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It was a new day,

It's Minjun's birthday,

Everyone are excited for this day, It was the first time that they were celebrating Minjun's birthday grandly, In the past When Minjun was 1yr old it was only the three who celebrated, and when he was 2 yrs it was also the three, after that it's Just Taehyung and Minjun

To say both the Omega's are very excited for their little boy birthday, Everyone are in Red Moon Pack the party starts at 6 in the evening, Everybody already gave their gifts, Minjun was all happy and excited when he saw his gifts, the kid never got these many gifts

But the tension around the Alpha's is different, Chanyeol invited Lee Hae Joon to the party, they did tightened the security and took measures, What makes scare them more is they don't know the motive, they know that Lee's want Tae but they don't know the real motive

Right now, Taehyung is sleeping while Jungkook massaging his scalp and playing with his hairlocks, now a days he doesn't know why he was feeling drained and tired alot, this pregnancy sickness is making him more tired. Though he is using medicines given by Jin they are not helping.

Actually Jungkook did went to Company after dropping his mate but the complains that Tae made Baekhyun irritate which made the latter cry a little. So he just called Jungkook as Baekhyun know the starting stages would be hard like this now that they both are marked each other it's difficult for the pregnant male.

Soon it was evening, "Oh Tae are you fine now bubba ?" Baekhyun asked Taehyung who just nodded his head and sat on the couch "He's still feeling tired ?" Baekhyun asked Jungkook who came their with a juice "Yes he is, I don't know what to do ?" Jungkook said seeing his mate dozing off "It's okay Jungkook he is also a special wolf and he is carrying two pups the starting stages would be like this so Just give him the drink he looks like he will go to sleep again" Baekhyun patted Jungkook's shoulder

Jungkook made his way to Taehyung "Love drink this juice" Jungkook gave his the glass who drank it completely "I want to sleep" Taehyung mumbled while snuggling more to Alpha seeking his warmth Jungkook wrapped his hand around Omega's waist making him sigh

"Oh Mr. Jeon Finally I met you here" Mr. Lee stretched his hand to Jungkook who gave him a fake smile still sitting and holding his mate "Yes Mr. Lee same here" Jungkook took his hand, Mr. Lee eyed Taehyung and smirked internally "Is he your mate ?" Mr. Lee asked Making Jungkook roll eyes mentally "One and only" Jungkook tightened the grip on Omega "I will meet Chanyeol" Mr. Lee left

To say Jungkook just want rip his head off right at that moment but he controlled himself alot and also the sweet scent of his mate helped him, After cutting the cake everyone are now enjoying the after party while Jungkook put Taehyung to bed, and came downstairs

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes to see the bed empty, he glanced at the clock to check the time and slowly got up from the bed to find everyone, he opened the door to find a guard who instantly bowed, he bowed in return but a weird smell hitted his nose, he was about to cross a door stopped when he heard some moans

He shrugged and was about to leave but his heart clenched when he heard a familiar voice, with his trembling hands he was about open Tae Reuel called him Reuel, What ? Tae asked his wolf Give me control Reuel said making Tae frown Why ? Trust me Tae right now your not in your senses Reuel said Okay Tae sighed and gave control to Reuel

(It will be Reuel from now on so don't get confuse if I write Tae instead of his name out of Habit)

Reuel opened the door, and the scene in front of him made him throw up, There was a couple making out. The couple immediately stopped and looked at the door, Jungkook panicked looking at Taehyung "S-Sorry Tae" Jungkook tried to move but the girl stopped him "Why are you scared of him Oppa ?" The girl said with a pout to which Tae made a disgusting face internally "B-Baby it's not what you think ?" Jungkook tried to explain completely panicked

"Then what is it ?" Tae asked in cracked voice "Y-You are cheating on me Jungkook" Tae started to cry "N-No I-I" Jungkook tried to explain but all in vain as tears started to flow, but Both Jungkook and the girl frowned when Tae started to laugh maniac "Seriously you Just look like my Jungkookie" Tae bursted into laugh "I am J-Jungkook" Jungkook said making Tae laugh "Then where is the mark that I gave you" Taehyung tilted his head making the other panic

"I know you are not Jungkook, I know something is wrong when the smell hitted me" Reuel said eyes turning blue, "You -" the girl tried to use her power but nothing happened "Well your powers wont work anymore" Taehyung slammed the girl on the wall making her unconscious, he then turned to Jungkook who was visibly panicked, Reuel lifted fake Jungkook in the air and said some spells which brought the his real identity "Who are you ?" Reuel asked but got no answer "It's useless, you won't get anything from me" the man replied

Reuel know this will happen and also as an Omega Tae will definitely break even forgetting that they marked each other which will later cause seal of his powers where Reuel will become powerless. The smell will make people minds crazy and will lead to effect their emotions which will cloud the truth from them

Reuel sighed he knows he won't get any so he just made the male unconscious and went downstairs Jumping on the steps skipping them, "Tae slow down Don't jump" Jungkook panicked when he saw his mate Jumping and skipping the stairs, he held his mate steadily "Jungkookie" Reuel Sang Jungkook frowned because it was his first time hearing Tae sang his name like that, sure he called him but didn't sang like that

"What? are you fine Tae? " Jungkook put his palm on Taehyung's forehead checking if he is fine or not, but Reuel laughed "I am fine" Reuel said, Far from them Lee Hae Joon was loosing mind seeing the omega all fine making Reuel smirk, Reuel knows this is not the end and he knows that not every time he can save Taehyung like he did today

Soon the party ended and everyone are left, "Now can you all come with me " Reuel suddenly asked gaining everyone's attention "Where ?" Jungkook asked "Come with me I will explain" Reuel said, everyone followed the Omega who was leading them to the same room

"Who are these two ?" Jimin asked when he entered seeing two unconscious people tied on the bed "Well they are shape shifters who tried to make Taehyung believe that Jungkook is cheating on him to break him" Reuel said "What you are not Taehyung ?" Jungkook asked immediately, Reuel rubbed his nape laughing nervously batting his eyelashes "I am Reuel" Reuel said "What 

exactly happened ?" Chanyeol asked, Reuel cleared his throat and told them everything

"I-I won't c-cheat on you" Jungkook immediately said looking straight into the Omega's eyes, "I know and also now our bond is sealed no one can separate us" Reuel said hugging Jungkook, the Alpha need it, he is so furious that someone tried to make his mate against him and tried to separate them

"Now let me give control to Taehyung, he will become unconscious since I used his body for a long time and powers" Reuel said parting from Jungkook, he also explained the reason, when Reuel gave Control to Taehyung as Reuel said Taehyung fainted in Jungkook's arms "Bring them to our Basement" Jungkook said while picking the omega and left from Red Moon Pack

When they reached their home, Jungkook changed himself and also his mate into comfortable cloths and covered both of them with Duvet pecking the Omega's forehead "Good night Love" 

Jungkook whispered before falling asleep

On the other side,

Lee Hae Joon destroyed his whole office as his plan was failed he could have got the Omega and could have killed the babies , but everything is failed

"Dad Stop it" Je Hoon tried to stop, "I shouldn't have underestimated his wolf, and that fucking witch she disappointed me I thought she is also powerful just like her mom" Hae Joon uttered anf throwed the chair, "Let's stop this for now, let's wait for the right time, killing the babies will sure make the omega weak" Je Hoon said but Hae Joon just left slamming the door saying "Show me your face when you kill them"



Hey Petals,

It's not boring right ? Let me know 

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