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Surprise Double Update ✨


Jimin finished preparing dinner and was watching Television but screamed when something pop infront of the screen out of nowhere

Taehyung and Jungkook cuddled after their cute session, Jungkook securely held his mate, his one hand was caressing Taehyung's stomach, he really his hand there and caressing it now and then. And the omega liked the feeling of his mate caressing it, he felt safe, assured and loved

I am hungry Koo" Taehyung whined "Let's go then, I think jimin already completed making dinner" Jungkook said but neither of them budged, they are lazy and doesn't want to move "I don't want to move" Taehyung crawled onto Jungkook and laid on top of him, "Me too" Jungkook whined, they are really lazy

"I just want to teleport myself to living room" Taehyung rubbed his face onto Jungkook clothed chest who nodded, with a great difficulty they both got out of bed and Jungkook picked the 

omega who clung onto him like a koala

But suddenly they both found themselves in the livingroom and jumped when Jimin shouted, the three looked at each other "H-How d-did " Jimin stuttered, Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, Jimin eyes went wide when they both disappeared again, and falled back on the mattress when they appeared again suddenly "T-Tae i-is t-that you ?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who looked at the two innocently

"I-I t-think i-it's me" Taehyung rubbed his nape nervously, he is still in Jungkook's hand, "Upstairs when you got up from the bed holding me, I thought of teleporting to Living room, and then we suddenly teleported there and again I tried and confirmed" Taehyung explaied "Woah t-that's cool" Jimin blinked at Taehyung

"I too don't know that I can teleport" Taehyung said "Maybe you never tried" Jimin rubbed his chin, Jungkook hummed "Let's go and eat I am hungryyy" Tae whined, and both Jungkook and Taehyung suddenly disappeared and shouted from the dining are for Jimin who huffed but neverthless went

The day of Crowning came soon, the whole pack was busy in doing arrangements, Mira explained Taehyung everything about the Blood oath, right now the soon to be Alpha and Luna are in their bedroom getting ready, Jungkook got ready at first when the Omega is sleeping, he woke Taehyung up when he was going for bath

Right now Jungkook is waiting for his mate outside their room because Taehyung kicked him out, Taehyung rolled his eyes when he heard Jungkook while looking himself through the mirror "Love are you done ?", he set his hair, he took a deep breath and opened the door

On the other side Jungkook breath hitched when he saw Taehyung, he looked like an angel and his Blue hair is making him look really beautiful that he can't express, Jungkook forget to breath for a moment, Taehyung waved his hand infront of Jungkook, he's is starting to get insecure and his eyes started forming tears

On the other side Jungkook breath hitched when he saw Taehyung, he looked like an angel and his Blue hair is making him look really beautiful that he can't express, Jungkook forget to breath for a moment, Taehyung waved his hand infront of Jungkoo...

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(Damn he so fucking beautiful my heart...)

(Pic Credit goes to the rightful owner)

Jungkook immediately snapped "You look beautiful baby" Jungkook smashed their lips taking Tae off guard but he immediately responded back, Jungkook slightly pushed Tae back and closed the door with his leg kissing Taehyung more passionately, he break the kiss and kissed Taehyung's forehead letting his lips linger there for minutes

"Baby you look so beautiful that I wanted to hide you from everyone and save you only for my eyes and protect you forever, you took my breath away Tae, you never failed to amaze me with you beauty baby" Jungkook was saying while while pecking Taehyung's eyes, nose and lips and hugged the Omega tight who teared a little hearing compliments from his mate

"T-Thank you" Taehyung shyly mumbled hugging Jungkook tightly, Jungkook strarted kissing and sucking The omega's jaw and neck leaving red and pinkish bruises on his neck, the hickeys are out of his possessiveness and love, Taehyung moaned when Jungkook suck at his mark, They both startled when the door burst open

"God Jungkook we are already late" Jimin suppressed to roll his eyes, he already expected this when he decided to call them, "Tae you look really beautiful" Jimin complimented making Omega shy, "Let's go mom has something to discuss with Tae" Jimin dragged the from Jungkook's hold who poked his inner cheek with tongue for the interruption

Mira just wants to explain Taehyung everything and to assure him, it's his first time coming infront of every pack member, he doesn't leave the house frequently, So basically in the very little knows him, "Sweetie don't worry everyone are really excited to meet you their new Luna, don't worry" Mira assured him but he is internally freaking out

Jungkook can feel his mate, so he pulled Tae into a comforting hug "You will do great love don't worry" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's head, They both are inside waiting to be called out by Soo Hyun

Everyone are here, also Chanyeol, Baekhyun along with Minjun and Minjae. How can they miss their baby's crowning. After Soo Hyun speech he called Both Jungkook and Taehyung, Taehyung held Jungkook's hand tightly not minding that he is crushing it, but for Jungkook it's just a tight grip

The people started murmuring, but soon everything went silent when they saw Taehyung along with Jungkook, he looked so earthreal that everyone went silent admiring his beauty. Jungkook lead them to the stage, "Now we will start the ceremony" Soo Hyun announced

A witch in her 50's came and stand in the middle of a table, and a bowl is placed on the table, "I Jeon Soo Hyun Alpha of Blue Moon Pack, willingly handing my responsibilities and Position as Alpha to Jeon Jungkook" Soo Hyun cut his palm with the blade that witch gave to drop blood into the bowl, the blade then given to Jungkook, who took it "I Jeon Jungkook accept the position and responsibilities given by Alpha Jeon Soo Hyun of Blue Moon Pack. I will give my everything in full filling the packs duties and will protect the pack" Jungkook cut his palm with the blade and dropped the blood into the bowl

The blade was handed to Mira, who stepped forward "I Jeon Mira Luna of Blue Moon Pack, willingly handing my responsibilities and Position as Luna to Kim Taehyung" Mira did the same and handed the blade to Taehyung who took it and stood before the bowl "I Kim Taehyung accept the position and responsibilities given by Luna Jeon Mira of Blue Moon Pack and will give my everything in full filling the pack duties and will stay beside Alpha Jeon Jungkook at every step in protecting the pack" Taehyung hissed a little when he cut his palm with blade and returned the blade to the witch

The witch mixed the bloods of everyone in the bowl and started casting spell, a purple color is illuminated from the bowl, the crowd erupted into cheers when they saw the glow "I now announce Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung as the Alpha and Luna of Blue Moon pack with the blessings of Moon Goddess" the witch declared

After the speeches, everyone congratulated both Jungkook and Taehyung "congrats luna" Jimin bowed dramatically making everyone laugh, "Oh baby you look so pretty" Baekhyun wiped his tears hugging Taehyun who giggled and hugged back,Taehyung startled a little when Soobin and Yeonjun dropped out of nowhere shouting "Congrats Alpha and Luna"

The night went on with the couple meeting new people that Soo Hyun introducing never once Jungkook left Taehyung single, he made sure Taehyung is not tired the whole time. But after sometime, he observed Taehyung was exhausted a little so he excused them for the night and left


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