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Taehyung felt tickles and wet kisses in his neck and a hand rubbing his stomach, he was calm and pushed himself back into the warm hard chest sighing, Jungkook didn't stop but held the other tightly, "I want to go to eomma's today and spend time with Minjun" Taehyung said his voice sweet but raspy as he woke up Just now , Jungkook didn't said anything but kissed his nape "You can go wherever you can love" Jungkook whispered into Tae's ears

Taehyung turned to Jungkook and held the Alpha tightly which caught Jungkook off guard, he was panicked when he heard his beautiful mates sob "Hey hey baby" Jungkook called but the omega just pushed himself more into Jungkook's, Jungkook didn't said anything but Just rubbed the back whispering nothing but sweet and assuring words "It's okay love let it out " "I am here for you baby"

After sometime he mentally sighed when he heard sniffles "Are you okay baby ?" Jungkook asked kissing the crown of his pretty mate and sighed when he felt a nod on his chest. "D-did you found who did this ?" Jungkook heard Taehyung mumbling through his chest "Yeah I asked Dad and Namjoon hyung to deal with him, I will go now" Jungkook said "Let's go eat breakfast since you haven't ate anything last night and also it's not good for the yours and babies health" Jungkook kissed Taehyungs stomach

They both came down after "I was about to come and call you for breakfast" Jimin said while going to dining area where Yoongi was "How are you feeling Tae ?" Yoongi asked when he was flipping the last pancake "Fine Hyung" Tae replied with a small smile "Jimin can you go with Tae today to Uncle Baeks" Jungkook asked Jimin who nodded his signing Okay with his hands 

Jungkook left to pack house along with yoongi who offered to come along after sending his mate and Jimin. He knows it's a good destruction for Taehyung, spending time with his parents, brother and Minjun will distract him for today. He parked his car and straight went to basement to find his mom and dad already there 

"Oh son you are here" Mira said still eyeing Alex who is not in a good state, "Yeah I send Jimin and Tae to Uncle Baeks it will distract him for now and will be safe there" Jungkook said "He looks like he is about to die" Yoongi said with a plain expression, "Did you do this mom ?" Jungkook asked his mom who shrugged "Namjoon left after Jin called because he was sick and Hoseok left Just now since he needs some rest and I am Alpha for nothing Jungkook, I tried everything but just not my rank " Mira said with a plain expression

She is not as sweet as she looks, since yesterdays incident she was pissed that someone tried harm his sons family her grand children. So today early in the morning she came here to torture him to get the information but so far they didn't get any "Jungkook block your emotions and link from Taehyung, if he feel them he will be worried a lot" Soo Hyun said picking a brush with wolfsbane "I did dad, can I ?" Jungkook asked to which Soo Hyun nodded and handed the brush to Jungkook

"Okay boys I am leaving" Mira left, Jungkook slowly went towards him, he slowly brushed Alex face as the wolfsbane is making his burn, he was tortured with many devices but nothing worked, his screams are muffled as there is cloth in his mouth "Tell the name who made you to do this ?" Jungkook asked, but got nothing in return he was loosing his patience, he punched him if not for his dad and Yoongi he would have already been dead

"Jungkook calm down" "Dad it's been many hours still he didn't open his mouth" Jungkook said in a frustrated voice jaw clenching hands fisting, he groaned and left as he can't hold himself anymore there without killing him

Baekhyun was waiting for Taehyung as Minjae is preparing Taehyung's favourite dish, well Minjun is in his toy room, he is on leave since he wants to spend time with his eomma, he missed Taehyung alot, Taehyung raised him for almost 4 fucking years, every week Minjun meets Taehyung 2 to 3 times but due to recent incidents they hadn't met so now the boy is waiting there playing, well Chanyeol was in his office looking into some pack requests

"So there are two babies in here" Minjun asked the boy was on Taehyungs lap looking at his stomach, they told Minjun that Taehyung is pregnant and he is going to become big brother and the kid started to ask many questions, "Yes there are Junie, are you ready to become big boy and take care of your little brother's or sister's" Jimin asked who is sitting between Baekhyun and Chanyeol, They all laughed when Minjun nodded his head still eyeing Taehyung's stomach "Aren't you the cutest ?" Taehyung pinched the boys cheeks               

"I can't take this anymore, Hyung you can wait outside, I am going to use my Alpha Voice" Jungkook said throwing the tool, He was now standing infront of Alex, "You better kill me you won't get anything" Alex somehow managed to say in pain, Jungkook closed his eyes and opened them his eyes are dark red "Who asked you to do this ?" Jungkook used is Alpha voice, it's hard to control from submitting "Which pack you are from ?" he asked again Alex can't hold anymore he opened his mouth "On" he fell on  the floor as blood started to flow from his mouth and eyes, he's coughing the blood out "Lee" is the last word he said, Alex died

"He was bounded to not say Jungkook" Soo Hyung said "Dad call Hoseok hyung if he can find any traces of magic and where it was from" Jungkook said and left, yoongi was waiting outside "What happened ?" He asked "He is dead but he said something On and Lee" Jungkook said biting his lips, thinking hard "Onyx Lee Je hoon" Yoongi said making Jungkook snap his head "I will fucking kill him" Jungkook grunted "Jungkook I think it's time we talk to Uncle Chanyeol" Yoongi suggested "I am also thinking the same Hyung, let's go to his house"

Both Jungkook and Yoongi went to Red Moon Pack, to say everyone are confuse as why they are here, Taehyung was more confused "Uncle Chanyeol can we talk ?" Jungkook asked directly looking at Chanyeol who nodded his head Don't worry love it's nothing, I'll tell you later Jungkook linked his mate who is looking at him with a confused frown

Now the three are in the office, Jungkook explained everything, to say Chanyeol was furious as hell, he just wanted to rip the heart out of that jerk "I don't know he will go to this length" Chanyeol sighed "I just don't know what to do" Jungkook said in frustrated tone "Lee Hae Joon is also coming to the party, I don't think his son will come" Chanyeol said in a low tone "For now lets be careful and plan, the birthday is day after tomorrow so we have to think on how to protect them" Chanyeol said making the other two Alpha's nod

"If I knew it earlier the moment he stepped into my office I would have already killed him" Chanyeol said in a dark voice, "Are you planning to tell Tae ?" He asked Jungkook again "I don't know depends on the situation" "Do you think he is behind the incident that happened in the past ?" Yoongi asked "Right now we don't know their motive all we know is he is a nightmare from Minjae and Taehyung's past" Chanyeol said "We have to know their motive first" Jungkook said as others nodded in agreement 

By the time they came down Hoseok was there "Hyung what are you doing ?" Jungkook asked while sitting next to his mate hugging him, "Oh nothing I just came to look into some books" Hoseok then turned to Baekhyun "Luna can I use your library last time I saw a book and I now I kinda need that" Hoseok asked, "Oh you can take Hoseokie" Baekhyun nodded his head and then turned to Taehyung and started walking

"Hoseok hyung" Taehyung called "I had a doubt on one of my abilities, Is it okay if I come with you ?" Taehyung asked "Oh it's okay Tae as long as your possessive alpha allows you" Hoseok said making everyone laugh, Taehyung looked at Jungkook for permission who nodded his head, he gave a quick peck to Jungkook and trailed behind Hoseok

Hoseok now was in library, back facing the Door, he smirked when he heard the door's locked, "shall we talk now ?" Taehyung said to Hoseok who was now facing him with a raised eyebrow arms folding on his chest and smirk plastered on his face.


Hey Fam,

Today I am so lazy to write and my assignments are just making it worse

 hope it's not boring...

What do you think the deal between Taehyung and Hoseok?

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