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"I'll take it" Taehyung quickly removed himself from Jungkook and happily skipped to the door, but hissed when he opened the door "WE'RE BACK" hearing two loud cheerful voices

Jungkook came running when he heard the familiar voices, and saw that the three are tilting their heads in confusion in opposite sides, he silently laughed because the three and the scene looked so cute. It's Choi Soobin his cousin along with Choi Yeonjun his 'friend'.

Soobin saw Jungkook, 'HYUNG' immediately ran and hugged the male making him stumble on his feet "Yeah careful, I would have fallen on the ground" Jungkook said in a serious voice, Soobin nervously laughed and de attached himself, "Hyung is this hyung your mate ?" Yeonjun asked pointing at Taehyung "Yes he is" Jungkook back hugged Taehyung and kissed his neck

"Woahh he is beautiful" Soobin pushed Jungkook and hugged Taehyung "Hello hyung I am Choi Soobin, lil'brother of your mate" Soobin introduced still hugging Taehyung, who laughed "You're so cute" Taehyung ruffled his hair, "And I am Choi Yeonjun, friend of Soobin" Yeonjun hugged Taehyung, practically they both are making Taehyung smash in their hug

Choi Soobin(Omega) is the son of Soo Hyun's cousin and from another pack, but he stayed here alot than in his pack and grew attached to Jungkook and Jimin, he was sent to abroad with Yeonjun(Alpha) for studies 2 years back, Yeonjun's father is also friend of Soobin's and Jungkook's. So he practically sticks to Soobin. They both belong to the same pack. They are just 19, but Yeonjun is so protective towards Soobin

"Yeah Yeah leave him" Jungkook pushed both of them and took his mate back into him making the others roll their eyes, "Where is Jimin Hyung ?" Soobin Hyung "Still sleeping" "Okay I'll wake him up" Soobin happily skipped to Jimin's while Yeonjun following him behind

"They both are cute" Taehyung giggled Jungkook hummed in return and started kissing Taehyung's neck "K-Koo~" Jungkook hummed "Why do you look so eatable baby ?" Jungkook started sucking Taehyung's exposed collarbone, "Eww You know there are bedrooms" Yeonjun made a disgusting face while Taehyung hid his face in Jungkook's chest "This is my house" Jungkook glared at Yeonjun "But there are kids in the house" Yeonjun said back "Kids my ass" Jungkook rolled his eyes

Soobin and Yeonjun informed that they came here to start their university and will stay here from now on, and today they are here to hangout with them, So Jimin and Taehyung decided to take the youngers along with them, and Jungkook dropped theem after saying bunch of safety 

measures to Taehyung, the list is going on that Jimin dragged Taehyung from there 

"Tae this looks so beautiful, Jungkook will go crazy buy it" Jimin said as soon as Taehyung came out of the dressing room, "Wahh hyung you really look pretty" Soobin squealed making Taehyung shy "We have to buy for crowning right, just buy this Tae, this looks perfect for the ceremony" Jimin suggested, they bought few more hoodies for Taehyung as he might get more chubbier in future

Both the youngers brought some cloths for them since it's Jungkook card they bought more, the whole day they got more attached to Taehyung who also loved their company alot, while Jimin dye his hair to platinum blonde, They still in the mall it's 2 in the afternoon they had their lunch, but Taehyung stopped when he saw the kids shop

"Jimin can we go there ?" Taehyung asked, until now he was whining that he's tired and want to leave but all the tiredness was gone when he saw the cute kids shop, "Okay let's go" Taehyung eye's lit up and entered the shop, his face beamed in happiness when he saw cute cute kids wear and accessories, they planned to buy after gender reveal but now Taehyung couldn't keep hands to himself

Both the younger's came to know that Taehyung is pregnant when he ate a weird combination in the restaurant and how quickly his mood changed, Jimin informed the both to be careful, he already got used to Taehyung's weird craving's and mood swings

Two pairs of cute shoes caught his eyes, it's twins addition, so he immediately added to the cart, while other following him, even Soobin found them cute and started helping Taehyung in picking more.

Taehyung also picked two onseis which has cute bunny patterns, and it reminded him of Jungkook, and some more and left after paying, Jungkook sent them a car since he has an important meeting to attend, both Soobin and Yeonjun parted from the mall and went back but they promised Taehyung that they will come again soon, because the three clicked rightaway

Back to the home, Taehyung started unpacking the things they bought and he was very much excited to show Jungkook the this he bought for their unborn kids, he changed into on of Jungkook's hoodie and laid on bed since he is so tired and wanted a small nap, before Jungkook come home

Jungkook came home and found Jimin cooking "Is Tae sleeping ?" Jungkook asked "Yes, he's really tired" Jimin said while stirring, Jungkook hummed and went upstairs, opened the door to find his mate still sleeping in his hoodie not even budging

He directly went to bath before approaching Taehyung, Taehyung stirred when he heard the water running sound and relaxed when he got Jungkook's scent, he slowly got up and sat leaning on the headboard, "Did you enjoyed well baby ?" Jungkook asked when he came out of the bathroom realizing his mate is already awake and sat beside him

Taehyung crawled to Jungkook lap and made himself comfort, "Hmmm I did, Soobin and Yeonjun are really good company" Taehyung mumbled rubbing his nose on Jungkook's shoulder, Taehyung jumped from Jungkook's lap when he remembered about the babies onesies and shoes "Tae careful" Jungkook warned

He frowned when Taehyung came back with a cover, "Koo aren't they cute" Taehyung showed the cute onesies and shoes, "They are so cute baby, did you buy these ?" Jungkook asked while looking at them, "Yes, they looked so cute to avoid so I bought it, I know we decided to buy after gender reveal but I couldn't stop myself they are so cute" Taehyung excitedly said making 

Jungkook laugh at his adorable mate

Jimin finished preparing dinner and was watching Television but screamed when something pop infront of the screen out of nowhere


Hey lovelies,

I know this chapter is boring even I felt like that when I am writing

Anyhow, what do you think that scared Jimin ?

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