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he observed that the elder that is Mr. Park is froze in his spot when he saw him in beginning but shrugged, he kind off felt strange inside, even Jungkook observed

Mr. Park came forward and extended his hand to Taehyung "Hello Taehyung I am Park Chanyeol leader of Red Moon Pack" he introduced, Taehyung took his hand and shaked, tears formed in Chanyeol's eye's as soon as he saw the necklace he blinked to avoid Tears, since Tae upper 2 buttons are free the chain is visible

Now they all are seated on the couch "Jungkook why don't you visit Baek along with your mate" Chanyeol asked "I will uncle once I introduce him to my parents" Jungkook replied "The necklace looks beautiful son" Chanyeol commented pointing at it "T-Thanks" Taehyung mumbled enough to hear for everyone and buttoned his upper buttons

Before he could ask an other question "We will leave it's almost time to pick Minjun" Jungkook said while getting up from the couch and extended his hand to Tae to take which he took immediately sighing internally, they left after bidding their Goodbye's, soon Namjoon left leaving Chanyeol in his thoughts

Chanyeol soon reached his house and went to find Baekhyun, he found him through his scent which lead him to Library, he immediately went to his hugging him tightly releasing a sob "I-I think we found them Hyun-ah" He said, at first Baekhyun didn't understood what his mate was saying so pulled the hug and cupped his face

"Channie who ?"Baekhyun asked "Our sons" Chanyeol replied, Just like that Baekhyun broke down in the arms of his mate who held him tightly sitting on the couch "R-Really?" He asked, he can't believe that he found their sons

"I am sure the necklace on his neck looked like yours, he resembles you a little and the scent it is also the same I can still remember that day baekie" Chanyeol said "That day when you said that you picked his scent mildly I denied but today even though the scent is mild due to the necklace I am sure it's him, he is also Jungkook's mate"he continued

"C-Can we m-meet them channie I-I have waited enough" Baekhyun cried, "We will but let me confirm things baby then definitely I will let you meet him, I don't know if they are together or not but I will find out and there is also a kid we don't know their relation" Chanyeol said making Baekhyun nod his head


Taehyung and Jungkook are on their way to Minjun's school, they parked the car and standing outside waiting for him, soon the school ended and kids are coming and they found Minjun in the crowd running towards them making them chuckle at him, he came and hugged Taehyungs leg

"Eomma Happy Birthday" Minjun chimed in happiness "Thank you baby" Taehyung said while picking Minjun into his arms, "How was your day baby ?"he asked the kid while walking with Jungkook side by him who is carrying Minjun's bag "It's nice as usual but I got a friend today, he silent but cute he is also an Alpha" Minjun said making "Ohhh really what's his name bub ?"It's Jungkook who asked "Taejun" he repleid (I just gave a random name)

They soon reached the car Taehyung placed Minjun in the backseat while he sat in the passenger door "Let's go Jimin must be waiting for us" Jungkook said before he start the car the phone, seeing the caller Id "Speak of the devil" he mumbled under his breath but lifted "are you planning to come or not "Jimin said in an annoyed tone "Well hello to you too shorty we will be there in 30 mins "Jungkook said "Well the movie start in 45 mins kook come fast" Jimin replied and ended the call

After 40 mins they reached the mall, they all planned to go to a movie, then dinner and then Jimin will again take Minjun along with him since Jungkook requested as he wants to take his mate to somewhere, alone time

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