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It was now a daily thing that Jungkook going to the cafe to see Taehyung in the evenings even though he is late he made it there every time, and it made Taehyung giddy every time he saw Jungkook, He has became close to Jimin these days, he never said about or mentioned about Minjun not even about his family, whenever the topic raises Tae somehow escaped the question which made Jimin more curious, It has already been 2 weeks since there encounter and his friendship with Jimin

So here they are now Jungkook drinking his Americano while Tae cleaning the counter since it's closing time as usual Minjun is Upstairs sleeping peacefully, the cafe is silent but the plain music and the mild scents of their mates which are making them giddy without their acknowledgement

Jungkook did made his mind that even though if Tae is not his mate he will woo him and marry him, because he wants to only if Tae also want's "Tae Minjun is asking for you so I brought him" Mrs. Kim said while coming down with Minjun in her hands, Tae took Minjun in his arms and rock him back and forth to make him sleep again, Jungkook didn't understood the relation between the kid and Tae

It's not like he will mind if Tae has a son but he told Jimin he is a beta which is wrong and now a kid, he did had a hunch that Tae is an omega, He never once did background check on Taehyung, he doesn't want to either. On the other side Tae was a little panicked what Jungkook might thought it's not like he cares what if he was his mate and rejects him for having a son ? he don't know why he is caring but he did decided a long back that even if it was for his mate he will never leave Minjun if his mates wants him to and is ready for the Rejection

Jungkook reached Home and found Jimin in the living room watching TV "Jimin did Tae had any brothers?" Jungkook asked gaining Jimin attention "he always avoided the topic Kook" Jimin replied still eyeing the TV "Why?" Jimin asked now turning his head to Jungkook's direction "N-nothing "with that Jungkook left to his room making Jimin confuse

It was the other day in the University Jimin made his way to Taehyung who is already sitting at the last of the class, they both greeted each other as usual "Hey Tae do you have any brother ?"Jimin asked making Tae freeze, he know sooner or later he has to tell him everything he took a deep breath and turned his head to Jimin side "N-No" Tae stuttered

"Uhh It's just that yesterday my brother saw a kid so he thought he might be you brother" Jim said, well Jimin did had a talk about that and Jungkook told him about what he saw in the cafe "Um No" Tae sighs and now completely face Jimin "H-He is my son" Tae said while Jimin is looking at him wide eyes "You you said you are Beta" Jimin exclaimed "Uhh He is my hyung's son who is dead some years ago "Tae revealed a bit "So he is your hyung's son ?" Jimin asked in confirmation and felt happy when Tae nodded, Not that he mind if Tae has a son

"D-do you want to meet him?" Tae asked while eyeing Jimin carefully who nodded his head eagerly in excitement making Tae chuckle at him "Okay I have to pick him up before I go to my shift I will take you then" Tae informed Jimin who nodded his head in agreement

After completing their classes both Tae and Jimin are on their way to Minjun school in Jimin car, The drived stopped the car infront of the school but Tae said him to take the car to the nearby park, Once the car stopped Tae hoped out and started walking and Jimin is following him with a frown confused, he saw Tae crouching down infront of a kid and went to them

"Hey baby how is your day?" Tae asked "It's good eomma" The kid replied "Umm Jun I brought someone to meet you" Tae said and turned his head to Jimin "He is my friend Jimin, he wants to meet you" Tae said with a smile Jimin slowly crouched to the same level of the boy and extended his hand "Hello" said with a smile "H-Hello I am Minjun" The kid replied after shaking his hands with Jimin "Awe you look cute Jun" Jimin commented making Jun blush and hid himself in Tae's neck making the elder's chuckle

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