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Hoseok now was in library, back facing the Door, he smirked when he heard the door's locked, "Shall we talk now ?" Taehyung said to Hoseok who was now facing him with a raised eyebrow arms folding on his chest and smirk plastered on his face.

"What is it reuel ?" Hoseok asked, Reuel rolled his eyes at Hoseok and sat on the couch "Carrying two babies is exhausting" Reuel said with a pout while rubbing his stomach

(It is Reuel and Hoseok until I mention that it was Taehyung, So don't confuse if I use Taehyung out of habit in middle instead of Reuel)

When Hoseok was in basement, he was alone with Alex dead body as Soo Hyun went upstairs to take rest as he was, when Hoseok was checking he got a message, the message was return on the air with fire

Meet me at Red Moon Pack now

Don't tell anyone


Hoseok did as he was asked, he was sure confused why Reuel wants to meet him alone all of a sudden, When he entered the house even though the eyes of Taehyung normal but the energy around him is not same, he did understood it was Reuel for sure 

Now Hoseok and Reuel are sitting infront of each other, "You need to help me" Reuel said while looking at Hoseok who raised his eyebrow "On what ?", Reuel explained everything "It is risky" Hoseok said "Why are you not looking surprised ?" Reuel asked "I know you can see future and I also now I understand why you left Tae 4 years back" Hoseok said making Reuel nodded

"You can channel me" Reuel simply said "It will risk babies" Hoseok pointed "It won't as long as I am here it won't" Reuel assured "But I don't know how to do it ?" Hoseok said "Don't worry my dear Baekhyun eomma has a book for it" Reuel lifted his hand and a book came flying straight into his hand "Cool" Hoseok said amused making Reuel roll his eyes again "You are different from Taehyung" Hoseok commented Reuel just shrugged

After discussing Both Reuel and Hoseok were about to leave, but Reuel abruptly stopped and turned to look Hoseok "What ?", Reuel eyes turned blue "If you make any mistake that affects my babies I will sure kill you" Reuel said in a dark voice making Hoseok gulp in fear, he sure find Reuel scary at this moment "I-I won't" Hoseok stuttered, Taehyung eyes immediately turned normal, "now let me give control to Tae and he doesn't know a single thing so don't you dare open that mouth of yours, if he ask just say Reuel learned" Reuel said to Hoseok who nodded his head

Taehyung took the control, he looked at Hoseok who is looking at him with a pale face, "Hyung what happened ?" Taehyung worriedly asked "N-Nothing Tae " "Is Reuel got to know what he wanted to learn" Taehyung asked "Y-Yeah he learned" Hoseok said making Taehyung hum

"Love shall we go" A head is peaked through the library door making Taehyung laugh a little because his mate looked cute, "Yeah let's go" Tae said while making grabbing hands with his sweater paws, Jungkook understood and picked Taehyung who immediately locked his legs on Jungkook's waist and buried his face in his neck, Jungkook and Hoseok bid goodbye's and left

Everyone cooed at Taehyung who is already sleeping in Jungkook's arms by the time they came down, Everyone from Blue Moon Pack left while Hoseok stayed behind learning what Reuel asked him to do, Jungkook told Taehyung everything who is behind this to say the Omega was terrified. So Taehyung asked Jungkook to shift his classes to online mode until this all is done until they get rid of their Threat

It was the next day, Taehyung was straddeling Jungkook, keeping his head on Jungkook's shoulders while Jungkook was sitting in his office, doing his work while holding his mate protectively. The morning started like this, Taehyung throwed up alot this morning which worried Jungkook and the omega started to hate everybody's scent, he aslo cried when Jungkook was about to go. So Jungkook just brought his pregnant mate along with him

Taehyung immediately straddle Jungkook when they entered the office and fell asleep, to say the pregnant male was so tired because of recent event's and also because of carrying two pups, Jungkook really liked his mate like this and who is he to complain when he himself wants his mate all to himself all day and night

A knock interrupted their peaceful movement and Taehyung started to squirm in sleep as he was light sleeper, Jungkook immediately petted his head "Come in" Jungkook said in a plain voice a little low but enough to hear, A employee entered with a file in his hand and rapidly blinked seeing the scene infront of him, He's clearly eyeing Taehyung who is sleeping which made Jungkook tighten the grip on the omega

"What do you want ?" Jungkook asked in a cold voice which made the employee shiver "Sign" he mumbled, Jungkook sighed and took the file, the employee left as soon as Jungkook handed him the file as he can't handle the death glares which piercing right into him soul

As the day came to an end Taehyung was awake but tired so Jungkook has to carry him from the office to the car, he is not complaining though as he knows how hard it would be for his mate Right now both the mates are eating each other faces the moans of the pretty male is filling like a music to the Alpha's ears who is sucking and biting his lips while his one hand is caressing his mates while the other hand is roaming the Omega's back sending butterflies. They both parted from the kiss panting heavily, connecting their forehead's

"Mark me" Jungkook suddenly making the Omega look at him "W-What ?" Taehyung stuttered "Mark me Tae" Jungkook said a little loud clearly as the Omega looking at him shock return all over his face, Jungkook laughed when he saw his mate looking so cute "It's okay baby mark me love" Jungkook said while caressing the pregnant males cheekbone and pecked his lips

Taehyung nodded and sat properly on Jungkook lap and started kissing Jungkook's Jaw, sucking the skin between his pretty lips coming down to neck, Jungkook tilted his neck giving more access to his mate, Taehyung licked the spot and looked at Jungkook as for confirmation who nodded his head in return with a smile

Taehyung who a deep breath his fangs came out he slowly dig them into the flesh of his mate who hissed at pain but moaned a little when pleasure hit him, they can feel the bond became strong, Taehyung took out his fangs and licked the mark to stop the bleeding, he looked at Jungkook with teary eyes "Thanks" he thanked Jungkook "No Thank you love for coming into my life" Jungkook pulled male into a sweet loving kiss

Taehyung was all over the moon, he never expected Jungkook to ask him mark him, sure he wanted to mark Jungkook but most Alpha's doesn't allow their mates who are lower than their rank, So he was shocked when Jungkook asked and Thanked the Moon goddess for giving a mate like him

"Alex got caught" Je Hoon said to his father "Pathetic wolf" Hae Joon groaned "let me handle this, didn't we had a party to go tomorrow" Hae Joon asked "There is but I can't come" Je Hoon said in a low voice "Fine arrange some men and a witch" with the Hae Joon left


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