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"What actually happened Jimin? " he asked the beta who was now drinking water

Jimin explained everything to Jungkook his legs knees are giving up bending down to submit as the True Blood is now furious, his eyes color changed to Dark red and his aura is not Helping Him, Jimin released a whimper and almost gave up but Jungkook noticed "I-I am sorry Jimin" He apologized, and cooled himself "It's okay Kook" Jimin said

"What is his name ?" Jungkook asked, his voice is still cold "Lee Je Hoon" Jimin replied and got a hum in return, "Ask Yoongi Hyung to get information on him, I will go check on him and also inform the cafe that he will start from tomorrow" Jungkook left, "Do yo think I am your server " Jimin Huffed, but in the end he did everything

Jungkook opened the door room to find his mate sleeping, he sighed and changed his clothes after taking bath and slipped into the sheets, spooning his mate who clung onto him and drifted to sleep

"Love wake up" Jungkook whispered but the omega whined and pushed himself into the broad chest not willing to wakeup "Baby it's 11 Just eat something then you can sleep as much as you want" Jungkook tried in which he was succeeded as his mate made him grabby hands indicating him to carry

He chuckled and carried him to the dining area, it was empty as Jimin already slept, he kept the omega in one of the chairs and went to bring the dishes, he served both of them, they both ate in silence Taehyung didn't utter a word through out the whole dinner

Jungkook came to find his mate in the same position after keeping the dishes in the dish wash, "Tae do you want to talk about it ?" Jungkook asked sitting in the chair beside Taehyung taking the hands of omega, He sighed in relief when Taehyung responded with a nod

Tae really don't know What to do, When Jungkook woke him up, he doesn't want to face the reality where he met his nightmare, The whole dinner his mind was wandering around the incident in the mall and the words that Lee Je Hoon said to him

"H-he is a psycho Kookie, he will find us" Finally Tae broke down after minutes Silence, Jungkook stood from his spot and hugged his mate releasing his scent to calm the omega "He won't do anything listen to me baby I will protect you and Minjae hyung along with Minjun he can't even lay a finger on you three" Jungkook said as the omega still crying "D-Did you tell to hyung ?" Taehyung asked "No baby I didn't, I thought it's upto you" Jungkook said "Thanks koo, I-I will talk to hyung" Tae said

"Listen Tae I won't even let his shadow fall on you three, I promise he can't do anything to you, before he can do something I'll get him" Jungkook said making the omega smile as he can feel the emotion the sincerity in the True Blood. He know he is safe with Jungkook no matter what he know Jungkook will protect him

It was the next day as Tae was in the University after a long argument with his Hyung who throwed him out to go university while he was refusing to go as he wants to spend time with his hyung, he felt unsecure leaving his hyung behind. Jungkook felt the feeling and assured his mate. Taehyung even refused to send Minjun to school but Jimin and Jungkook knowing the reason calmed the omega and assured him

Jungkook was in his office when his door opened, entering Yoongi along with Namjoon "Hey Jungkook" they both greeted and "Hey hyungs" he greeted back while taking the file from Yoongi "where is Hoseok Hyung ?" Jungkook asked while looking at the information "He is busy with some witch thing" Namjoon replied as Jungkook nod "He is from Onyx pack Jungkook" Yoongi said

"Hyung he is one of the director in Park Industries, I think we have to inform Uncle Chanyeol" Jungkook said "I agree Jungkook but he will rip his heart out If we do that" Namjoon said "Well If it was me I will not only separate his heart I will also separate him part to part in his body" Jungkook said in a dark voice which send shivers to both the Alpha's there

"First let's keep an eye on him Jungkook and see What's he is planning" Yoongi said trying to put some sense into this True Blood Alpha who sighed and nodded "Okay Hyung but if he approaches them he is dead" Jungkook said in a dark voice "And also if you reach Hoseok Hyung ask him to contact me" Jungkook said while the other two Alpha's nodded their heads

While at the Park Industries, "Oh Je Hoon-ah how are you ?" Chanyeol greeted "I am fine uncle, how are you and Uncle Baek ?" Je Hoon asked while sitting infront of the chair that chanyeol offered him. Basically Mr. Lee Hae Joon(Just a random name) and Chanyeol are good friends from their Childhood not best friends

"Oh Baek is fine he doing good now and How is your dad ?" Chanyeol asked "Ohhh he is fine uncle enjoying his retirement " Je Hoon chucked as Chanyeol hummed "So what bring's you here ?" Chanyeol asked "Oh nothing uncle I just want some old financial files" Je Hoon replied "Oh old files all are in house as I took them to study last month about some Transactions" Chanyeol said "It's okay Uncle I will come tomorrow" Je Hoon "No let's go home and have lunch with us, isn't it been years since you last visited" Chanyeol said getting up from the chair

Baekhyun was in the room talking with Jungkook "So you will bring them tomorrow right ?" Baekhyun asked through the call "Yes uncle I will don't worry" He replied, "Oh Jungkook-ah I will call you later Chani came let me go and inform" he squealed and ended the call

He ran all the way down excited "Chanie Kook called and said he will bring our Minjae, Taehyung and Minjun" he shouted from the last stair as he can he his mate entered the living room, "Oh Slow down Love" Chanyeol catched the omega who ran right into his arms "Jungkook said" "Yeah yeah I listened, we will prepare for tomorrow alright" Chanyeol said as the omega nod his head vigorously, Chanyeol turned his head to but found no one so he called "Je Hoon ah come inside" he shouted

Lee Je Hoon was about to enter when he heard the three names, his eyes widen but frowned when he heard that our he didn't understand the relationship, he was in deep thoughts thinking the possibilities nothing is coming into the mind except Are they his sons ? he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Chanyeol

He shake his head and entered, he greeted Baekhyun and they did had lunch and talked stuff, It was evening "Ah thanks for having me uncle, I will meet you again" Je Hoon said getting up from his place ready to leave "yeah Do visit next time with your dad Je Hoon " Chanyeol said patting his shoulder

Je Hoon bowed and left, through out the day his mind whole mind was thinking about what he heard he shook his head "I should call him" he mumbled under his breath as he was starting his car

Tae was in the pack house as he wanted to talk with Minjae about the mall incident, So now they both were in the bedroom of Minjae as Minjun is playing downstairs, "Tae what do you want to talk ?" Minjae asked after setting the clothes in the wardrobe

Tae was tensed he doesn't want to tell but he has to because he doesn't want to be on bad terms with His hyung and also so that his Hyung can protect himself, he cleared his throat "H-Hyung " he started

"T-Tae what if he come back a-and t-take m-my Jun, I-I am not ready for this, Why can't he leave us" Minjae cried on his brother shoulder who was trying himself to be strong "Hyung I-I am s-sorry I-If only I haven't went to shopping" "No bub it's n-not your m-mistake, anyhow i-it tend t-to be h-happened, you can't blame yourself baby" Minjae said while hugging his brother, he can feel the nod from Tae

"Hyung I-I have f-faith in Kookie, h-he will protect us h-hyung" Tae said while he himself was trembling in fear "I-I know h-he will T-Tae" Minjae sniffed "I-I will stay here for tonight" Taehyung said as he already discussed this with Jungkook in the car as the True Blood immediately agreed to it. Soon Soo hyun dropped a sleeping Minjun and the three drifted to sleep...


Hey petals, 

Liked the chapter ?

I am not kinda satisfied with this chapter, by the way I will just write a separate chapter on Minjae and Taehyung's past since I am not getting any scenarios to where to put it

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