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"He should not work kook, you should work out something take him to your place or leave Jimin with him to take care of him even if he is a wolf his wound won't heal if he keep on working" Jin said and Jungkook nodded

Jungkook went outside to find Jimin and to discuss with him before waking Taehyung "is he sleeping" Jungkook asked while sitting beside him who has sleepy Minjun "He is sleeping after so much of crying Kook, what did Jin Hyung told?" Jimin asked "He said that he should not work and should have complete bed rest he is sleeping inside" Jungkook replied

"Jungkook even if we offer him to take to our house he won't come" Jimin uttered "I know that's why you have to stay with him" Jungkook said "Do you think he will allow us to his house ?, even though I am dying to do that, it's also our only opportunity to know his place" Jimin said "I don't know but we have to try Jimin, he has no choice" Jungkook sighed

Now both Jungkook and Jimin are inside the room Jimin is waking him up "Tae wake up" Jimin is patting Tae's shoulder in the attempt of waking him up, since Tae is a light sleeper he woke up as soon as he felt the tap on his shoulder, he hissed in pain due to his leg while stirring and blinking his eyes to adjust the light

"W-Water" Tae asked, Jungkook brought him water "Tae doctor said that you need bedrest, even if you are a wolf the swelling won't reduce while you work" Jimin to Taehyung who is drinking water, "I-I have to work Jimin and I even have University I just can't sit at home doing nothing I have Minjun to take care of" Tae said with hoarse voice "Tae I have solution it's just one week Tae" Jimin uttered

"If you can't take rest this one week, you can't take care of Minjun because of the wound"Jungkook said nonchalantly, Taehyung sighed "W-What's your idea?" Jimin eye's lit up with the idea "I will stay with you and take care of you this one week" Jimin said "No no no Jimin I can't be the burden for you" Tae said

"Tae you are not a burden for me a friend is never a burden Tae I will stay with you we will take online classes this one week my brother will talk, for the sake of you Tae please" Jimin pleaded, "Jimin I can't, my place is a not so good place for you to stay" Taehyung said "I never said that I want to stay in a 5 star hotel" Jimin uttered

"It's not that Jimin bu-" "Kim Taehyung let me stay, you can repay if you want to" Jimin made a deal, all this time Jungkook was watching Taehyung carefully his expressions and words all, he is just immersed in the beauty of the boy infront of him

Taehyung was thinking there is no way he can work in this state even he knows that and he can't let them know where he stays it's not he doesn't want to but what they will think if they know that he lives more like hiding in the forest, but either way he doesn't had any good reasons to deny it he sighed and finally made a decision 

"Okay you can but I am telling you it's not a good place and it's deep in the forest Jimin you will get bored eventually" Taehyung kind of like warned Jimin but Jimin just smile giving his signature smile where he can't see through his eyes

Jungkook sighed in relief when he heard what Taehyung said "Okay let's go it's already late" Jungkook said "Okay let me grab Minjun, Kook you lift Tae" Jimin left while smiling mischievously "Umm no no Jungkook-ssi I wil-"Before Taehyung can complete Jungkook lifted him in bridal style and started walking, Tae immediately locked his hands against Jungkook's neck and blushing madly , he isn't declining that he didn't enjoyed being lifted by Jungkook where Jungkook is internally Jumping since he is getting to lift the male who he want's to touch badly

Jungkook carefully placed Tae in the backseat "Careful bub" while placing his leg on the plushie that is in his car while Jimin is sitting in the front with Minjun in his lap, Tae's cheek became pink when he heard the nickname Jungkook gave him

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