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Uncle Baek I want to meet you

Jungkook and Tae ended up cuddling as he doesn't want to leave his mate, he did carried him for the whole day, it was night and everyone are back, Minjae was fuming in anger when he saw the Hickey's on his little brother who was sleeping, he huffed "I told you to don't go rough and you marked him" he asked when he saw the mark on his brother neck "He asked me to and also my wolf told me to" he shrugged tightened his grip when his mate squirm "Noisy" Tae mumbled

"Yes noisy let's go to bedroom" Jungkook lifted his mate who is sleeping "And he is the one who asked me to be rough" Jungkook smirked and left a huffing Minjae behind.

Taehyung was fine the next day and went to University along with Jimin with a driver, While Jungkook is now in Red Moon Pack, he is Just praying for his ass, He took a deep breath and went inside, he looked around but found no one and sighed. He asked a maid about Baekhyun, "Luna is in Garden Alpha Jeon" The maid bowed and left

He made his way to Garden praying Moon Goddess, he found the elder and went towards him "Hello Uncle baek" he greeted the male "Just tell me you used a condom" Baekhyun glared at Jungkook, who is now finding the flower pot next to him so interesting than anything in the world "Jungkook" Baekhyun sternly called him making the True blood gulp

He finally looked at Baekhyun and have a sheepishly smile "I-I d-didn't" he said Baekhyun closed his eye, took a deep breath not wanting to lash on Jungkook, "U-Uncle Baek i-it was I-I forgot" he tried "If channie was here you would have been dead" Baekhyun said making Jungkook nod "I-If he was pregnant we will find something to balance his studies and also protect him and the baby" Jungkook said making Baekhyun nod as he know there is nothing to change now

"let's go to the library" Baekhyun started walking with Jungkook beside him, "Let me bring the book" Baekhyun went behind the racks while Jungkook sat there lost in thoughts, he snapped to present when he heard a loud thud "Damn this book was sooo bigg" Jungkook said looking at the book "And also damn fucking heavy" Baekhyun grunted and sat beside Jungkook and took the book into his lap

"This is the book about the Pure Bloods that our ancestors have lets search" Baekhyun said while turning pages of Book, Jungkook stared at the book as the pages are flipping, "Here, Here got it" Baekhyun exclaimed pointing, "Read then" Jungkook said making Baekhyun roll his eyes "Here said the Pure Blood Omega's Hair change when he got mated by his destined mate, which indicates that he gaining his powers" Baekhyun said making Jungkook nod understanding the color change

"I think his wolf asked him Jungkook" Baekhyun pointed, "Maybe uncle" Jungkook mumbled "We don't have time Kook, he will be frightened when his powers start and also he has to know how to control them" Baekhyun said worriedly "I will bring him this Saturday here along with Minjae Hyung and Minjun" Jungkook said making Baekhyun nod his vigorously, he chuckled The three looks same Jungkook thought

Jungkook left after he spend sometime with Baekhyun talking about Tae, Minjae and Minjun, he was in his office doing work when he heard his mate in his head I miss Kook he blinked twice not getting Arghh I hate university he heard again Tae he linked his mate

Taehyung was sitting near the window with Jimin beside him, he was not interested in his class his mind was wandering somewhere, unaware of his he thought of his mate I miss Kook he thought unaware that he linked his mate Arghhhh I hate university he thought in his mind now looking outside the window

He was startled when he heard Jungkook voice in his head Tae he blinked his eyes and looked around the room Tae, baby is that you ? he blinked twice and the gasped a little getting y-yes kook he blushed when he heard Jungkook deep chuckle baby do you know you just linked me ? Jungkook asked through the link N-No I didn't, but how did it happened ? he question again remember I marked you Jungkook linked making Tae nod as everything made sense and Blushed harder as the things flashed in his mind

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