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"Koo, Stop munching my cheeks" Tae whined "How can I baby they look so eatable ?" Jungkook bite his cheeks, its been like that Taehyung became chubbier in months he is now in his 6th month, he looked so adorable, everytime he cries for becoming ugly Jungkook was there to assure him. And Jungkook started biting his lovely mate here and there as he couldn't resist

"Don't you have to goo" Tae whined again "You will come to me anyhow at the end of the day" Jungkook said in the same voice but hissed when Taehyung hit his chest glaring, it became like that though Jungkook leaves to the company at the end of the day both Taehyung and Jungkook come back together, either Soo hyun drops him or Jimin or the younger's (Soobin & Yeonjun). They visit him frequently and spends more time

There was a time where Jungkook was kicked out by the three from his own room in the name hangout but the next day he found his mate by his side. At the start of the day the Omega is fine without his mate by his side but as the day goes he starts crying for his mate and others drop him at Jungkook's company, The True Blood really liked his mate like this.

Even if it is one hour before Jungkook's arrival he still goes, Baekhyun already gave up bringing Taehyung along with him, the last time he went, he cried his eyes out and accused Baekhyun for separating him from his mate even though he is the one that came happily along with Baekhyun, poor elder Omega has to send him back in the middle of the night with Chanyeol as he can't anymore take his son's illogical accusations

"Today I won't come" Taehyung cutely mumbled, "You say that daily baby" Jungkook mocked "Yahhh even if you ask me to I won't come" Taehyung glared, Jungkook chuckled and pecked his mates lip and pecked the clothed stomach two times "Babies appa is going to work now, don't trouble mama more" Jungkook said in a lovely baby voice and pecked again

Taehyung always loved when Jungkook talks to their unborn babies saying how his day was or scolding them cutely for troubling their mama or talking in a baby voice about different things pampering them. He loved them all

Taehyung was dropped in pack house as he will be left alone and Mira was happy to look after the boy as she has nothing to do mostly, now the boy really wants his mate and wanted to go the company but he said he won't, it's still afternoon, the Omega wanted to distract so he is looking at some pack requests by pack people trying to reduce Jungkook's work in Jungkook office, Mira is also helping him

"Mom can I have strawberry ice cream" Tae asked showing his big puppy eyes and who is she to deny, she called the maids and asked them to bring, After finally completing the work and also eating his ice cream the again want's his mate but he remembered his own words and tried to sleep. And surprisingly he fell asleep Mira chuckled and covered him with duvet, she took him to the room with help of Soo Hyun who carried his cute to be son-in-law. 

Jungkook was really surprised that his mate really didn't came to him today as he said, he internally laughed and went towards pack house to collect his mate but he only found his mom and dad in the living room "Where is Tae ?" Jungkook asked "he's sleeping poor boy sorted some of your work trying to distract himself and fell asleep in the end, I didn't had a heart to wakeup from his beauty sleep as he looked so peaceful" Mira said "So he didn't eat anyhting ?" Jungkook raised a eyebrow "After lunch he ate ice cream and after that no " Mira said not looking at her son

Jungkook went and found his mate still sleeping, he smiled at his stubborn mate and went towards him, he caressed Taehyung pregnancy bump and heard the Omega sighing in delight, "Baby wake up" Jungkook whispered in males ear causing him to wake which he succeeded as the Omega whined "You need to eat Tae, it's already pretty late baby" Jungkook said again carefully making the sleeping Omega sit who dropped his head on his shoulder nuzzling into his neck taking his most favourite scent sighing in delight

Finally they both left after a heated session when Jungkook found a wet patch on omegas shirt due to milk leakage, he couldn't stop himself from drinking and sucking the Omegs's nipple's since last month when he found about it, he was addicted it

Months passed now the Omega is in 9th month, Jungkook massaging his swollen legs, while sitting down back facing the TV, while Jimin and Taehyung are up watching some movie while Taehyung leaned his head on Jimins shoulder. Taehyung bump was so big as he was carrying two pups

He hissed when he felt a kick in the stomach, the kids really started to give him a hard they move and kick alot. And It get worse when Jungkook was around or talks to the point where Taehyung has to throw male out. Taehyung always complained and they also a had a cute small fight about who will be kids favorite.

Taehyung discontinued his studies as he couldn't take them anymore because of his pregnancy after his 1st semester and decided to continue after giving birth to the kids.

They also decorated the room into half pink and half blue and arranged the room completely, mostly done by Jungkook while Taehyung ordered how the room should be and where to keep things, they were all ready to welcome their pups. They were already given date and also warned that it might happen before the date

As the night came, They all sleeping peacefully while Jungkook hugging Taehyung from back securely holding him, Suddenly Taehyung jolted up in his sleep "JUNGKOOK"


Hey lovelies,

Happy New Year✨🎉

From now on I can't update daily as I have exams but will try...

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