Bonus Chapter-2

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"well why is it so quite today?" Jungkook asked pecking his beautiful husband lips, "silent before the storm" Ye Joon answered, they can't help but nod as on cue "JEON JEONGHAN" the burst open by an angry Joshua, "where is he ?" he asked the Jeon couple in the dining table, they signed upstairs, "what did he do this time?" Jungkook mumbled seeing Joshua run upstairs, "he kept Joshua's games on sale" Ye Joon replied drinking the freshly made orange juice

"Why did he do that?" Taehyung asked knowing that Joshua won't leave anyone who touched his game collection, "Aww my pup is getting addicted to these games and I need to do something which is selling them" Mi Young mimicked Jeonghan scoffing remembering his brother's words,  "What makes him think that Joshua is his mate?" Jungkook shook his head at Taehyung's word 

Hong's Joined in their pack long back when they came to city, Joshua was left back here in the care of Jung's as Minjae adores Joshua since they joined the pack as Hong's left the country again after 2 years of Joining in the pack, since then Joshua either stays in his own house or in Jung's with Hoseok's and Minjae daughter Jung Yeri and time passes at Jeon's

As usual Min Jun stays at both the packs, he mostly stays at Red Blood Pack learning responsibilities as he is the future Alpha of the Pack he is 26 already, He adores Ye Joon a lot, he's very possessive of him which leaves everyone speechless sometimes, though Jeon's had a hunch they decided not to jump into conclusions, since it's moon goddess who decides mates they didn't have any objections, the twins will turn 21 in few months as Jeonghan is 16

Joshua and Jeonghan relationship is been like that since they met, he calls Joshua 'my pup' all the time leaving the latter all flustered though Joshua doesn't express but he likes it and he was bit scared about the 'mate' thing and everyone knows, Jeon's long time gave up explaining the boy looking at his antics

They sighed when they heard Jeonghan's scream--

"yahh Yahh pup listen, b-ba -- ouchhhhh --awww --- yahh that hurts" Jeonghan kept on screaming as Joshua kept on biting him, he smacked Jeonghan's head "Aaaniiiiii what did -- ouchhh "what ? what did I did ?" Joshua scoffed, "You selled my whole game collection" Joshua almost shouted

When he entered Jeonghan's room, the pure blood is sleeping soundly, he jumped on him waking the latter up and since then on he kept on slapping or biting the Alpha, Jeonghan sheepishly smiled at Joshua "It's because you are addicting to them-- ahhh ahhhhhh Y-yahhhh it hurts" Jeonghan pleaded as Joshua twisted his ear, Jeonghan pulled Joshua into his lap trying to cool the angry wolf in his arms, "Pup" "What?" "Yahhh cool down" "Buy me a new gaming collection, limited addition" "what ? No-- Jeonghan shut his mouth when Joshua glared at him, boy is sooo whipped 

"Aren't you getting addicted to them ?" the pure blood whined but winced when he got a smack on his head, "I will wait downstairs, now get your ass down fast" Joshua wriggled out of Jeonghan hold, they both are in this position a hundred time it's not new to them, Joshua also gave up on making Jeonghan stop him from calling 'pup'

As Joshua getting down setting his dress, his eyes widen at the scene infront of him because Taehyung and Jungkook are eating their faces, his face became red when he heard Taehyung moan, the twins are no way to be seen, they probably left, and it's not new to him he saw them making out many times but it always left him fluster, he cleared his throat gaining the mates attention

Taehyung immediately hided in Jungkook's chest as the true blood looking at everywhere but Joshua, finally getting himself together, "Shua-ah did you ate breakfast pup ?" Taehyung asked pushing Jungkook back a little who smiled at him a little, "N-No I thought of eating it here" He replied, "are you okay with pancakes?" Taehyung asked going into kitchen, "yes I am fine" he replied trailing back Taehyung 

After 15 min's Jeonghan came down freshly bathed, "woahhh pancakes" Jeonghan chirped, he took a plate and took himself some as Joshua sat on the table, Taehyung came back leaving the two in the dining hall and sat beside his mate who immediately pulled him into his lap, "Koo they are still here" Taehyung whisper-yelled as Jungkook kept on kissing the omega's neck, the true blood only hummed busy eating mate  

"No PDA old man" Jeonghan shouted as he coming back from dining with Joshua along with him making Jungkook scoff, "Eommaaa I am going out I already informed the driver" Jeonghan informed pecking Taehyung cheeks making him nod as no words are getting out of his mouth, "Bye uncle's" Joshua left behind Jeonghan waving his hands at the Jeon couple

Taehyung yelped when Jungkook flipped him on the couch hovering, "shall we continue love?" he husked in Taehyung's ear biting his earlobe making the moan return, "D-Don't you have to go to company Koo?" Taehyung asked biting his moans back, "I am too horny to go baby and also it's sunday today" Jungkook replied in between kisses making Taehyung blush more he's dead


Hey pretties,

Just in mood to write this chapter

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