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When he opened the door his eyes went wide popping out, there Stood a Lady in her mid 45 as he recognized from the pic in Jungkook office and a Sheepishly smiling Jimin along with Yoongi who is in his PJ's looking like he was dragged from his sleep

Few Hours back At Jungkook and Jimin's House-

It was 7:30 in the morning-

Jungkook informed Jimin last night through link that he is staying at Taehyung's Jimin and Yoongi were Sleeping peacefully since it was Sunday without no care for the world, But their peaceful sleep was interrupted when someone banged their door

Jimin groaned in his sleep whereas Yoongi not caring as he was in the deep slumber, Jimin slowly woke up and opened the door, Only to find his mom banging on his door, he never remembered giving the lock to his mom except Minjae since he has to come daily to prepare breakfast, Lunch and all

"Mom Why are you here ?" Jimin asked in his raspy voice, "Jimin since today is Sunday I want to meet Jungkook's mate" his mom said making him shout in shock WHAT, when Yoongi groaned he closed the door behind him and came out, and shook his head walking to the living room "Wait mom you want to meet Taehyung" Jimin asked frowning forgetting to ask how she got the key  while Mrs. Jeon is nodding her hear Furiously

Jimin sighed "Mom he is not ready yet" He tried to explain, "Jimin I am not asking to bring him here, I am saying that I will go to him" Mrs. Jeon exclaimed "Mom let's talk this with Jungkook " he tried, "No No that brat Alpha didn't even showed me his mates Picture expect telling how beautiful he is" his complained like a kid he just watched her in disbelief

Before he could register what's happening he was in his bathroom where his mom is asking his bath and ready, he did as he had no choice, he came outside after 30 mins seeing his mom in the living room reading some Magazine, he cleared his throat gaining her attention "Let's goooooooooo" she sang~

"Mom list-" "Wake Yoongi up he will drive" she cut-off him in the middle "Mom he is sleeping" Jimin groaned "Oh he can sleep there Jimin" she said making Jimin groan, No way his mom is going to listen to him as he know how stubborn she is

He literally dragged Yoongi who from his bedroom Like that now they are infront of Taehyung's door who is looking at her shocked, Yoongi went inside shoving everyone "Good morning Tae" he greeted and went upstairs to sleep

She squealed loudly when she saw Taehyung, he came out of shock and coughed a little clearing his throat "H-Hello"he greeted "Hi I am Jeon Mira, Mother of your mate" she introduced herself while squeezing his cheeks "You are so cute" she complimented him making him blush

Taehyung invited her inside, "Where is Minjun ?" she asked making Taehyung tense "Ohh Don't worry son I am really dying to meet you both so I dragged Jimin and Yoongi along with me " she said smiling sheepishly "H-He is sleeping along with Koo- I mean Jungkook " he stuttered making her chuckle at his cuteness

"Why don't you sit ?"she patted the seat beside her "I-I am cooking lemme-" "Ohh don't worry Jimin go and check while I talk to my future son-in-law" she said making both the males chock while Tae looking down not knowing what to do

He slowly made his way to sitting beside her "You are soo pretty" she complimented again making Taehyung blush whereas Jimin turned of the stove and went upstairs, stomping into the room not minding anything

"JEON JUNGKOOK" he shouted making Jungkook groan and Minjun squirm in the sleep, "You better wake up MOM IS HERE" Jimin said shouting the last part making the True Blood Jolt up in his sleep "WHAT ?" he shouted "Mom is here Kook" Jimin said again

With that Jungkook dashed to bathroom to fresh up and went no ran downstairs, "Mommmm" he whined when he saw his mom literally squeezing Taehyung's cheek whereas his cheeks became red "Oh you brat you finally awake making your mate work" she said while Jungkook looking at her like 'What the fuck'

"Why are you here ?" Jungkook asked taking The omega from his mom's side and sitting in between his mom and mate, "Oooo I just want to meet my son-in-law and since you are not making me" she huffed and glaring at Jungkook "I told you I will once he is ready" Jungkook grunted, she looking down huffing

"Look at him you literally made his cheeks red by squeezing them" Jungkook said while pecking Taehyung's cheek who now turned red, she scoffed at him "Where is my grandson?" she asked making Taehyung look at her shock is return on all over his face "He is sleeping" Jungkook replied making her hum

"Umm Mrs. Jeon d-did you had your breakfast ?" Taehyung asked "Ohh no son and also call me mom" she said "Umm then you can Join us Mrs- M-Mom "he invited her he felt like tearing up but blinked to avoid the tears which are threatening to fall when he called her mom "Ooo I would like to eat the food you made" she said

Now they all are in the small dining room whereas Jimin is sitting in the Kitchen counter, while Mrs. Jeon is talking with Taehyung, while they were talking they heard a small tiny voice making them snap their heads towards that direction

Minjun is standing there while rubbing his while Tae was already on his feet "Hey baby did you slept well ?" he asked while crouching down to the boy level, Mrs. Jeon cooing internally at Minjun and Taehyung but suddenly find Something and linked her children

doesn't he look like Minjae she linked yes mom Jimin linked back agreeing with her, we still didn't know anything so we are waiting for right time mom Jungkook linked to her mother who nodded her head by the way where is dad Jungkook linked his mom who rolled her eyes well that old man is sleeping she replied making Jungkook sigh at her

He sure can imagine the reaction of his dad after waking up don't worry I informed him she linked him back making him shake his head at her, it's not new for him though

Taehyung was back with Minjun carrying him in his arms nervously went to Mrs. Jeon who is eyeing them with adoration, "Mrs- Mom h-he is Minjun" he introduced the boy "Ohh he is so cute" she said while seeing the boy who is looking at her with shy

After sometime Minjun did get comfortable with Mrs. Jeon while others are doing bath and getting ready where as Yoongi was still in his morning attire complaining about how they dragged him in the morning, while Mrs. Jeon completely ignored him

The whole day Mrs. Jeon bonded with Taehyung and Minjun who are now comfortable with her, they even cooked together where she showed him her special dish as the ingredients are available, Minjun started her calling Grandmother since she asked him too

It was almost 7 in the evening and they all decided to leave Jungkook was not willing to leave the omega but he had to since he ignored the work the whole day, they all bided their goodbye's and left while Jungkook was standing there looking at his mate, he kissed the male taking him off guard which he never expected but sighed "I will see you tomorrow " he said after separating from his mates lips "Okay Kookie" Taehyung smiled at his mate who left after pecking him once again

Taehyung went inside after closing the door dropping himself on the couch, he was thinking about the whole day and how motherly love Mrs. Jeon gave him a tear rolled when he remembered his parents and his hyung

He even thought how pretty and Kind Mrs. Jeon was, he didn't expected her to be like this, when she asked Minjun to call her Grandmom he really couldn't believe his ears and felt overwhelmed due to the affection, he snapped out his thoughts when Minjun came to him and sit on his lap

"Eomma I am hungry" Minjun said making Taehyung chuckle at him "Ohh bub one min lemme heat the dishes" he said while getting up keeping Minjun on the couch

On the other side Mr. Jeon was angry at them for leaving him here while Mrs. Jeon was defending more like they both were fighting making the other's sigh at the couple, all are there even Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok. They all are in the pack house came to do some pack work while the other three are out. The fight was going on while the other are shaking their head at the elder couple

On the other hand Tae dropped the dishes which he was drying after they finished the dinner when he heard a voice while Minjun playing upstairs 



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