast and drop me in the University" Jimin said to Jungkook who scoffed in return "You had your own mate" Jungkook exclaimed "I have a meeting now kid I am leaving now So drop him" Yoongi said and left "Why are you still with that Zombie ?" Jungkook pointed the male who is leaving making Jungkook glare at him 

"Mom and dad will come after two days" Jimin announced making the other male chock on his food "W-What?" "Aww Don't stutter my brother you better find your mate or they will find you one" Jimin warned

"Ahh I am searching for him/her but I cant find my mate" Jungkook grunted while fisting his hair, he wants his mate and no one other than his mate, he dreamed of having a mate seeing his father mother bond and his friend circle with mates and how happy they are, he also wants to experience but he has to become pack leader so their parents are kind of rushing him and he doesn't like it not even a bit

"Minjae don't prepare dinner today and don't wait for us" Jimin said to the omega who works in this house as a cook and house keeper 

They found him years when ago he was almost dying in the forest and joined in their pack after knowing the omega's family is dead in a tragedy, he stays in pack house and comes here early in the morning and leaves at night after finishing his work he has a little crush on Hoseok. His mate is dead for him even though he is alive since he made his life a living hell. The omega nodded his head and left the place, he wasn't a cheerful person, it was a rare sight to see his smile he lost everything when he lost the 2 precious persons he ever had loved

Jungkook dropped Jimin in the University and left to the company, he entered the company with a cold expression ignoring the whispers and squeals getting from the people it was a daily thing for him. He reached his office and called his assistant "Are there any meeting today?" Jungkook asked in cold voice "You are already late for your first appointment sir, Mr. Kim is managing but you should attend it" She said, she was an middle aged lady who is married and was so thankful to Jungkook when he helped her family in her bad time, he sighed and made his way to the meeting room 

"Ahh Look who finally decided to show up" Mr. Park exclaimed while clapping making Jungkook roll his eyes "Uncle Park you can deal this without me" Jungkook whined, Yess JUNGKOOK whineddddd a Trueblood alpha well he is cold to others but not to his closed ones "Ah I just want to see you Kooks and also I came here to request you to visit Baekhyun he is spacing out again thinking about them maybe you can help us Kook Please" Chanyeol pleaded

"Is he again started to space out uncle?" Jungkook asked "Yes Kook he did and I can't think of anyone but you" Mr. Park said "I will come with Jimin and also with others today" Jungkook said "Yeah I already asked Jimin" Mr. Park said "Okay Uncle I will meet you evening" Jungkook told Mr. Park who nodded "Namjoon Hyung cancel every meeting we have in the evening" "Okay Jungkook" "And also bring some desserts on your way he will like them a-lot though" Mr. Park left after saying that

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