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Happy V day ✨💜


Rightnow, Jungkook was sulking in the livingroom because his mate is not letting him touch, Poor Omega got wrecked last night after they came back home and early in the morning pushed Jungkook out of bedroom complaining he couldn't walk because of him.

"God Jungkook stop sulking and start making breakfast" Jimin was so done with Jungkook "HE asked to go faster and roug-" Jungkook couldn't complete as pillow hit his face "No one asked you and he can't stay away from you for so long, so now go and prepare breakfast" Jimin grunted with an eyeroll

Jungkook was preparing breakfast still sulking, upstairs Taehyung couldn't fall sleep rolling on the bed, he now regrets of kicking his mate, he whined in frustration tears starting to form, he sighed and dragged himself downstairs, eyes still holding tears, when he found Jungkook in the kitchen making something, he ran towards the male and hugged him tightly from behind.

Jungkook stumbled a little, but smiled when he saw the small hands of his mate around his waist, but frowned when he felt wet on his back, he turned around his hands on his mates waist, "Why are you crying baby ?" Jungkook worriedly asked, "I-I am s-sorry Kook, I-I k-Ki" he couldn't complete as pair of lips landed on his "Don't worry darling, it's because of you pregnancy" Jungkook pecked again 'I told you' Jimin mumbled passing through the kitchen with glass of water

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with his famous puppy eyes, "What ?" Jungkook poked Taehyung's nose with his "Cuddles" Taehyung pouted, Jungkook internally cooed at his mate as he looked freaking adorable, he once again thanked the Moon Goddess for giving him such an adorable, beautiful and sweet mate

"Let's finish the breakfast and then cuddle" Jungkook softly said, Taehyung whined but nodded as he was also a little hungry, at breakfast Jimin wished his existence to be evaporated seeing the couple all lovey dovey, he regretted his decision not going with Yoongi when the male asked no begged him last night.

There cuddle session didn't last long as Jungkook got a call from his father about meeting regarding pack, being a new Alpha he has to attend, so Taehyung let the male go, but he got another company, as Soobin and Yeonjun decided to visit the male, they both very much attached to Taehyung and loved him

Month's passed Taehyung was in his fourth month going to enter fifth in 3 days , his little bump can only been seen when he wears a shirt or T-shirt, he mostly wears hoodies, so it won't be seen alot, he is doing his best as Luna with the help of Mira, the male was very well known to the whole pack and everyone loved him for his kind and sweet nature

He loved the pack kindy alot and visited almost daily, there were time where he gets really sensitive over small things and smells, it is a little hard for Jungkook, but the male cannot complain as his mate looks so cute while doing so, Taehyung always would have cried for being unnecessarily sensitive, he hated these pregnant hormones

Jungkook liked more when Taehyung really got more horny because the Omega really gets bold at that time, he made a mental note that pregnant Taehyung means a Horny Taehyung, not that he complains as he is the one who enjoys alot. These four months are practically hell for him. He daily prayed for the remaining to be completed so fast.

He attended his classes online and tried to keep up with them and endure them. He sometimes breakdown as he can't handle everything and being a burden but Jungkook assures him everytime that everything is worth in the end when they hold their two beautiful babies and that he's not a burden but a beautiful blessing in his life

Mira and Baekhyun always visited and took care of him, even Minjae stays here sometimes to take care of him, Soobin Yeonjun visits frequently, rightnow Taehyung is eating his favorite strawberries with mayonnaise moaning in happiness in Jungkook's office as the Alpha busy doing some work.

As the day completes they find each other on their bed cuddling after completing their, while Jungkook rubbing the little bump of the omega who fell asleep. The day rolled quickly they both are now waiting in the hospital hallway waiting for their turn, they were excited, they both don't mind the gender but Jungkook really wants a baby girl and Taehyung is fine with anyone

They both went inside when their name is called, "Are you both ready ?" Jin asked while guiding them to scanning room, "More than ever" Jungkook replied helping Taehyung lay on the bed, Jin poured some white liquid on Taehyungs stomach and started moving the probe. After everything he printed the results and now the three are in the cabin

"So do you really wanna know ?" Jin asked once again, "Yes Hyung" Taehyung replied, "Congratulations it's a boy and a girl" Jin said and Jungkook was on his feet to hug the elder omega to thank him and he then crouched down to his pecked his lips "Thank you so much love" he whispered on Taehyung lips, and then kissed the stomach lovingly

They both decided to surprise their families, So they bought 2 onesies which has it's a boy and it's a girl on their way home, Baekhyun was already in their home along with Minjae as the Omega's came to look after him for some days since they couldn't take him home because of over protective brat Alpha and informed them to meet at Pack house

When they reached home everyone are waiting excitedly except Chanyeol who was busy with some important work, They glaned at each other smiling widely and passed the wooden box to them and Jungkook back hugged the Omega, placing his chin on the Omega's shoulder waiting for their reaction

Mira and Baekhyun are the one's that opened the box excitedly and squealed loudly when they saw the results, "Eomma tell us tooo" Minjae whined "It's a boy and girl" the people cheered happily, and Mira hugged both the Babies (Tae and Jk) and congratulated them followed by one by one

Later that day Mira planned a dinner for everyone because of the news, she just wants a reason a throw a party, and the night went on


Hey my beautiful readers,

Hope you liked the chapter...

Since it's our fluff bear  birthday I decided to drop my second book which is Top Tae, Do visit and drop your comments on the new book

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