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That evening everyone are happy and had a party except Jungkook and Yoongi who are stuck in a meeting, Everyone left after the celebrations while Taehyung and Jimin stayed for the night

The next day morning,

The sunlight peaking through the windows. Taehyung nuzzled into the warmth, and smiled when he got the familiar scent and snuggled more, Jungkook completed his meeting that night and came early to his mate, By the time he reached Tae was sleeping peacefully hugging a pillow. He slowly removed the pillow and placed himself and spooned his mate pecking his forehead and closed his eyes drifting to sleep

Jungkook felt his mate moving, so he opened his eyes tightening the hold on is mates waist, Taehyung turned to face Jungkook who was already looking at him with love, "I am pregnant" Taehyung whispered Tears brimming from his big doe eyes, "I love you Baby" Jungkook whispered back kissing Tae's forehead lovingly as his eyes teared up.

"Koo" Tae called the True Blood who hummed in return "It's twins" Tae said in a low soft voice "What ?" Jungkook looked at his mate eyes wide tears threatening to fall, "We are having twins" Tae whispered again this time Jungkook pulled the male into a loving sweet kiss as tears rolled down his cheeks "Thank you Love, Gosh I am so lucky" Jungkook prepped the Omega's whole face with kisses making the Omega giggle

"Jin Hyung said he will come today again to check and talk as you were not there yesterday he said he will come today again" Taehyung said and felt a nod on his neck as the True Blood buried himself in his mates neck sniffing his scent. They both completed their breakfast and left their home. Taehyung took a leave today since he has things to discuss and also check up and also Jimin since the male was lazy

Jungkook and Taehyung are in the living room watching Tv as the Alpha rested his head on Omega's lap who is playing with his lock's, where as Jimin on the another couch laying with his head supporting on the armrest of the couch

The door bell got their attention, "I will open the door" Jimin lazily woke from his position and went to open the door, he came back with Jin following him behind "How are you Taehyung ?" Jin greeted the Omega who smiled brightly "Fine Hyung" He replied back Jin hummed in return

"You have to be more careful in the future you will feel more nauseas and throw up alot" Jin said "You should come for checkup for every one month I will be here in pack clinic thrice every week so it's not a problem" he continued "And Jungkook his mood swings and cravings will become more in the future Just be careful" Jin warned the Alpha who nodded

Jin left after sometime thoroughly checking and prescribing some medicines, the trio who again continued to watch they decided that Taehyung will go to university until he can but with Protection as Jungkook not going to take any risk.

"Babies don't make mommy sick and be good" Jungkook said while pecking the belly of Taehyung as the male was going to college, It's been a week Taehyung was fine he throw up early in the morning which made Jungkook worried alot but he was fine for the rest of the day after taking Jin's medicine, His mood swings and cravings didn't started yet to which Jungkook was glad

He pecked Taehyung's lip's one last time as Jimin dragged the omega from their as they were getting late, Jungkook sighed and left to his office, It was a long day soon the night arrived everyone are in the pack house as Mira wanted to have a family dinner, the whole time Jungkook hands were either on the Omega's waist or on the thighs possessively

"Eomma said that he is celebrating Minjun's bday" Taehyung said "Oh isn't it in three days" Mira said while everyone nodded "I have to buy gifts" Mira said while thinking "You have already spoiled him Mom" Taehyung whined "I already bought gifts" Soo Hyun said making everyone sigh "It's okay love" Jungkook pecked Taehyung's lips who glared at him cutely

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