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Now that I got your attention saying it's important

sjksjsksjssjskksjss (*Squealing in happiness)

Thank you so much for everyone for reading and supporting the book to the end, I never know that I will complete this book because when I started writing it I wrote on my instincts without proper plot but in the end I finished the book with a plot (heheheh I am not good with speeches and letters). And also Thank you for who ever voted and commented which helped me in continuing this story. I might not message you each and everyone but I am really grateful to everyone who supported this book. And I write books to cope up with my loneliness and stress I am going in my current life. This is my world where I relieve my stress and rant and be myself(I am trying to be myself here). And Hope we all become friends in the future and One more thing I am weird with conversations so don't mind me. From now on my announcements will be dumb like me And I love you alll...❤❤❤



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