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Hey Lovlies 


It was the next day of their hangout Sunday, Jungkook was in the pack house in his office to handle pack works since his father was complaining alot about him being negligence towards pack works along with his friends who are also here to help

"wahh it's been a long time since we are gathered like this" Hoseok said gaining everyone attention in the room, everyone nodded in return. Just then Minjae entered the room with tray his head was low, "Luna asked me to bring them here" he said while keeping the tray on the table not even looking at anyone

"Hyung what is that necklace?" Jimin asked gaining Jungkook attention, Minjae was tensed in his spot, he immediately hided it "I-I dont know it was with me from my childhood and it hides my scent from others" Minjae explained and then left after bowing, "Yeahh Jung Hoseok if you like him just go and ask him out don't stare at him like a creep even I am creeped of your stares" Jin shouted gaining Hoseok attention

Hoseok has a like on Minjae but never said, he liked him since the moment they found Minjae in the Forest, it is Hoseok who took care of him all that time, after listening to Minjae's story he kept his feelings aside, his actions are proof and everyone around them know, he always freeze's whenever he sees the other he tenses and stutters sometimes, So he doesn't open his mouth infront of him alot

"It's not easy Jin, he is already traumatized by his past" Hoseok replied "Atleast, you should try Bitch" Jin replied getting a glare from Hoseok, Yoongi cleared his throat and said "Isn't that the same necklace on Taehyung ?" "Yes Hyung it is" Jungkook replied "Then that means he might be an omega" Jimin exclaimed "Woahhhh Jeon Jungkook you scored a rare species to yourself a beautiful one " Jimin said again

It was night by the time they return their house, Jungkook lives separately since he want his own personal space along with Jimin while his parents live in the Pack house, he goes to Pack house daily for work

"Do you think they are related Jimin?" Jungkook asks Jimin once they enter their house "I don't know but I feel too and the features of Minjun and Minjae are same Kook, they might be related but we have to be careful" Jimin said while sitting next to Jungkook "Let his birthday come Kook and then we will think of what we will do" Jimin said again making Jungkook nod his head in understanding

The whole day Taehyung and Minjun spent their day on the bed sleeping, talking and went to the lake nearby to play Taehyung is helping Minjun in shifting which he succeeded, and they played in water though Taehyung doesn't changed since it's risky for him

It was night they both are having their dinner after their little evening nap "Eomma do you like that uncle" Minjun out of blue asked "Who?" Tae was confused "That uncle we went out with Yesterday?" Minjun said "M-Minjun-ah you know I will have a mate "Tae said, not understanding why Minjun asked him if he like Jungkook or not since it's a complicated even for him "W-What if you don't find one?" Minjun asked again "Kim Minjun you better stop this conversation and it's not your age to worry about" Tae sternly said to Minjun while getting up to clean the dishes

It was the next day in the University Jimin was already in the Class waiting for Taehyung, he has many questions to ask but he can't not now, he waved his hand when he saw Taehyung entering the room, Tae came and sat next to him "Tae what are your birthday plans?" Jimin asked "Umm I haven't celebrated Jimin since I lost my brother" Tae replied looking down

Before Jimin can ask another question their Professor entered and started lecturing "Okay class here is your first Assignment, you should submit it within 2 weeks" He announced while writing down the topic's

Jimin didn't brought the topic after seeing Tae off with the Topic, So he asked if he could also visit Minjun since he is getting boring and there is no work either at home, actually Jimin planned that he will atleast try to go to Taehyung's home because he was dying of curiosity, Tae obviously accepted he too liked Minjun hanging with Jimin and Jungkook

It was evening now they both are on their way to Pick Minjun, They soon reached the park and played for sometime again Jimin asked the pretty male that if he can come along with him to his work for which also Tae said Okay

Now here they are, Jimin doing research on his assignment while sitting at the back and Minjun upstairs sleeping, while Tae doing his work, Today Mrs. Kim again left the keys with Tae since she is going on a date with her husband and won't be returning

The time was passing even Jungkook came at his usual time and ordering his usual and it was getting late but today the customers are not stopping and the time also passing by so he Just turned the plate which is hanging to the door from open to close

He was cleaning the mess in the cafe and saw Jimin was still there even Jungkook he was Kind of happy that Jungkook is here and also sad that he being burden to him, he did declined many times but Jungkook being Stubborn ass never listened and even used Jimin sometimes. He was in the deep thoughts, forgetting about his surrounding's and tripped letting a loud scream and sobbing which gained both the Jeon sibling's attention

Jungkook was talking with Jimin whereas Jimin is explaining him about his plan of him going to Taehyung's house along with Tae, they were discussing but interrupted when they heard a scream and Sob and ran towards the spot, Jungkook's heart was dropped to his stomach when he heard the scream of Taehyung

"Ohh Tae" Jimin went to Taehyung who is whimpering and sobbing "H-Hurt's Jimin" Tae sobbed while clutching his ankle, "Jimin we have to take him Hospital" Jungkook said while bending down to lift Tae in bridal style "It's okay baby, you will be fine" Jungkook assuring the not even minding the nickname he gave to Tae which made the other male a little blush even in this situation(*Umm I will blush like crazy so, Ahem*)

Jimin was coming with sleepy Minjun in his arms and bags while Jungkook is placing crying Taehyung in the backseat carefully, Jimin placed crying Minjun in the front seat while he was getting in the backseat taking Tae's head to his lap "Kook drive fast, I will call and ask if Jin hyung is at Hospital still"

Jimin hurriedly dailed a number ""Woah Jimi-" "Hyung are you in the Hospital ?"Jimin cut-off the male "Yeah I was about to go" Jin answered "Hyung wait I am coming with Kook, Taehyung sprained his leg, it is swelling" Jimin answered and ended the call not waiting for the reply

They soon reached the Hospital and Jungkook again lifted Tae in bridal style and went inside while Jimin assuring Minjun who is crying seeing Tae in pain "Jungkook Take him inside I am coming" Tae heard someone saying, he can't see because his eye's are blurred and not daring to open

Jungkook slowly placed the silver haired male on the table and started caressing his hand saying sweet words and assuring "It's okay pup you will be fine hyung will take care of it" while Tae is sobbing and stuttering and hiccupping due to the impact of cry, Jungkook is carefully wiping the tears with him thumb

Jin came inside and started checking Taehyung "Jungkook it's swelling, I think we have to take X-ray" Jin said while eyeing the leg, They finished Taking X-ray and now are in the room while Tae was sniffing and Jungkook caressing his hand and Jin looking at the reports

"He needs complete bed rest atleast 1 week since he is a wolf" Jin said while keeping the reports on the table, "Did he have someone to take care of him?"Jin asked while eyeing Taehyung who is now sleeping on the bed after his long session of crying after taking medicines "No hyung "Jungkook sighed

"He should not work kook, you should work out something take him to your place or leave Jimin with him to take care of him even if he is a wolf his wound won't heal if he keep working" Jin explained and Jungkook nodded his head


Hey Fam,

What do you think of today's chapter ?

I am thinking of making Tae and Jungkook close before his birthday 

Let's see where it will go 

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