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Both Jimin and Taehyung spend a quality time while cooking. And are now watching a movie waiting for Jungkook

As soon as the meeting Jungkook dashed out of the meeting room linking his father, he drove really fast, he was happy and excited to meet his mate. He was right Infront of the door. On the otherhand Taehyung can feel Jungkook from the otherside of the door. He got up from the couch and was walking towards the door

Jungkook with his trembling hands opened the door to find his mate already standing there waiting for him. without wasting time he pulled the Omega into a bone crashing hug "I missed you" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's neck, who in return held tightly "I-I missed you too, I am sorry" Taehyung said making Jungkook frown

Jungkook broke the hug and cupped Taehyung's face "What are you sorry for Tae ?" "A-About this week I know you also need me but I-" Taehyung words were cut off in the middle a pair of lips fell on his, he sighed and kissed back, Jungkook broke the kiss "Baby I can understand you, you suffered alot than me, It's you who needs me, just lets forget about it lets start new" Jungkook said making Tae nod

Jungkook pecked Tae's lips and the pecks turned into something hot, they started making out, the whole time Jimin was there he smiled when he saw the sweet interaction of the couple, but that smile disappeared when he saw the couple making out, Jungkook picked the male and made his way to couch stumbling and hungrily kissing his mate Ohh.. how much he missed it ? those lips, that sweet scent, Touches everything about his mate

Jungkook dropped himself with Taehyung on the same couch that Jimin sat, not once they broke the kiss, Jimin lost it when Taehyung moaned, he understood that the couple missed each other but making out right infront him, he cleared his throat to gain attention of the couple, but no response as they both too lost in each other

He huffed angrily "I am still here bitches" he shouted which worked, Taehyung immediately hid his face in crook of Jungkook's neck, Jungkook just scoffed "I saw a lot more of you and your zombie mate" "Don't even start Jungkook" Jimin growled and they both started bickering as Tae laughed.

The whole night was filled with laughs and giggles, they had a good dinner, even Yoongi Joined them when the male just thought of visiting his mate and discuss things with Jungkook the three dragged him for dinner, the purpose of Yoongi was long forgotten, everyone are happy to know Taehyung is normal, He is not completely healed, he is moving on, he is a bit sad but he will get over with it by time, and he is also weak

It was the next day, Everything is fine the Omega is weak, not getting any better, as usual Jungkook was in his office with Yoongi, "Jungkook The guy I ordered to follow Je Hoon got some Leads" Yoongi said "What did he found ?" Jungkook became serious "He saw Je Hoon meeting Hae Joon and after that they both went to a deep forest on the south" Yoongi throwed the pictures on the desk, "That's great now we know their new place, shouldn't we make a move before he did" Jungkook said while looking at photo's "And about the both the prisoners in our basement what we have to do with them" Yoongi asked "Ask Namjoon Hyung to take care of it" Yoongi left after that

In the evening when Jungkook came back home, his heart dropped when he saw Jimin unconscious on the floor, he immediately kneeled down and picked Jimin up and placed him on the couch. He searched the whole house shouting his mates name but he can't find him. He even searched garden still he couldn't find him. He can't even get his mates scent.

Jungkook linked and informed everyone, Chanyeol was here while Baekhyun is with Minjae and Minjun, Soo Hyun and Mira came along with Hoseok and Namjoon, Yoongi came running here his mates situation

"How did this happened ?" Chanyeol asked "I don't know by the time I came back Jimin was lying there unconscious" Jungkook fisted his hair in frustration "Jungkook Jimin is awake" Namjoon said gaining the True Bloods attention

Jimin groaned holding his head while Yoongi helped him to sit, everyone waited "What happened ?"Jimin asked helding his head his voice is a bit cracked "Tae is missing" "What ?" Jimin tried to wake up but hissed and dropped back on the couch "I don't know what happened Last I remember was Tae sleeping upstairs and I came downstairs when I heard the door bell and then everything was blank when I got hit with some smoke" Jimin explained what has happened

"I think they got him" Jungkook said in a low voice "W-We have to go" he was about to leave "Jungkook think straightly we need a plan" Soo Hyun stopped him, "Yes Jungkook calm yourself don't let your emotion cloud your senses" Namjoon said, Jungkook groaned in frustration "We Know their place we Just " "We also need many people only people from our pack is not enough we need more" Soo Hyun said "My pack can Join you but we still need more" Chanyeol said "I can ask some other packs for help" Chanyeol said making everyone nod "I too can try" Soo Hyun added

"How the Fuck they got him ?" Jungkook screamed in agony, Mira took him to her embrace, Finally Hoseok spoke what he said left everyone speechless, mainly Jungkook he is processing what Hoseok said "We need to save Tae, we need to hurry, he is still carrying your pups Jungkook"

On the other side

"Finally the Omega is here" Hae Joon said while caressing the Omega's face who is still unconscious "You did great Stella, more useful than your daughter" He said to the witch named stella "Thanks Alpha, but I don't know for how much time I can hold his powers though the powers are Sealed it won't take much time to regain them as he was Pure Blood" The witch Stella said "Don't worry he won't because he's weak" with that Hae Joon left the room along with the witching, leaving two gaurds to gaurd the door and Omega

"Prepare for  tomorrow Rituals Stella" Hae Joon Ordered Stella "Okay Alpha"


Hey my pretty readers,

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