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Time skip~

After 3 months~

After their marriage the couple became more clingy than before, Jungkook renovated his house as they added another floor for their new member and also for the twins since they need separate rooms as they are growing, Jimin moved out of the house after his marriage which held 2 months back

Yes, Jungkook and Taehyung found that Taehyung is pregnant one month back but the couple didn't utter a word to anyone not even their kids, they decided to announce on the Twins birthday which is Tomorrow

So right now they are here at mall for some last minute shopping for the kids, "Mi young don't run" Jungkook shouted as he held Ye Joon in his hands while Taehyung running behind the girl to catch her, it's for Mi Young that they are here now, the girl want another gown which is a light green.

By the time Jungkook entered he saw Taehyung struggling with the girl wriggling in his hand, Jungkook sighed and made his way to the pair "Jeon Mi Young if you don't behave now we will leave" Jungkook said sternly making the girl stop, "B-But dada" Mi Young huffed and started walking slowly "Baby dress won't go anywhere, so don't run you will get yourself hurt sweetheart" Taehyung crouched down to the girls level and kissed her crown

As they entered the shop both the kids ran around to find what they want, Jungkook sighed "They are kids Koo" Taehyung squeezed his hands, Jungkook was exhausted due to work and all the arrangements but the kids are making it worse for him to not snap at them "I want to leave fast love" Jungkook sighed again

Now the 4 are on their way with Mi Young sniffing, the whole car was silent, because of Mi Young Taehyung almost fell if it was not for Jungkook in the shop who scolded her for not behaving even after many warnings, Taehyung sighed when he saw Jungkook left to their room, he knows his husband is stressed, after consoling his princess saying that his father is really stressed due to work and birthday preparations

Tucking the kids to bed Taehyung went inside to find his husband already waiting for him, he went to Jungkook and hugged him "D-Did they sleep ?" Jungkook mumbled through Taehyung stomach "They did and don't worry Mi Young is not upset with you she understood when I explained her" Taehyung can already feel his mates guilt for snapping at their daughter "Is the cake prepared ?" Jungkook asked again nuzzling into Taehyung's neck taking sweet scent to make his nerves relax "Yes and also the rooms" Taehyung replied, he sighed when Jungkook kissed his mark

As the clock hit 12, Both Taehyung and Jungkook silently went to the twins sharing room with a cake in their hand and small boxes which has key to their new rooms, Jungkook slowly opened the room door which was lit with fairy night lights as Taehyung placed the cake on mini table in the room and went to wake up Ye Joon while Jungkook is trying to wake up Mi Young, girl is a deep sleeper to make the task hard

"Dada" Mi Young sleepily called "Yes sweetheart" Jungkook guided the girl while closing her eyes where Taehyung and Ye Joon already there with Ye Joon eyes closed by Taehyung, as they reached there Taehyung used his powers to lit the candle, they made the kids sit in the table nd opened their eyes shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABIES" the kids eyes lit up and squealed in happiness and cheered

They both cut the cake and kissed their parents cheeks thanking them for the surprise, "Dada sorry" Mi Young mumbled while giving another kiss on Jungkook's cheek who immediately melted "It's Okay baby" He kissed her back again, "Are you ready for gifts babies ?" Taehyung asked gaining the kids attention who cheered again for gifts

Jungkook pushed two boxes infront of them, they immediately took and opened their gifts but frowned and tilted their head not understanding "It's keys Mommy" Ye Joon asked "Yes Dada" Mi young agreed "keys for your new bedrooms" Jungkook cleared their confusion but chuckled when they gasped and ran out of the room "they don't know where there rooms are" Jungkook laughed "They will come back" Taehyung laughed, as on cue two heads peeked through the door, the couple laughed at their kids and guided them to their rooms

"Do you like them ?" Taehyung asked seeing the kids running around the spacious furniture room, both the kids nodded shouting a big 'yes', as the night completed...

Next day~

It's evening~

As everyone came, after the cake cutting and gifts, both Jungkook and Taehyung announced that the Omega is pregnant and everyone congratulated them, it took time to make the kids understand but they did understood "When will the bwaby come mama" Mi Young asked sitting beside Taehyung caressing his tummy "After 6 months baby" "we also cwame from hwere" Ye Joon asked sitting on Jungkook lap "Yes" Jungkook simply replied

"Mama can I go to Jimin uncles for night ?" Mi Young asked while showing her irresistible puppy eyes "okay but no trouble princess" Tae agreed "I want to go too" Ye Joon mumbled "If you promise you won't cry at night then you can go prince" Jungkook replied kissing the crown, who nodded immediately

As the night rolled kids went to Jimin's and Jimin promised he will take care of Ye Joon as it's the boys first time going to others home for night except their grandparents and parents.

As everyone left the couple found themselves on the bed cuddling while Jungkook spooning his mate caressing the Omega's stomach, he loves his hand there and Taehyung too "I love you Jungkook" Taehyung suddenly confessed "Thanks for coming into my life and for being my mate and completing my happy family dream" Taehyung pecked Jungkook who is looking at him with love "Thanks love, Thanks for making my life complete" Jungkook kissed the Omega's forehead "I love you Tae, My Omega "

The end ~


Hey my beautiful reader's,

we still have an epilogue...

And I do remember that I still have to write a chapter on Minjae and Taehyung's past with Je Hoon which I will do, but I don't know when but I will do upload it 

Did you like it ?

Is it too sweet ? well it is for me...

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