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Smut ahead, can skip if you feel uncomfortable as I will put the warnings when it starts 


Jungkook took Taehyung to a date, to say the Omega was beyond happy. He did complained Jungkook that he was looking so out of place because of his dress to which the True Blood Just replied with a sweet kiss calling him pretty which made Omega all giddy inside

They were inside a Restaurant, they already ordered their food waiting for it to arrive, These past days the omega already forgotten about the incident in the mall and the words of Je Hoon and neither Jungkook wanna remind him about it. They were talking about the what they did the whole week

Soon their order came, After completion of their lunch Jungkook took Taehyung to the Art Museum, he thought that the younger will like it, to his surprise the Omega loved it. It was evening they both were in arcade right now playing claw machine

They both didn't went to a proper date, so Jungkook wants to take younger to one, he observed that last time Taehyung loved amusement park so he decided he will take him to arcade this time along with Museum

It is 6th round and Jungkook still didn't get the prize for Taehyung who is standing beside him with the arm resting on the machine "Koo leave it we will go to another game" Taehyung whined, "One more time" Jungkook was actually frustrated and took it as a challenge he didn't planned to leave until he get one, he groaned in frustration "One more time Tae please" Jungkook again inserted money and started, Taehyung sighed when he saw that Jungkook finally won and dragged him to another game

By the time they reached home It was raining, they had their dinner outside. They both decided to bath in different rooms and then sleep in Jungkook room. The atmosphere was tense. Even in the car Jungkook couldn't keep his hands to himself

Tae was in his room searching what to wear, he took the cover that he hid which Jimin gave him that day in the mall, his face became red when he saw all the lingerie and night gowns he somehow thanked Jimin internally. He took a rose gold lace night gown and matching lace pantie. He didn't know where the confidence came from but he felt like Jungkook also want this

He took his time to shower and wore the nightgown, his breath hitched when he saw himself in the mirror, he looked beautiful, the gown was Just upto his thighs, he blushed madly, he took a deep breath and left his. The house was empty Jimin went to meet Yoongi parents and informed he won't be coming back.

It was still raining outside, he slowly opened Jungkook's room to find it empty and thanked god and quickly slipped under the comforter waiting for Jungkook, The True Blood was inside he can smell his mate as Taehyung is not wearing his locket. He turned of the shower, dried himself with towel and came out he was half naked as he didn't wear any shirt

The tension in the room was high, both of them know that they are going to end up naked in the sheets, they both craved for each other, They didn't had any intimate moment from past 10 days which is driving their hormones crazy

When Jungkook entered he saw Taehyung was already under comforter smiling at him while only his shoulder, face is visible. Only seeing the lace sleeve Jungkook brain stopped functioning, he shook his thoughts and slipped beside Tae. The omega was too shy to keep the eye contact with his alpha.

He pecked Omega lips as his hands snaked to the omega's waist, Jungkook can feel the fabric of the cloth, their breath's got heavier as the temperature in the room decreased, Jungkook suddenly pulled the omega into a passionate kiss, Jungkook was drunk, he was drunk on his mates lips.

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